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Food and You 2: Wave 7 Key Findings

F&Y2 Wave 7: Chapter 4 Food shopping and labelling

This chapter provides an overview of food purchasing, what respondents look for when they are shopping and confidence in allergen labelling.

Last updated: 10 April 2024
Last updated: 10 April 2024


The remit of food labelling is held by multiple bodies, that differ between England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 
The FSA is responsible for aspects of food labelling which relate to food safety and allergens in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. In addition, the FSA in Wales is responsible for food labelling related to food composition standards and country of origin. The FSA in Northern Ireland is responsible for food labelling related to food composition standards, country of origin and nutrition (footnote 1)

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) plays a major role in food production and is responsible for aspects of food labelling such as composition and provenance. 

This chapter provides an overview of food purchasing, what respondents look for when they are shopping and confidence in allergen labelling. Defra co-funded questions in this chapter which relate to food provenance, sustainability, and animal welfare.

Figure 14. Where respondents buy food from.

A bar chart showing how frequently respondents buy food from different types of food shops.
Food business Never 2-3 times a month or less often About once a week or more often
Delivered recipe box 85 10 4
Local / farmer's market, farm shop 43 44 8
Order food or drink online from a supermarket 53 31 13
Independent greengrocer, butcher, baker, fishmonger 26 53 18
Local / corner shop, newsagent, garage forecourt 24 47 24
Mini supermarket (e.g. Local/ Metro) 11 36 51
Large supermarket 2 22 75

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Source: Food and You 2: Wave 7 

Respondents were asked to indicate where and how frequently they buy food. Most respondents reported that they bought food from a large supermarket (75%) or mini supermarket about once a week or more often (51%). Around half (53%) of respondents reported that they bought food from independent shops (greengrocers, butchers, bakers, fishmongers), 47% of respondents bought food from a local / corner shop, newsagent or garage forecourt, and 44% bought food from a local / farmers’ markets or farm shops 2-3 times a month or less often. Around half (53%) of respondents reported that they had never ordered food or drink online from a supermarket. Most respondents (85%) reported that they had never had a recipe box delivered (Figure 14) (footnote 2)

What do respondents report that they look for when buying food?

Figure 15. What information respondents look for when buying food.

A bar chart showing how frequently respondents check for different types of information when buying food.
Information type Always or most of the time About half of the time or occasionally Never
Country of origin 21 48 31
Food assurance scheme logos 23 42 35
Allergen information 24 32 44
List of ingredients 34 52 14
Nutritional information 38 47 15
Best before date 84 14 2
Use-by date 85 12 2

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Source: Food and You 2: Wave 7

Respondents were asked to indicate what information they check when buying food. Most respondents reported that they ‘always’ or ‘most of the time’ check the use-by (85%) or best before (84%) date when they bought food. Respondents reported that they check the list of ingredients (52%), nutritional information (47%), country of origin (48%) and food assurance scheme logos (42%) about ‘half the time’ or ‘occasionally’. Allergen information was least often checked by respondents, (Figure 15) (footnote 3). However, respondents who have a food allergy only (64%)* or an intolerance only (40%) were more likely to check allergen information ‘always’ or ‘most of the time’ when food shopping compared to those without a food hypersensitivity (19%). 

Respondents were asked what they consider to be most important when choosing which food to buy from a list of options. The most frequently selected attribute was price or value for money (61%), followed by quality (39%), freshness (29%), and use-by dates and/or how long it will keep for (27%). Around 2 in 10 selected taste (23%), and healthiness (22%) (footnote 4).

When asked what information is used to judge the quality of food from a list of options, respondents reported that they most frequently used freshness (55%), taste (48%), and appearance (43%) to judge food quality. Fewer respondents reported that they used the ingredients (29%), price (28%), brand (21%), animal welfare (16%) and country of origin (11%) to judge food quality. Assurance schemes (9%), environmental impact (5%) and convenience (3%) were reported to be used by least respondents when judging food quality (footnote 5).

Views on animal welfare, food and drink provenance and the environmental impact of food

Respondents were asked their views on animal welfare, food and drink provenance and the environmental impact of food. A greater majority of respondents reported that, it was important to buy meat, eggs and dairy which are produced with high standards of animal welfare (85%), to buy food which has a low environmental impact (74%) and to buy food that was produced in Britain (66%). Around half (49%) of respondents reported that it was important to buy drink that was produced in Britain (footnote 6)

Respondents were asked how frequently they check for information about the environmental impact and animal welfare of food when shopping. A quarter (25%) of respondents reported that they checked for information about the environmental impact ‘always’ or ‘most of the time’. Around a third (34%) of respondents reported that they ‘always’ or ‘most of the time’ checked for information about animal welfare when purchasing food (footnote 7)

Respondents were asked to indicate how often, where possible, they buy food which was produced in Britain, has animal welfare information or which had a low environmental impact. Around 6 in 10 respondents often (i.e., ‘always’ or ‘most of the time’) buy meat, eggs and dairy which has information on animal welfare (57%), 51% often buy food produced in Britain, and 36% often buy food which has a low environmental impact (footnote 8). Half of respondents thought that food products show enough information about their country of origin (50%). Around a third (34%) of respondents thought that meat, eggs, and dairy products show enough information about animal welfare, and 21% thought food products show enough information about their environmental impact (footnote 9).

Figure 16. Factors thought to contribute most to the environmental impact of food.

A chart to show which factors respondents thought contribute most to the environmental impact of food.
Factors thought to contribute to the environmental impact of food Percentage of respondents (%)
Water usage 12
Consumer demand / trends 13
How crops are grown 13
Meat production 14
Food processing 16
Land management / deforestation 28
Food waste 32
Chemicals or pesticides use 40
Transportation of food 46
Food packaging 46

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Source: Food and You 2: Wave 7 

Respondents were asked, from a list of options, what they think contributes most to the environmental impact of food. The factors thought to contribute most to the environmental impact of food were food packaging (46%) and the transportation of food (46%). The use of chemicals and pesticides (40%), food waste (32%) and land management and/or deforestation (28%) were also considered as contributors to the environmental impact of food (Figure 16) (footnote 10)

Figure 17. What would indicate high animal welfare standards of meat, eggs, and dairy products to respondents. 

A chart to show what respondents think would indicate high animal welfare standards of meat, eggs, and dairy products.
Information type Percentage of respondents (%)
Don't know 11
Generic organic label 8
Preferred store or brand 8
Price of product 10
Country of origin 14
Traceability of product 16
Lion egg logo 24
RSPCA assured logo 25
Information on packaging 29
Red Tractor logo 31
Free-range label 52

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Source: Food and You 2: Wave 7 

When respondents were asked, from a list of options, what would indicate whether a product containing meat, eggs or dairy had been produced with high standards of animal welfare, the most common indicator selected was a free-range label (52%). Other commonly selected indicators of animal welfare standards were the Red Tractor logo (31%) and information on packaging (29%). Around 1 in 10 (11%) reported that they do not know what would indicate whether a product containing meat, eggs or dairy had been produced with high standards of animal welfare (Figure 17) (footnote 11)

Confidence in allergen labelling

Respondents who go food shopping and take into consideration a person who has a food allergy or intolerance were asked how confident they were that the information provided on food labelling allows them to identify foods that would cause a bad or unpleasant physical reaction. Overall, 83% of respondents stated that they were confident (i.e., very confident or fairly confident) in the information provided (footnote 12)

Respondents were asked how confident they were in identifying foods that will cause a bad or unpleasant physical reaction when buying foods which are sold loose, such as at a bakery or deli-counter. Respondents who bought food loose were more confident in identifying these foods from supermarkets in-store (72%), from online supermarkets (68%), and when shopping at independent food shops (65%) compared to buying food from food markets or stalls (55%) (footnote 13).