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Our approach to science

Our framework for science governance sets out what we do to make sure we live up to our principles of being open, transparent and based on scientific evidence.

Last updated: 21 July 2021
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Last updated: 21 July 2021
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We ensure the following:

  • policies, decisions and advice are based on the best available scientific evidence and analysis, including independent expert advice
  • we are open about the scientific evidence and analysis underpinning our decisions, including uncertainties, gaps and assumptions, and how we have used scientific evidence and analysis, and any other factors, in our decision-making and advice
  • scientific evidence and analysis is informed by input, scrutiny and challenge by experts and other stakeholders
  • evidence and analysis is available for further use by the science community and other stakeholders

Our strategy on science and evidence

Our strategy centres around the identification and effective use of science and is crucial to achieving our ambitious goals for protecting consumers’ interests in relation to food.

We will use science, evidence and information both to tackle the challenges of today, and to identify and contribute to addressing emerging risks for the future.

We identified four research priorities. Under each strategic priority there is a set of research themes, which are the basis of our co-ordinated research and evidence programmes. 

Our four research priorities relate to:

  1. Assuring food and feed safety and standards
  2. Understanding consumers and our wider society 
  3. Adapting to the food and feed system of the future
  4. Addressing global grand challenges 

More details on each research priority can be found in our list of Areas of Research Interest.

Key features of our strategy

The science we need to develop and apply

  • understanding risks and how to evaluate and compare them, so that we can target our work on effective consumer protection
  • intelligent and shared use of data, information and analytics, to understand existing risks, identify new and changing risks, and to develop targeted and effective surveillance and regulation
  • understanding consumers, food businesses, enforcement partners and others in the food system and how we can work with them to support behaviour change and build and spread good practice
  • learning from what works and what doesn’t, to maximise positive impacts and value for money, through our own work and our work with others

The way we conduct our science

  • building and maintaining the skills and capabilities we need
  • assuring the quality of our science, evidence and information and their use so they have value for us and utility and legitimacy for others
  • use, communication and knowledge transfer of science, evidence and information, for openness, engagement and effective use and impact by FSA and others
  • delivering ambitious objectives and cross-cutting impact though strategic partnerships

Chief Scientific Advisory Support

Our Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) brings senior scientific oversight to the heart of the FSA and provides independent, objective challenge to the way that we use science and evidence. They are key member of our senior leadership group, working closely with the FSA Board and Executive Management Team. In addition, the CSA is a conduit for the department to the rest of Government as part of the wider CSA Network and plays a key role in communicating our science to consumers, businesses and the public.

Committee support

We are advised by independent scientific advisory committees, which provide independent advice and challenge on risk assessment and our use of science. The committees are comprised of more than 120 independent experts appointed through open competition.