Neidio i’r prif gynnwys
English Cymraeg
Evaluation of the Food Standards Pilot in Wales

Evaluation of the Food Standards Pilot in Wales: Annex 3 Baseline interview guide

Penodol i Gymru

This guide was used for baseline interviews for both pilot and control Local Authorities.

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 28 January 2025
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 28 January 2025


1. Please can you introduce yourself and your role?

  • Prompts: length of time in the role, amount of time they spend on standards, what else they do and how they split the time.

2. Confirm key characteristics - type of authority, if use RAFB (register a food business), food standards delivery method.

Existing process for Food Standard delivery model

Prompt for interviewer: Explain to pilot LAs that all these questions relate to before changes which have occurred due to the pilot

3. Can you describe how food standard controls are delivered within your local authority?  [prior to the use of the pilot? – for pilot group]

  • Probe for their views on the number of interventions they were delivering; use of resources; number of non-compliances identified, number of FTEs 

4. What do you currently know about the use of intelligence? 

  • Do/ how do you incorporate intelligence into the existing process for the food standard delivery model? NOTE – The food standard delivery model as set out in the current Food Law Code of Practice (Wales)
  • To what extent was intelligence used in guiding your work before? Can you please explain how you used intelligence (who do you generally share intelligence with / receive intelligence from, type of tools used, IT, resources used, non-compliance cases detected, efficacy/quality of intelligence)? 
  • How do you keep up to date with intelligence data and trends on compliance with food law requirements in your area (e.g., hygiene, safety, composition, adulteration, authenticity)?
  • Is there any other type of data that you share with or receive from other stakeholders on a regular basis (e.g. FSA, FBOs, PA)? How often? Please give examples
  • Do you have any ideas about how incorporating intelligence into the delivery model could be beneficial?

5. How do you normally identify and address non-compliances?

6. What was your local authority approach to food sampling? How did you prioritise products to sample? 

7. In your view, how well does the existing delivery model work?  What does it not do well?

  • What are the enablers to delivering food standards controls? And what are the current challenges around conducting food standards controls that your LA is facing? 

8. How has your approach to food standards official controls evolved in recent years? 

  • Probe: changes into how you inspect FBOs, changes in use of resources

Pilot model 

9. How did your LA find out about the food standards review and development of the new delivery model? Probe for any engagement/promotional activities by the FSA?

10. Why did you volunteer to participate in the food standards pilot / evaluation? What are your expectations for the pilot? (depending on pilot/control group)

11. For pilot - What type of engagement have you had with the FSA up to this point in relation to the project? Probe for trainings, meetings, working group, other support

  • How useful have these been in preparing you for the pilot?
  • To what extent have you had the information and instruction you need on how to implement and use the new delivery model?  
  • How could the training and engagement activities delivered by the FSA be improved? Prompt for any gaps/need for additional training or support on a specific topic or area

12. For pilot - Have you made any changes internally to accommodate participating in the pilot e.g. new role, training, equipment, database - how easy has this been?  Which ones? What support did you receive to do this, if any?   

13. For pilot - Going forward, how do you think the new model will change the way you are currently operating?

  • Probe for: New infrastructure, resources (staff), training; Use of intelligence; Relationships- FBO, regional intelligence team, the FSA
  • Use of intelligence, non-compliance identification and resolution
  • Relationship and communication with - FBOs, regional intelligence team, the FSA, other LA
  • Sampling activities 

14. How, if at all, do you think the new model could alleviate the challenges your LA faces? 

15. What benefits do you think the new operating model will bring? 

  • Prompts: for LA? And to FBOs? And to consumers? Other stakeholders? 
  • Probe for non-compliances; understanding of FBOs and using resources more efficiently; public trust in the system; better targeting of resources, time savings, trust in supply chain.

16. Do you anticipate any challenges when implementing the new delivery model?

  • Do you have any concerns around the new delivery model?
  • Probe for resources, infrastructure, data management / technology barriers to implementation (potential solutions?)  

17. Do you anticipate any risks associated with the new delivery model?

  • Probe for solutions and specific examples

18. If time, ask: What are the main changes expected for FBOs because of the new model?


19. Is there anything you would like to add on this pilot which we have not already discussed?

20. Can we include your organisation name as one of the stakeholders interviewed?