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Evaluation of the Food Standards Pilot in Wales

Evaluation of the Food Standards Pilot in Wales: Annex 5 End of pilot interview guide for control Local Authorities

Wales specific

This guide was used to interview control Local Authorities on completion of the pilot.

Last updated: 28 January 2025
Last updated: 28 January 2025


Purpose: To identify any changes if the person has changed

1. Please can you introduce yourself and your role within your authority?

  • Length of service
  • Change in role – amount of time they spend on standards – whether this is consistent
  • Whether role was different through the last 6 months

2. Please can you describe how your delivery of food standard controls has changed since the last interview (if it has changed)? [September- February 2023/24]

  • Overall staffing resources

3. If there have been any changes, why were these introduced? [probe for conversations with other LAs, not enough capacity, other reasons?]

Non-compliance identification

4. How are you currently identifying non-compliances? [probe for specific examples to illustrate] 

  • Is this effective?
  • What can be improved?
  • Consistent approach?

5. Are you carrying out Remote Interventions (RIs)?

  • If so, in what circumstances?
  • How effective do you think they are?
  • Effect on different types of FBO
  • Staff perception of use

6. What do you think are the main benefits of RIs? [probe for specific examples to illustrate] 

  • Targeting resources/saving staff time 
  • Gathering data

7. How will you use RIs in the future? [probe for specific examples to illustrate] 

  • Resource planning
  • Guiding 

8. How is sampling used to guide your work? [probe for specific examples to illustrate] 

  • How has this changed since the last interview? 
  • Are you conducting more/less sampling? Please explain 

Use of Intelligence

9. How does your organisation typically gather intelligence? [explain what intelligence is if not clear] [probe for specific examples to illustrate] 

  • How is this recorded?
    • Ease of uploading data?
  • How is this intelligence communicated?
    • Communicated to whom?
    • Accessed by whom?

10. Has the way that your LA uses intelligence changed since the last interview?

  • Why/Why not?
  • Definition of intelligence – is there a broader classification? 
  • Type of intelligence shared
  • Data updating/sharing
  • Resource planning 
  • Uses to identify non-compliance

11. What tools are used to share intelligence? 

  • Is this the same as before?

12. What do you use intelligence for? 

  • How does this influence work planning?

13. What are the barriers to using intelligence?


14. What is the main challenge in the delivery of food standards controls today? 

  • How can the FSA address this?
    • Wider support/collaboration needed 
  • How are you addressing this?

15. Has there been a change in your relationships with the establishments since the last interview?

16. Are you carrying out any practices which you think could be considered best practice?

  • How are these shared?


17. How could the FSA better support the delivery of Food Standards?

18. Is there anything you’d like to add to the discussion?