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Importing plastic kitchenware from China and Hong Kong

England and Wales specific

How to import polyamide and melamine plastic kitchenware from China and Hong Kong to GB.

Last updated: 31 December 2020
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Last updated: 31 December 2020
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There are specific conditions and procedures for the import of polyamide and of melamine plastic kitchenware originating in or consigned from China and Hong Kong to GB set up by Regulation 284/2011.

Import conditions

To import plastic kitchenware originating in or consigned from China and Hong Kong you will need to submit to the competent authority for each consignment a declaration and a laboratory report confirming that it meets the requirements concerning the release of primary aromatic amines and formaldehyde.

Import procedures

You must pre-notify the competent authority at the first point of introduction at least two working days in advance of the estimated date and time of physical arrival of consignments. The UK has designated specific Border Control Posts (BCPs) for the consignments originating in, or consigned from, China and Hong Kong. 

A documentary check and an identity and physical check, including sampling for laboratory analysis of 10% of such consignments, will take place at the BCP.  You will need to pay fees relating to import controls to the relevant authority where these controls apply. The fees will not be higher than the costs incurred by the authorities.

Further information can be found within Regulation 284/2011.