Appendix B - Understanding international provision of allergen information
Appendix B for the report
The following provides details of the search terms and approach used for the final search of academic literature. Five searches, one for each respective theme of the research as specified in the original search protocol provided in Appendix A, were conducted using the search terms elaborated below
Non-prepacked sector legislation
Current provision AND Allergen information AND non OR not AND prepacked
Current provision AND Allergen information AND non OR not AND prepacked AND legislation OR guidance OR country OR National OR International OR Global OR ‘’crosscultural’’
OR aims OR goals OR evidence OR excluded OR included
AND ‘’UK Model’’OR Model OR Approach OR Protocol OR Procedure
Trends in related deaths or incidents
Deaths OR Mortality OR Fatality OR Rates OR Incidence OR Numbers OR Cases OR Prevalence OR Epidemiology
AND food OR allergy OR coeliac OR celiac OR intolerance OR sensitivity OR hypersensitivity
AND legislation OR ‘’EU legislation’’ OR ‘’14 allergens’’
AND business OR manufacturing OR catering OR restaurants OR ''food AND venues''
AND food OR allergy OR ''allergic AND disease'' OR eczema OR atopic OR coeliac OR celiac OR intolerance OR sensitivity OR hypersensitivity
AND NOT immunotherapy
Enforcement process and capabilities
Food AND allergy OR allergens OR hypersensitivity OR coeliac OR celiac OR intolerance OR sensitivity AND enforce OR enforcement OR compliance AND regulation OR guidance OR guidelines OR ‘’EU legislation’’ OR ‘’14 allergens’’
AND training OR qualifications
AND validation OR verification
AND safe OR safety
AND ‘’enforcement officers’’
AND ‘’non-prepacked’’ OR ‘’loose’’
AND business OR businesses OR restaurants OR ‘’food venues’’ OR catering
AND country OR National OR International OR Global OR ‘’crosscultural’’
AND NOT Immunotherapy
Consequences of non-compliance
Food AND allergy OR allergens OR hypersensitivity OR coeliac OR celiac OR intolerance OR sensitivity AND enforce OR enforcement OR compliance AND regulation OR guidance OR guidelines OR ‘’EU legislation’’ OR ‘’14 allergens’’
AND sanctions OR consequences OR impact OR penalties
AND validation OR verification OR evidence
AND safe OR safety
AND ‘’enforcement officers’’
AND ‘’non-prepacked’’ OR ‘’loose’’
AND business OR businesses OR restaurants OR ‘’food venues’’ OR catering OR caterers
AND country OR National OR International OR Global OR ‘’cross?cultural’’
AND NOT Immunotherapy
What works (or may work), for whom and why
Food AND allergy OR allergens OR hypersensitivity OR coeliac OR celiac OR intolerance OR sensitivity AND enforce OR enforcement OR compliance AND regulation OR guidance OR guidelines OR ‘’EU legislation’’ OR ‘’14 allergens’’
AND ‘’what works’’ OR ‘’best practice’’ OR gaps OR evidence OR ‘’unintended consequences’’ OR consequences OR impact
AND stakeholders OR consumers OR business OR ‘’food venues’’ OR restaurants OR catering OR caterers
AND validation OR verification
AND safe OR safety OR challenge
AND ‘’enforcement officers’’
AND ‘’non-prepacked’’ OR ‘’loose’’
AND business OR businesses OR restaurants OR ‘’food venues’’ OR catering
AND country OR National OR International OR Global OR ‘’cross?cultural’’
AND NOT Immunotherapy