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Consultation on updates to the Food Standards Agency’s Technical Guidance on food allergen labelling and information requirements

A consultation on two key guidance updates - standards for applying precautionary allergen labelling (PAL) and best practice guidance that No Gluten Containing Ingredients (NGCI) statements should not be used

Last updated: 24 May 2024
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Last updated: 24 May 2024
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This consultation will be of most interest to: 

  • Food Businesses that provide prepacked for direct sale (PPDS) food
  • Food Businesses that provide food that requires a Precautionary Allergen Labelling (PAL) Statement
  • Local authority food safety teams 
  • Food industry representative bodies
  • Any other organisation or person with an interest in food hypersensitivity policy 

Purpose of the consultation

This consultation is being conducted as part of a routine review and update of the Allergen Labelling Technical Guidance. 

The FSA is seeking feedback from stakeholders on two key guidance updates - standards for applying precautionary allergen labelling (PAL) and best practice guidance that No Gluten Containing Ingredients (NGCI) statements should not be used - both in terms of their scope and impact.

The Guidance has also been amended to ensure that references to food law in England, Wales & Northern Ireland are accurate following the UK’s exit from the EU, as well as non-technical updates to enhance clarity and understanding of the document. 

More detail regarding the specific sections that have been updated can be found on the second page of the Technical Guidance.  

The FSA invites comments and feedback on how existing policies are expressed as part of our proposed updates to technical guidance. This could include any potential impacts they may have.

At the end of the consultation period, the FSA will collate and consider any responses received, prior to amending and publishing the revised Technical Guidance in Summer 2023.

Consultation pack

Consultation on updates to the Food Standards Agency’s Technical Guidance on food allergen labelling and information requirements (accessible version)

Technical guidance

How to respond

This consultation has now closed.

For information on how the FSA handles your personal data, please refer to the Consultation privacy notice.

Further information

If you require a more accessible format of this document please send details to the named contact for responses to this consultation and your request will be considered.

This consultation has been prepared in accordance with HM Government consultation principles.

Thank you on behalf of the Food Standards Agency for participating in this public consultation.

Publication of response summary

Within three months of a consultation ending we aim to publish a summary of responses received and provide a link to it from this page.

You can find information on how we handle data provided in response to consultations in our Consultations privacy notice.

Further information

This consultation has been prepared in accordance with HM Government Consultation Principles. If an Impact Assessment has been produced, this is included in the consultation documents. If no Impact Assessment has been provided, the reason will be given in the consultation document.