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Evaluation of the PATH-SAFE programme

Annex C: Process and Outcomes evaluation frameworks development activities

This section details the process and outcomes of the evaluation framework development activities.

Last updated: 31 July 2023
Last updated: 31 July 2023

C.1 Document review

This included review of WS specifications, delivery plans and contractual reports available to flesh out the ToC components pertaining to each WS

C.2 Central programme team engagement

This engagement included meetings with the central programme team, feedback from WS managers, and a refinement and prioritisation workshop. The workshop helped us build on the document review and plug gaps in our knowledge to improve our understanding of the WSs and their interconnectivity and dependencies as well as finetune and prioritise the key EQs. This will be followed up through engagement with other government stakeholders, via FSA, to ensure the validity and utility of the evaluation approach outlined.  

C.3 Engagement with expert advisors

We also liaised with our expert advisors, Dr. Arnoud van Vliet and Dr. Jennifer Ritchie, who provided the team with more nuanced information on the important data sources to refer to for key indicators, along with vital feedback on further refining the EQs