Knowledge of research methods, techniques and application of these in small scale research projects |
- as Research Officer plus around two years successful applied experience of working in applied social research in which strong analytical skills have been clearly demonstrated. This can include work towards successful completion of a post graduate qualification with a strong research/research methods component
- thorough and detailed knowledge of the main quantitative, qualitative and evaluation research methods and experience of their use in more complex projects
- understands the pros and cons of different research methods so can advise, critique and make independent direct use of same
- uses a range of analytical techniques to carry out in-house analysis & briefing work
- up-to-date knowledge of methodological developments including the role of innovative methodologies; applies these methods when and where appropriate; makes use of appropriate new developments from other analytical professions and outside the Civil Service where relevant
- incorporates the latest techniques into their work where appropriate, and champions innovation and embraces new ways of working.
- good knowledge & application of analytical techniques to address key questions
- assesses the suitability for purpose of alternative research methods
- brings a fresh approach to devising research methods, for example, designing questionnaires, modifying a methodology
- generates imaginative and useful hypotheses which can be tested
Identifying research needs, designing and specifying research |
- draws upon a track record of designing medium sized or more complex projects to translate a policy question into a viable research specification or in-house project.
- meets the social research needs of several divisions and areas, for example, through consulting with other stakeholders and analysts at an early stage, clarifying objectives and setting deliverable goals
- clarifies and agrees research objectives and
- translates broad projects aims into researchable questions, for example, turns policy requirements into well designed research specifications
- accurately identifies where there are gaps in the evidence base and makes sound recommendations for how this can be managed
- reframes a vague or unhelpful research question to one that can provide outputs that meets the customer’s needs
- incorporates best practice guidance into research specification and management
Analysis and interpretation |
- weighs up competing sources of data and identifies a clear line to take
- assesses relevance of research information to the task in hand
- identifies salient points and trends from research or other information and draws out sound, logical inferences, for example, picks out key messages from dense data sets
Managing and commissioning social research |
- experience also of having had direct responsibility for management of commissioned research or for undertaking social or other relevant research projects of a significant scale. The above also needs to include some experience of having worked with other analysts, for example, economists, statisticians
- specifies, commissions and manages research projects; works within agreed budgets
- understands the basics of research planning, including bidding timetables, thinking ahead and liaising with policy divisions
- assesses whether a contractor’s report is based on a sound approach and robust analysis
- as RO but for more complex projects. Overall an ability to manage independently the entire procurement process for all but the most complex projects, including budgetary requirements
- takes responsibility and action to ensure that the legal and ethical compliance needs of research projects are met; Knows when to seek further support on legal or ethical issues
- liaises successfully with ethics committees, and other monitoring/ compliance committees, for particular projects
- applies GDPR principles where appropriate to particular projects
- manages research processes and contractors so ensuring quality of results and methodological rigour
- has knowledge of, and incorporates quality assurance processes within all analytical work, making use of relevant quality assurance products, such as the Aqua Book
- monitors and reviews performance and progress of research contractors and anticipates necessary action
Leading, communicating and championing social research |
- seen as a knowledgeable voice (for example, helping others understand what social research can achieve)
- may support other social researchers
- delivers appropriate and timely analysis to support policy making and policy implementation
- communicates written and oral information clearly; avoids unnecessary use of jargon and technical terms
- accurately and thoroughly evaluates complex information for the purposes of advice or recommendation; does so in a timely fashion
- communicates professional judgements regarding the application of social research methods; defends position/viewpoint in the face of opposition or challenge
- helps customers make full use out of available social research evidence, even when it is not perfect
- able to stimulate interest in social research and its applications; persuades others such as senior civil servants of the value of social research to the policy process
- able to reassure colleagues on social research issues
- contributes effectively to research steering groups and advisory boards
Understanding government context |
- makes use of the GSR network to explore opportunities for cross cutting research
- develops effective communication links with other social researchers to provide appropriate collaborative support to the policy process
- looks beneath the surface of a request for advice or a piece of research, thinks laterally and explores different angles critically and analytically
- demonstrates sufficient technical ‘authority’ by taking the lead in recommending solutions to fill strategic gaps
- conducts a risk analysis of an evidence base to ensure advice is sound, for example, understands the trade-offs in balancing quality and timing of - project delivery
Learning and Development |
Proactively identifies and expands knowledge and breadth of experience where professional skills are less developed. Commits time to learning and sharing knowledge with others around new techniques and innovative methods |