What we publish
Summary of the information we are required to publish.
The Freedom of Information Act requires us to inform members of the public how they can find information that is routinely made available. This Publication scheme specifies the categories of information we routinely publish and sets out how to access that information. In accordance with the Welsh Language Act 1993, and our commitment to treating the languages of Welsh and English equal, this is also available in Welsh.
If the information you want is not available, you can make a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act.
Who we are and what we do
- Our contact details
- Roles and responsibilities - who we are, our Board
- Our Board meetings
- Senior Leadership team
- Our strategy
Legislation relevant to our functions
Food law enforcement and regulation
Official Statistics
We produce the following reports in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics.
Food and You 2– the main report is published every two years (odd years only) in April with the regional reports coming out in June/July
- Local Authority Food Law Enforcement Returns - published every November
- National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) for Northern Ireland - published every two years in January/February (odd years only)
None of our outputs are designated as National Statistics publications.
Our statement of compliance gives details of our policies on confidentiality, release practices, revisions and complaints. They make sure that our Official Statistics follow the UK Statistics Authority's Code of Practice for Statistics.
What we spend how we spend it
- Government procurement card transactions (data.food.gov)
- Expenses, gifts and hospitality (data.food.gov)
- Procurement
- Contracts and tenders
- Expenditure over 25k
Our priorities
- Science strategy
- Research and survey programmes
- Annual reports and accounts, reports on incidents
- Meat and meat hygiene licensing, inspection and reporting
- Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
- Feed delivery programme
- Service standards
- Achieving Business Compliance programme
- Risk analysis
- Annual report
- National Food Crime Unit
- PATH-SAFE programme
- Making Food Better
- School food standards
- Operational transformation
- Food hypersensitivity
How we make decisions
- Consultations
- Minutes of senior-level meetings, including Board meetings
- Reports and papers provided for consideration by the Board
- Our risk analysis process
Policies and procedures
- Framework agreement
- Food and Feed Law Codes of Practice
- Guidance for local authorities
- Key regulations
- Responding to food incidents
- Freedom of information (data.food.gov)
- Complaints
- Working for us and inclusivity
- Regulatory responsibilities
Services we offer
- News and alerts subscriptions
- Online food safety training
- Food hygiene ratings
- Report a food problem
- Business services (register a food business, apply for premises approval, make an appeal, apply for regulated product authorisation, report a problem with a food hygiene rating)
Revision log
Published: 13 February 2018
Last updated: 18 February 2025