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Review of FSA Social Science

Review of FSA Social Science: Annex 1 Stakeholder Interview guide

Annex 1 for the Review of FSA Social Science report, Interviews with internal and external stakeholders.

Last updated: 16 August 2023
Last updated: 16 August 2023

FSA GSR Review: Interviews with Internal Stakeholders - Topic Guide

  1. What has been your involvement with FSA’s social researchers over the past two years? [Prompt: On which policies, programmes or projects have you been involved with FSA’s social researchers?]
  2. How have the FSA’s social researchers contributed to your work? [Prompt: What sorts of tasks have FSA’s social researchers undertaken?] [Prompt: What sorts of skills have FSA’s social researchers contributed?] Ask about GSR principles/technical framework/UCL toolkit
  3. How do you rate the contribution of FSA’s social researchers to your work? [Prompt: On a scale of ‘Poor’/‘Adequate’/‘Good’/‘Excellent’]
  4. What are the most valuable contributions that FSA’s social researchers have made to your work?
  5. What are the least valuable contributions that FSA’s social researchers have made to your work?
  6. In what ways, if any, do you think FSA’s social researchers could improve their contribution to your work?
  7. Do you have any other comments on the work of FSA’s social researchers?

FSA GSR Review: Interviews with External Stakeholders - Topic Guide

  1. What has been your involvement with FSA’s social researchers over the past two years [Prompt: On which policies, programmes or projects have you been involved with FSA’s social researchers?]
  2. How have the FSA’s social researchers contributed to your work? [Note: Is this agency from a) the food services sector, or 2) the public health/local authority sector?] [Prompt: What sorts of tasks have FSA’s social researchers undertaken with your agency?] [Prompt: What sorts of skills have FSA’s social researchers contributed to your agency?] Ask about GSR principles/technical framework/UCL toolkit
  3. How do you rate the contribution of FSA’s social researchers to your agency’s involvement with the FSA? [Prompt: On a scale of ‘Poor’/‘Adequate’/‘Good’/‘Excellent’]
  4. What are the most valuable contributions that FSA’s social researchers have made to your work?
  5. What are the least valuable contributions that FSA’s social researchers have made to your work?
  6. In what ways, if any, do you think FSA’s social researchers could improve their contribution to your work?
  7. Do you have any other comments on the work of FSA’s social researchers?