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Multi-Annual National Control Plan

How we are involved with different authorities and organisations to enforce regulations.

Last updated: 24 November 2023
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Last updated: 24 November 2023
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To note: Following EU Exit in January of 2020, responsibility for the Great Britain Multi-Annual National Control Plan (GB MANCP) and its annual report formally transferred to Defra. As the lead on international trade, Defra now manage the collation, maintenance, and publication of these documents.  
Northern Ireland produces their own separate report (the Annual Report on Official Controls) which is submitted directly to the EU Commission, in line with the Northern Ireland Protocol. 
Defra are currently creating a new website to host the GB MANCP and finalised annual reports from 2020 onwards. This web page will remain active as a placeholder until this work is completed.   
Any queries relating to the MANCP, and its annual reports should be directed to

The single integrated United Kingdom Multi-Annual National Control Plan (UK MANCP) is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Articles 109 to 111 of retained Regulation (EU) 2017/625. Under this regulation, it is a legal requirement that the UK have a national control plan. The purpose of the MANCP is to demonstrate that effective control systems are in place for monitoring and enforcing:

  • feed and food law
  • animal health and animal welfare regulations
  • plant health law, including protecting consumer health in relation to plant protection products

The MANCP includes information about the structure, roles and responsibilities of the various competent authorities involved in monitoring compliance and enforcement. It provides an overview of how competent authorities and other bodies work together to:

  • safeguard public, animal and plant health
  • protect consumers
  • promote animal welfare

The MANCP is produced by the FSA with contributions from:

  • Defra and its agencies
  • Food Standards Scotland
  • Department of Health and Social Care
  • Health and Safety Executive’s Chemicals Regulation Directorate
  • Scottish Government Agriculture, Food and Rural Communities
  • Welsh Government Natural Resources
  • Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland

Development and review of the plan

In accordance with retained Regulation (EU) 2017/625, the UK’s MANCP is reviewed annually.

The MANCP was updated in December 2019 to take account of the introduction of the new retained Official Controls Regulation (EU) 2017/625 on 14 December 2019, which repealed and replaced Regulation (EC) No 882/2004. This MANCP runs until March 2023.

England, Northern Ireland and Wales

Annual Report on progress towards implementation of the UK MANCP

Progress on implementation of the MANCP is continually monitored and annual reports are prepared and published by the FSA with contributions from all UK competent authorities and devolved administrations.

From the 2020 MANCP annual report onwards GB and Northern Ireland will produce their own separate reports in line with the Northern Ireland Protocol.  

England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

England, Northern Ireland and Wales