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FSA 22-09-14 - Annual Animal Welfare Report 2021/22

FSA 22-09-18 Animal welfare report: Annex 3

Analysis of welfare trends for major and critical non-compliances in England and Wales.

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 31 August 2022
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 31 August 2022

Management summary

  1. Total slaughterhouse non-compliances have increased by 10% in the Financial Year 2021-22 (referred to here as FY-2021), mainly due to increases in Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) non-compliances (either no SOP in place, or SOP is deficient), and non-compliances identified through the use of retrospective CCTV viewing.
  2. SOP related cases have increased by 22 cases and the retrospective use of CCTV have picked up 39 more cases, whereas other regular cases of non-compliance have also decreased by 39 cases.
  3. Lairage (the place where animals are rested prior to slaughter) had the highest number of non-compliance cases (116 – same number of cases as previous FY year) 31% of total (a decrease of 3pts). 
  4. Bleeding (-19), stunning (-3), unloading (-6) and ‘other’ (-2) were locations to record decreases over their FY-2020 levels. 
  5. Lairage (31%), movement (22%) and bleeding (15%) were the top 3 locations for non-compliances, accounting for 68% of all cases.
  6. Poultry related non-compliances account for a third (33%, change -3pts) of all cases, sheep (28%, change -1), cattle (27%, change +5pts) and pigs at 13% (+3ppts).
  7. Cases involving cattle have increased by 34% (74 to 99), pigs by 38% (34 to 47), poultry by 4% (118 to 123) and sheep by 6% (97 to 103
  8. The second half of FY-2021(Q3 and Q4) recorded a 25% increase in non-compliances over the same period in FY-2020. The highest increase was in Q4 (30%, from 76 cases in FY-2020 to 99).  

Section 1: Analysis of non-compliance by location

The FSA delivers animal welfare controls and enforcement of animal welfare non-compliances in slaughterhouses on behalf of Defra in England and Welsh Government in Wales. Where checks at the slaughterhouse identify animal welfare non-compliances that have occurred on farm or during transportation, they are referred to the competent authority responsible for investigation and enforcement; either the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) or the Local Authority (LA).

Figure 1 illustrates the total levels 3 and 4 (major and critical) non-compliance trends for all animal welfare locations over the last 4 financial years: 2018 to 2021 (throughout this report FY-2021 refers to the year from April 2021 to March 2022). Transport related non-compliances have increased by 19% in FY-2021, slaughterhouse non-compliances by 10% and on-farm has almost halved (a decrease of 49%). 

The timeline in figure 1 shows sharp rise in on-farm non-compliance cases between October 2020 and February 2021 (i.e.Q3 and Q4 of FY-2020). There has been a steep decline in on-farm cases from February 2021 resulting in the 49% decrease in non-compliances reported for FY-2021. Over the same period there was a sharp decline in transport related non-compliances, which began from August 2020 and stayed relatively low before a sharp increase in March 2021.

Slaughterhouse non-compliance cases have remained comparatively steady averaging 30 cases per month over the last two financial years. There was a 10% increase from FY-2020 to FY-2021. The re-introduction of Welfare Assurance Team inspections and enhanced guidance on CCTV monitoring (live and retrospective viewing) are likely to be contributory factors.

Figure 1: Level 3 and 4 non-compliances: transport, on farm, slaughterhouse financial year 2018 to 2021

Details explained in the text.

Figure 2 illustrates the comparative change in non-compliance levels for the respective locations from FY-2018 to FY-2021. Slaughterhouse levels had the biggest increase from FY-2018 to FY-2019 of 26ppts mainly due to regulatory changes that required mandatory installation of CCTV in slaughterhouse in England, and also required additional equipment and facilities to be installed in slaughterhouses in England and Wales. In FY-2020 there was a decrease of 30ppts. The levels have since increased by 10% in FY-2021 due to cases of no Standard Operating Procedures in place (no SOPs), and non-compliances identified by retrospective CCTV viewing.  

Figure 2: Percentage change in level 3 and 4 non-compliances financial year 2018 to 2021

Details explained in the text.

Covid 19 - Overall, there is a mixed picture on the levels and proportionality of non-compliance. Whilst fluctuations are typically seen, Covid-19 might also be considered a contributory factor. The impact of the disruptions caused by the various lockdowns may have affected each location differently at different periods.

Since the previous report the FSA have re-categorised the offence location of poultry trappings, which has significantly contributed to the shift in proportions of farm and transport non-compliances (see figure 14)

Figure 3 summarises the number of non-compliances by severity (levels 3, 4) and location (transport, on farm, slaughterhouse) for the last 3 financial years. Compared with other locations, slaughterhouse non-compliances are more evenly split between major and critical cases.

Figure 3: Table showing the number of non-compliances by financial years

All animal welfare non-compliances: April 2019 to March 2020

2019 Severity Transport On farm Slaughterhouse
Major Level 3 33 73 271
Critical Level 4 3612 1837 209
Total - 3645 1910 480

All animal welfare non-compliances: April 2020 to March 2021

2020 Severity Transport On farm Slaughterhouse
Major Level 3 26 17 176
Critical Level 4 2583 1614 162
Total - 2609 1631 338

All animal welfare non-compliances: April 2021 to March 2022

2021 Severity Transport On farm Slaughterhouse
Major Level 3 38 10 192
Critical Level 4 3067 825 180
Total - 3105 835 372

Section 2: Slaughterhouse only analysis

Figure 4 illustrates the composition of total non-compliances in FY-2019 to FY-2021 by the different categories of identified non-compliances i.e., Annex II Regs, CCTV related and regular cases. It is important to highlight that Annex II and CCTV regulations were introduced in FY-2019 and as a result total non-compliance increased by 26% compared with FY-2018 levels. 

Figure 4: Slaughterhouse non-compliances: Breakdown of financial year 2019 to 2021 comparison

Details explained in the text.

The chart illustrates that regular non-compliances have decreased from 332 in FY-2020 to 283 in FY-2021 (a decrease of 12%), and the increase in SOP and CCTV related non-compliances from 14 cases to a combined total of 89 resulting in an overall increase of 10% for FY-2021. 

Figure 5 compares total non-compliances between FY-2020 and FY-2021 by quarters. There was an increase in Q3 (19%) and Q4 (30%) of FY-2021 compared with FY-2020. These were mainly due to increased cases in Lairage (51%) and stunning (48%) over the second half of FY-2021.

Figure 5: Slaughterhouse non-compliances by quarters financial year 2020 versus 2021

Details explained in the text.

Figures in brackets indicates the proportional change in non-compliance compared with the same quarter in FY-2020.

Figure 6 illustrates non-compliances by locations within the slaughterhouse. Sheep lairage cases account for 14% of all slaughterhouse non-compliances, a decrease of 1%. Followed by movement of poultry (movement within the slaughterhouse) which is 12% of the total in FY-2021, is unchanged from FY-2020. Management related non-compliances (i.e. poorly documented controls) accounted for 9% of all cases in FY-2020, has increased to 12% in FY-2021, and bleeding by 4pts to 15%.

Figure 6: Slaughterhouse level 3 and 4 non-compliances by animal species and location financial year 2021

Details explained in the text.

Figure 7 illustrates the comparative change in the non-compliance numbers for FY-2020 and FY-2021 by process types per animal species. For example, it highlights increased numbers in bleeding, management and stunning of cattle, also lairage of pigs. 

Figure 7: Slaughterhouse non-compliance by animal species financial year 2020 to 2021

Details explained in the text.

Figure 8 shows slaughterhouse non-compliances split by severity over the past four years. The chart highlights an upward trend in level 3 cases and a decreasing trend in level 4 cases in FY-2021. Overall level 4 cases have increased by 11% and level 3 by 9% over FY-2020. The increase in total cases in Q4 of FY-2021 results from an increase in level 3 cases since Q2. 

Figure 8: Slaughterhouse non-compliances financial year 2018 to 2021

Details explained in the text.

Levels of Non- Compliance severity:

  • Level 3 (MAJOR non-compliance) – Potential risk to welfare. 
  • Level 4 (CRITICAL non-compliance) – Poses a serious and imminent risk to animal welfare. 

Figure 9 illustrates the increase in numbers of non-compliances across all animal species in FY-2021 in comparison with FY-2020. Cases involving cattle have increased by 34% (74 to 99), pigs by 38% (34 to 47), poultry by 4% (118 to 123) and sheep by 6% (97 to 103). Cattle account for 27% of total non-compliances, pigs (13%), poultry (33%) and sheep (28%).

Figure 9: Slaughterhouse comparison of level 3 and 4 non-compliances by animal species for financial year 2019 to 2021

Details explained in the text.

*figures in brackets represent proportion of financial year 2021 total.

Figure 10. shows the split by severity of cases for each of the slaughterhouse locations. Lairage (66) and stunning (45) have the highest levels of major (level 3) cases followed by movement (32) and management (31). For critical (level 4) non-compliance cases, Lairage (50), movement (51) and bleeding (42) are the main sources in FY-2021. 

Figure 10: Slaughterhouse Level 3 and  non-compliances by severity and location, financial year 2021

Details in the text.

*figures in brackets represent proportion of financial year 2021 total.

Figure 11 illustrates the changes in non-compliances between FY-2020 and FY-2021. Highlights increases in bleeding, management, and movement compared with FY-2021.

Figure 11: Slaughterhouse Change in total non-compliances by location financial year 2020 to 2021

Details explained in the text.

*Other includes some non-compliances that are recorded in multi-species plants for deficiencies that affect all other animal species, that the FBO processes for example structural deficiencies or deficiencies in the CCTV system.

Figure 12 also highlights the increases in non-compliances across all the identifiable animal species in FY-2021, with cattle experiencing the highest increase of 25, pigs (13), poultry (5) and sheep (6). Most of these are management related non-compliances, such as those arising at the introduction of ‘Annex II’ regulations, which have reduced significantly between FY-2019 and FY-2020. There were no records of ‘other’ species in FY-2021 hence a decrease of 15 from FY-2020.

Figure 12: Slaughterhouse change in total non-compliances by animal species financial year 2020 to 2021. 

Details explained in the text.

Section 3: Analysis of transport and on farm non-compliances

Figure 13 illustrates changes in the number of on-farm and transport related non-compliances for FY-2020 and FY-2021. The significant changes in both locations are in relation to poultry. On-farm has seen a very significant decrease in poultry cases of non-compliance (from 1125 to 226), and transport recorded increased poultry cases of 1394 from 801 reported in FY-2020.

Figure 13: Transport and on farm non-compliance by animal species financial year 2020 to 2021

Details explained in the text.

Figure 14 highlights the major sources of transport non-compliances in FY-2021 and compares with their previous levels. It shows that the increase in poultry related transport cases is due to the trapping of birds (more than 3 times in number for FY-2020), which is due to re-categorising the offence location of poultry trappings from on-farm to transport in FY-2021.

Figure 15 highlights the major sources of On-farm non-compliances in FY-2021 and compares with their previous levels. Except for bruising (-3%) and pododermatitis (-28%) that experienced declines, other sources saw an increase in cases.

Figure 14: Major causes of transport non-compliances financial year 2021 comparison

Description of non-compliance causes 2020 2021 Increase/decrease
Dead on arrival (DOA) 1508 1470 -3%
Trapping  316 1002 217%
Late stages of pregnancy 440 332 -25%

Figure 15: Major causes of on farm non-compliances financial year 2021 comparison


Description of non-compliance causes 2020 2021 Increase/decrease
Bruising  77 75 -3%
Pododermatitis 104 75 -28%
Open wounds 47 68 45%
Lameness score of 3 39 51 31%
Prolapse 27 50 85%
Lameness score of 4 23 44 91%
Lameness score of 5 16 33 106%
Lameness score of 2 16 32 100%