Consultation on Market Authorisation of 10 Regulated Food and Feed Products December 2024
We are seeking stakeholders’ views in relation to the authorisation of one food additive, one feed additive, one food flavouring and the removal of 8 permitted flavouring substances, one food contact material, 3 genetically modified organisms (for food and feed uses) and 2 novel foods.
This consultation will be of most interest to
All England, Wales, and Northern Ireland food and feed businesses, local and port health authorities, district councils, and other stakeholders with an interest in food and feed safety. A parallel consultation is being published by FSS to inform the Minister in Scotland before they make a decision.
Consultation subject
This consultation seeks stakeholders’ views, comments, and feedback in relation to the regulated product applications considered in this document, which have been submitted for:
- a new specification of an existing permitted food additive
- a new use for an existing permitted feed additive
- a new authorisation for one food flavouring
- removal of 8 food flavourings (one application covering eight food flavourings)
- a new authorisation for one Food Contact Material (FCM)
- 3 new authorisations for 3 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for food and feed uses
- a new authorisation of one novel food and an extension of use of an existing novel food
Purpose of the consultation
In consulting, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) is seeking views from stakeholders on the proposed authorisation and the terms on which it is proposed, any transitional periods or labelling requirements, and on any other legitimate factors (i.e. social, environmental, economic etc) as identified. Stakeholders are invited to use this opportunity to comment on these factors or highlight any additional factors that should be brought to the attention of ministers before a final decision is made.
Consultation pack
This consultation pack provides the background information, details and questions to which you are invited to respond. It provides links to the risk management recommendations and the safety assessments. The full consultation document is also accessible via these pages:
How to respond
Responses to this consultation should be submitted via the online survey. If this is not possible you can email a response to:
- Email:
- Name: Regulated Products Service Delivery
- Division/Branch: Market Authorisations of Regulated Products
If responding by email, please state in your response whether you are responding as a private individual or on behalf of an organisation/company (including details of any stakeholders your organisation represents) and provide the nation in which you are based.
Publication of response summary
We aim to publish a summary of responses received around 3 months of the consultation ending and provide a link to it from this page. You can find information on how we handle data provided in response to consultations in our Consultations privacy notice.
Further information
If you require a more accessible format of this document, please send details to the named contact for responses to this consultation and your request will be considered.
This consultation has been prepared in accordance with HM Government Consultation Principles. If an Impact Assessment has been produced, this is included in the consultation documents. If no Impact Assessment has been provided, the reason will be given in the consultation document.
Thank you on behalf of the FSA for participating in this public consultation.
Revision log
Published: 18 December 2024
Last updated: 20 February 2025