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FSA Board & Business Committee Meeting - December 2022

FSA Board Meeting - December 2022: Agenda and Papers

Agenda and papers for the FSA Board meeting on 7 December 2022 at the Harvey Goodwin Suite, Church House, London SW1P 3NZ

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 5 December 2022
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 5 December 2022

The agenda for this meeting includes:

  • Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022
  • In year Prioritisation
  • Operational Transformation Programme and Future Scope
  • FSA Science Update 2022
  • Annual Governance Report

The FSA Business Committee Meeting follows the FSA Board meeting.

09:00 - Chair's Introduction

Professor Susan Jebb presents the minutes and actions from the previous FSA Board meeting in September 2022 and presents the Chair's report.

FSA 22-12-01 - Minutes of the FSA Board Meeting on 26 September 2022

FSA 22-06-02 - Actions Arising - Board Meeting

09:20 - Chief Executive’s Report to the Board (FSA 22/12/03)

Emily Miles presents the Chief Executive's report to the FSA Board.

FSA 22-12-03 - Chief Executive's Report to the Board

09:50 - Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022 (FSA 22/12/04)

Katie Pettifer and Sam Faulkner present a paper providing an update to the Board on progress of the UK Government’s Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill, and the FSA’s programme of work until 2026, to support delivery of the Bill and associated reforms.

FSA 22-12-04 - Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022

10:15 - In year Prioritisation (FSA 22/12/05)

Katie Pettifer, Sam Faulkner and Kate Hargreaves introduce a paper on a series of essential changes to the FSA's workplan for this year that will create capacity to deliver additional demands, without compromising statutory duties.

FSA 22-12-05 - In Year Prioritisation

10:35 - Break

10:55 - Operational Transformation Programme and Future Scope (FSA 22/12/06)

Junior Johnson and Richard Wynn-Davies present a paper providing an update on the FSA’s Operational Transformation Programme (OTP), focusing on programme progress and deliverables 2022/23; stakeholder research into the implications of new legislation and regulatory divergence in the delivery of Official Controls for meat and animal by-products; and future organisational structure and scope of the programme.

FSA 22-12-06 - Operational Transformation Programme and Future Scope

11:25 - FSA Science Update 2022 (FSA 22/12/07)

Julie Pierce and Rick Mumford present a paper giving an annual update on FSA’s science, including the development of the FSA's science, evidence and research capability; a review of achievements and the progress made since the last update; and a summary of our future plans.

FSA 22-12-07 - FSA Science Update 2022

11:40 - Annual Governance Report (FSA 22/12/08)

FSA Deputy Chair Ruth Hussey chairs an item on a paper where Professor Susan Jebb presents the proposed responses of the Board Effectiveness Review Working Group to the review's recommendations; proposed changes to the Business Committee's and the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee's Terms of Reference; proposed changes to the Standing Orders for FSA Board Meetings; and an automated online system for accepting public questions.

FSA 22-12-08 - Annual Governance Report

11:55 - Report from the Chair of the Northern Ireland Food Advisory Committee (FSA 22/12/09)

FSA Board Member for Northern Ireland and Chair of the Northern Ireland Food Advisory Committee Anthony Harbinson presents a report on the activity of the Committee from the period September 2021 to November 2022.

FSA 22-12-09 - Report from the Chair of the Northern Ireland Food Advisory Committee

12:05 - Report from the Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (INFO 22-12-01)

Timothy Riley presents a paper giving a summary of discussions at the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) meeting that took place on 23 October and 22 November  2022.

INFO 22/12/01 - Report from the Chair of ARAC

12:10 - Reports from the Chairs of the Food Advisory Committees (Oral Reports)

Oral reports from the Chairs of the Food Advisory Committees by Anthony Harbinson and Peter Price.

12:15 - Any Other Business

12:20 - Question and Answer Session

12:30 - End of Board Meeting
