Neidio i’r prif gynnwys
English Cymraeg
Impacts of Food Hypersensitivities on Quality of Life in the UK and Willingness to Pay (WTP) to remove those impacts

Appendix B: FAQLQ, FIQLQ and CDQ Instruments

All the FAQLQ, FIQLQ and CDQ questions asked in the survey.

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 15 December 2022
Gweld yr holl ddiweddariadau
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 15 December 2022
Gweld yr holl ddiweddariadau


The adult FAQLQ comprised these response categories and questions:

Response categories:

  • not
  • barely
  • slightly
  • moderately
  • quite
  • very
  • extremely


How troublesome do you find it, because of your food allergy that you...

  1. must always be alert as to what you are eating?
  2. are able to eat fewer products?
  3. are limited as to the products you can buy?
  4. must read labels?
  5. have the feeling that you have less control of what you eat when eating out?
  6. must refuse many things during social activities?
  7. sometimes frustrate people when they are making an effort to accommodate your food allergy?
  8. are less able to spontaneously accept an invitation to stay for a meal?
  9. are less able to taste or try various products when eating out?
  10. can eat out less?
  11. must personally check whether you can eat something when eating out?
  12. hesitate eating a product when you have doubts about it?
  13. that the ingredients of a product change?
  14. that labels are incomplete?
  15. that the lettering on labels is too small?
  16. that the label states 'may contain traces of...'
  17. that ingredients are different in other countries (for example during vacation)?
  18. that people underestimate your problems caused by food allergy?
  19. that it is unclear to which foods you are allergic?
  20. that you must explain to those around you that you have a food allergy?
  21. for your host or hostess should you have an allergic reaction?

How worried are you because of your food allergy?

  1. about your health?
  2. that the allergic reactions to foods will become increasingly severe?

How frightened are you because of your food allergy?

  1. of an allergic reaction?
  2. of accidentally eating the wrong food?
  3. of an allergic reaction when eating out despite the fact that your dietary restrictions have been discussed beforehand?

Please answer the following questions:

  1. to what degree do you feel you are being a nuisance because you have a food allergy when eating out?
  2. how discouraged do you feel during an allergic reaction?
  3. how apprehensive are you about eating something you have never eaten before?


The adult FIQLQ comprised these response categories and questions:

Response categories:

  • not
  • barely
  • slightly
  • moderately
  • quite
  • very 
  • extremely


How troublesome do you find it, because of your food intolerance that you...

  1. must always be alert as to what you are eating?
  2. have less variety in the food that you can eat?
  3. have less variety in the products that you can buy?
  4. must read labels?
  5. have the feeling that you have less control of what you eat when eating out?
  6. are less able to spontaneously accept an invitation to stay for a meal?
  7. less able to taste or try various foods when eating out?
  8. must personally check whether you can eat something when eating out?
  9. must be cautious about eating a product when you have doubts about it
  10. that the ingredients of a product change?
  11. that the quality and clarity of labelling is poor in general?
  12. that people underestimate the impact of food intolerance?
  13. that you must explain to those around you that you have a food intolerance?
  14. about the impact on your health?
  15. that you will be embarrassed by the symptoms of a reaction in social situations?
  16. that you experience physical distress because of symptoms during a reaction?

How concerned are you because of your food intolerance of...

  1. having a reaction?
  2. accidentally eating something to which you will react?
  3. having a reaction when eating out despite the fact that your dietary restrictions have been discussed beforehand?

Please answer the following questions:

  1. to what degree do you feel you are being a nuisance when eating out because you have a food intolerance?
  2. how discouraged do you feel during an intolerant reaction?
  3. how concerned are you about eating something you have never eaten before?


The adult CDQ comprised these response and categories and questions:

Response categories:

  • Not at all
  • slightly
  • moderately
  • quite a bit
  • a great deal


For each statement, please select the option that best describes your feelings.

  1. I feel limited by this disease
  2. I feel worried that I will suffer from this disease
  3. I feel concerned that this disease will cause other health problems
  4. I feel worried about my increased risk of cancer from this disease
  5. I feel socially stigmatized for having this disease
  6. I feel like I'm limited in eating meals with co workers
  7. I feel like I am not able to have special foods like birthday cake and pizza
  8. I feel diet is not sufficient treatment for my disease
  9. I feel that there are not enough choices for treatment
  10. I feel depressed because of my disease
  11. I feel frightened by having this disease
  12. I feel like I don't know enough about the disease
  13. I feel overwhelmed about having this disease
  14. I have trouble socializing because of my disease
  15. I find it difficult to travel or take long trips because of my disease
  16. I feel like I cannot live a normal life because of my disease
  17. I feel afraid to eat out because my food may be contaminated
  18. I feel worried about the increased risks of one of my family members having coeliac disease
  19. I feel like I think about food all the time
  20. I feel concerned that my long-term health will be affected