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Food fraud resilience self-assessment tool

Food fraud resilience in your business

The Food Standards Agency's National Food Crime Unit (NFCU) have developed this Food Fraud Resilience Self-Assessment Tool to provide support, guidance, and advice to food businesses on food fraud.

We define food crime as serious fraud and related criminality in food supply chains. This definition also includes activity impacting on drink and animal feed.

This tool will increase your awareness of and resilience to food crime. It will help you to evaluate your business and may identify areas for improvement while providing you with advice for countering food fraud.

The tool is designed for food business operators in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland and is just one of several ways in which we can offer you support and assistance in preventing food fraud.

The tool should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.

Upon receipt of your submission, we would be happy to provide you with a report of your answers and further guidance on food fraud.

Would you like to receive a tailored report or obtain our assistance to build your business's fraud resilience?

Whether through an introductory chat, a more in-depth fraud related discussion or to receive our quarterly industry newsletter, please let us know and we would be happy to assist you.


Industry Newsletter
Introductory call
In-depth food fraud discussion

Or contact us directly at

Please note: Your contact details will only be used to provide you with support and assistance in preventing food fraud within your business.

You can also complete this tool anonymously, if desired, and any data submitted will not be collected in a way that could identify you.