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Importing plastic kitchenware from China and Hong Kong into Northern Ireland 

Northern Ireland specific

How to import polyamide and melamine plastic kitchenware from China and Hong Kong into Northern Ireland.

Last updated: 18 December 2020
Last updated: 18 December 2020
If you are moving goods under the NI Retail Movement Scheme please see Northern Ireland Retail Movement Scheme: how to register and seal consignments - GOV.UK. The following guidance relates only to movements to NI that fall outside of the NI Retail Movement Scheme.

There are specific conditions and procedures for the import of polyamide and of melamine plastic kitchenware originating in or consigned from China and Hong Kong into Northern Ireland (NI) set up by Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2011. 

Import conditions

To import plastic kitchenware originating in or consigned from China and Hong Kong into Northern Ireland you will need to submit to the district council for each consignment a declaration (found in the annex of Regulation 284/2011) and a laboratory report confirming that it meets the requirements concerning the release of primary aromatic amines and formaldehyde. This is also necessary if these goods are imported into Great Britain (GB) and then moved into NI. 

Import procedures

You must pre-notify the district council at the Port at least two working days in advance of the estimated date and time of physical arrival of consignments. The Chinese kitchenware consignments originating in, or consigned from, China and Hong Kong or transferred via GB must then enter NI via a Port approved to receive these commodities.  

You should pre-notify the district council using a Common Health Entry Document (CHED-D) on Traces NT. The approved POEs in NI are Belfast Port, Larne Port and Warrenpoint Port. 

You must include the correct documentation with you CHED-D on TRACES NT. This will include your commercial documentation and the laboratory report. You should select commodity code 3924100011 when completing the CHED-D. 

All consignments will receive a documentary check. The legislation requires that 10% of consignments will also be subject to a combined identity and physical check, which involves a sampling process.

During the sampling process the consignment will be held under customs control, pending laboratory result. The European Commission has issued guidance on the import of plastic kitchenware from China and Hong Kong