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Imports Intelligence Hub

The Imports Intelligence Hub (IIH) provides information on a range of border data and intelligence connected with the import of high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin (HRFNAO) and products of animal origin (POAO).

Last updated: 10 February 2025
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Last updated: 10 February 2025
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National Monitoring Plan - Data Analysis Report

This is a summary of the sampling results of imported products of animal origin (POAO) undertaken at UK Border Inspection Posts (BCPs), under the UK’s National Monitoring Plan (NMP). NMP data for POAO have been sourced from the Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS) where the ‘random’ button has been selected on the ‘checks’ tab. IPAFFS is GB’s replacement for the EU’s TRACES system.

National Monitoring Plan for POAO: Data Analysis Report 2022-23

Early Warning System (EWS)

The imports Early Warning System (EWS) notification is usually published every two months listing specific commodity/country/hazard combinations that have been identified during the previous month as “emerging” risks. This is through a process that involves the gathering and analysis of alerts from various intelligence sources from the UK, the EU and beyond.

The imports EWS objective is primarily to alert UK enforcement officers and others about these emerging risks, but also to gather further evidence and help with imported food legislation reviews.

The EWS notifications are available on FSA LINK. You must sign-up and log-in on the platform to access.

Trade Control – HRFNAO

The Trade Control & Expert System – Food of Non-Animal Origin dataset contains surveillance monitoring of imported food and feed of non-animal origin undertaken by our Port Health Authorities (PHAs) and recorded on IPAFFS. We use this information to evaluate imported food risks to public health. 

This is GB data from Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS) post EU exit.

Trade Control – POAO

The Trade Control & Expert System – Products of Animal Origin dataset records the controls applied to products of animal origin imported into the United Kingdom via approved designated ports (BCPs). We use this information to evaluate imported food risks to public health.

This is GB data from Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS) post EU exit.

Border Notifications (BNs)

The data for Border Notifications relates to imports that have failed food safety checks at the GB border. The data published is a summary of the information collected through the Border Notification system. This includes when the border notification was raised by the Port Health Authority on the Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS). More information about Border Notifications.

Intensified Official Controls (IOCs)

The Intensified Official Control (IOC) check system is intended to improve the safety of imported foods into Great Britain (GB). IOC checks are applied when import checks already undertaken show that legislation has been seriously or repeatedly breached. The additional import checks are implemented to provide stronger assurance that food is safe when entering GB market. The checks are normally applied only to the specific establishment where there are concerns for public health.

If there are unfavourable failures during the IOC period, the issue will be escalated to Imposed Checks (IC). Products under IC will have additional safeguard measures in place. Current IOC that has escalated to IC is highlighted under current status.