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Does proactively asking about allergens before ordering by Food Business Operator staff improve customer outcomes?

Proactively asking about allergens: Appendix 2 Customer Survey

The full customer survey as provided as part of the randomised controlled trial conducted in partnership with a national Food Business Organisation.

Last updated: 26 April 2023
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Last updated: 26 April 2023
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Hi! Thanks for visiting [INSERT CHAIN NAME]. We’d like to ask you a few quick questions about your experience in our store today. After completing this survey, you can win one of 25 Love2Shop coupons worth £50 each.

Your participation will help to improve the way we serve people like you, your family and friends. Your answers will be kept completely anonymous and it should only take a minute of your time. 

This study has undergone ethics review in accordance with the LSE Research Ethics Policy and Procedure. For more information about the study, you can read the Information Sheet here.

If you are under 16 years of age, please do not complete this survey. 

If you have any concerns or complaints regarding the conduct of this research, please contact the please contact the LSE Research Governance Manager at 

Do you consent to take part in this survey?
1    Yes I consent
2    No I do not consent

Q2. Safety

How concerned or unconcerned are you about the safety of the food that is sold in [INSERT CHAIN NAME]?
1    Very unconcerned
2    Fairly unconcerned
3    Neither concerned nor unconcerned
4    Fairly concerned
5    Very concerned

Q3. Confidence

How confident are you that, if needed, you could identify any ingredients in the food or drink products at [INSERT CHAIN NAME]?
1    Not at all confident
2    Not very confident
3    Neither confident nor unconfident
4    Somewhat confident
5    Very confident

Q4. Comfort

How comfortable would you feel in asking a member of staff at [INSERT CHAIN NAME] for information about the ingredients in the foods or beverages they are selling?
1    Not at all comfortable
2    Not very comfortable
3    Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable 
4    Somewhat comfortable 
5    Very comfortable 
Note: We randomised the order of questions 2, 3 and 4.

Q5. Allergy 

Have you experienced either of the following adverse reactions after consuming certain foods or drinks, or do you have coeliac disease? Please select all that apply. 
Allergy definition: A food allergy is a fast and potentially serious response to food by your immune system, triggering symptoms such as a rashes, wheezing and itching. 
Intolerance definition: A food intolerance includes symptoms such as diarrhoea and stomach cramps caused by difficulties in digesting certain substances. However, no allergic reaction takes place. 
1    I have experienced a food allergy 
2    I have experienced a food intolerance 
3    I have coeliac disease 
4    None of these apply to me *Exclusive 

Q6. Compliance

Thinking back to when you were served, did the [INSERT CHAIN NAME] employee ask you whether you have a food allergy or intolerance before you made your purchase?
1    Yes
2    No

Q7. Declaration

Thinking back to when you were served, did you declare an allergy or intolerance?
1    Yes
2    No

Q8. Gender

What is your gender?
1    Male
2    Female
3    Other
4    I prefer not to say

Q9. Age 

How old are you?
1    16-25
2    26-35
3    36-49
4    50-65
5    66+
6    I prefer not to say

Q10. Satisfaction

How satisfied are you with your overall experience at [INSERT CHAIN NAME] today?
1    Very unsatisfied
2    Fairly unsatisfied
3    Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
4    Fairly satisfied
5    Very satisfied

Q11. Trust

How much do you trust or distrust [INSERT CHAIN NAME] as a business responsible for the sale of food and beverages?
1    I distrust it a lot
2    I distrust it
3    I neither trust nor distrust it
4    I trust it
5    I trust it a lot

Q12. Recommendation

How likely are to you to recommend [INSERT CHAIN NAME] to your friends or family?
1    Very unlikely
2    Fairly unlikely
3    Neither likely nor unlikely
4    Fairly likely
5    Very likely

Note: We randomised the order of questions 10, 11 and 12

Many thanks for taking the time to complete this survey. Your answers will help us to improve food safety in the future.

If you would like to be entered into a prize draw to win 25 Love2Shop vouchers worth £50 each, please insert your email into the box below. If successful we will email you on the email address you provide below by [INSERT TIME OF OPENING DRAW]. We will only use your email address to send you the voucher and your email address will be stored securely. Your email address will also be stored separately from your survey responses to ensure anonymity. All data would be collected in accordance with strict data protection legislation and has been approved by a university Ethics Boards.

Each email address provided will only have one chance to win the draw. The draw will close on [INSERT TIME OF OPENING DRAW], at which point winners will receive an email to inform them they have won. If you have won a prize coupon, you will need to claim this within 14 days of notification. 

To find out more about our privacy policy go to: 

If you consent to the terms and conditions of entry and to Kantar using your email for this purpose please click on "Yes" and provide your email below. If you would not like to be entered in the draw, please click on "No".

1    Yes I consent, my email address is *Open
2    No, I do not consent and/or do not wish to enter the competition.


Thank you for submitting your answers, you have finished the survey and can close the browser window. We wanted to let you know the online survey aims to understand whether food business workers proactively asking about customer’s food allergies and intolerances improves customer safety and satisfaction in food businesses. It was created in a way that ensures we cannot identify anyone who has completed the survey. Given the importance of this study to maintaining food safety we would ask that you do not share this information with anyone who has yet to complete the survey. If you have any questions or concerns about this please email the Research Team at