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Qualitative assessment of the risk of SARS-CoV-2 to human health through food exposures to deer in the UK

Qualitative assessment of the risk of SARS-CoV-2 to human health through food exposures to deer in the UK: Annex 1

Qualitative assessment of the risk of SARS-CoV-2 to human health through food exposures to deer in the UK: Annex 1

Last updated: 9 March 2023
Last updated: 9 March 2023

Interpretation of probability categories used in this risk assessment.

Table from ACMSF (ACM/1065) adapted from EFSA 2006 modified from OIE 2004.

Probability category Interpretation
Negligible So rare that it does not merit to be considered
Very low Very rare but cannot be excluded
Low Rare, but does occur
Medium Occurs regularly
High Occurs very often
Very high Events occur almost certainly

Qualitative categories for expressing uncertainty in relation to qualitative risk estimates

Table from ACMSF (ACM/1065) adapted from EFSA 2006.

Uncertainty category Interpretation
Low There are solid and complete data available; strong evidence is provided in multiple references; authors report similar conclusions
Medium There are some but no complete data available; evidence is provided in a small number of references; authors report conclusions that vary from one another
High There are scarce or no data available; evidence is not provided in references but rather in unpublished reports or based on observations, or personal communication; authors report conclusions that vary considerably between them