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Foodstuffs with current European Union (EU) restrictions

Northern Ireland specific

A table of foodstuffs with current European Union (EU) import restrictions

Last updated: 2 July 2024
See all updates
Last updated: 2 July 2024
See all updates
If you are moving goods under the NI Retail Movement Scheme please see Northern Ireland Retail Movement Scheme: how to register and seal consignments - GOV.UK. The following guidance relates only to movements to NI that fall outside of the NI Retail Movement Scheme.

Controls exist on certain foodstuffs from certain countries to protect public health. These may either specify conditions of import or suspend imports depending on the risk.

Consignments of controlled products can only be imported through designated Border Control Points. On presentation, documentary checks must be carried out in addition to sampling and analysis or examination. This increase in official controls take place prior to a consignment being cleared for import. Specific products are currently under harmonised controls in the EU that control their importation from specific non-EU countries. 

Specific controls can be found below split by country. This list will be updated regularly.

Albania (AL)

Commission Decision 2007/642/EC


  • Fishery products

Contaminant controlled


Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

Azerbaijan (AZ)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Hazelnuts (Corylus sp.) in shell (0802 21 00)
  • Hazelnuts (Corylus sp.) shelled (0802 22 00)
  • Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing hazelnuts (ex 0813 50 39 70, ex 0813 50 91 70, ex 0813 50 99 70)
  • Hazelnut paste (ex 2007 10 10 70, ex 2007 10 99 40, ex 2007 99 39 05;06, ex 2007 99 50 33, ex 2007 99 97 23)
  • Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures (ex 2008 97 12 15, ex 2008 97 14 15, ex 2008 97 16 15, ex 2008 97 18 15, ex 2008 97 32 15, ex 2008 97 34 15, ex 2008 97 36 15, ex 2008 97 38 15, ex 2008 97 51 15, ex 2008 97 59 15, ex 2008 97 72 15, ex 2008 97 74 15, ex 2008 97 76 15, ex 2008 97 78 15, ex 2008 97 92 15, ex 2008 97 93 15, ex 2008 97 94 15, ex 2008 97 96 15, ex 2008 97 97 15, ex 2008 97 98 15, ex 2008 19 12 30, ex 2008 19 19 30, ex 2008 19 92 30, ex 2008 19 95 20, ex 2008 19 99 30)
  • Flour, meal and powder of hazelnuts (ex 1106 30 90 40)
  • Hazelnut oil (ex 1515 90 99 20)

Contaminant controlled


Bangladesh (BD)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Zara lemons (Citrus medica) (ex 0805 90 00)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II


  • Foodstuffs containing or consisting of betel leaves (“Piper betle”) (1404 90 00 10)

Contaminant controlled


Belarus (BY)

Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

Bolivia (BO)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II

Food and feed

  • Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell (1202 41 00)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled (1202 42 00)
  • Peanut butter (2008 11 10)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures (2008 11 91, 2008 11 96, 2008 11 98, ex 2008 19 12 40, ex 2008 19 19 50, ex 2008 19 92 40, ex 2008 19 95 40, ex 2008 19 99 50)
  • Groundnut flours and meals (ex 1208 90 00 20)
  • Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil (2305 00 00)
  • Groundnuts paste (ex 2007 10 10 80; ex 2007 10 99 50; ex 2007 99 39 07, ex 2007 99 39 08)

Contaminant controlled


Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)

Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

Brazil (BR)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II 

Food – neither crushed nor ground

  • Black pepper (piper) (ex 0904 11 00 10)

Contaminant controlled


Burkina Faso

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Aubergines/eggplants (Solanum aethiopicum) (ex 0709 30 00 70)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

China (CN)

Commission Decision 2011/884/EC (as amended)


  • Rice in the husk (‘paddy’ or rough) (1006 10)
  • Husked (brown) rice (1006 20)
  • Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed (1006 30)
  • Broken rice (1006 40 00)
  • Rice flour (1102 90 50)
  • Rice groats and meal (1103 19 50)
  • Rice pellets (1103 20 50)
  • Flaked rice grains (1104 19 91)
  • Rolled or flaked cereal grains (excluding grains of oats, wheat, rye, maize and barley, and flaked rice) (1104 19 99)
  • Rice starch (1108 19 10)
  • Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale (1901 10 00)
  • Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, containing eggs (1902 11 00)
  • Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, not containing eggs (1902 19)
  • Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared (1902 20)
  • Other pasta (other than uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, and other than stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared) (1902 30)
  • Prepared foods obtained by swelling or roasting cereals or cereal products, obtained from rice (1904 10 30)
  • Preparations of the muesli-type based on unroasted cereal flakes (1904 20 10)
  • Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals, obtained from rice (excluding preparations of the muesli-type on the basis of unroasted cereal flakes) (1904 20 95)
  • Rice, pre-cooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included (excluding flour, groats and meal, food preparations obtained by swelling or roasting or from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals) (1904 90 10)
  • Rice paper (ex 1905 90 20)
  • Biscuits (1905 90 45)
  • Extruded or expanded products, savoury or salted (1905 90 55)
  • Extruded or expanded products, sweetened (for example, Fruit tarts, currant bread, panettone, meringues, Christmas stollen, croissants, and other baker’s wares) (1905 90 60)
  • Extruded or expanded products neither sweetened nor savouried nor salted (for example, Pizzas, quiches and other unsweetened baker’s wares) (1905 90 90)
  • Sauces and preparations, mixed condiments and mixed seasonings (2103 90 90)
  • Bran, sharps and other residues, whether or not in the form of pellets, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of rice with a starch content not exceeding 35% by weight (2302 40 02)
  • Bran, sharps and other residues, whether or not in the form of pellets, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of rice other than with a starch content not exceeding 35% by weight (2302 40 08)

Contaminant controlled

Genetically modified organisms

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Tea, whether or not flavoured (0902)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Food – crushed or ground

  • Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum) (ex 0904 22 00 11)

Contaminant controlled


Food and feed

  • Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell (1202 41 00)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled (1202 42 00)
  • Peanut butter (2008 11 10)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved (2008 11 91, 2008 11 96, 2008 11 98)
  • Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil (2305 00 00)
  • Groundnut flours and meals (ex 1208 90 00 20)
  • Groundnuts paste (ex 2007 10 10 80; ex 2007 10 99 50; ex 2007 99 39 07, ex 2007 99 30 08) 

Contaminants controlled


Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II

Food and feed

  • Xanthan gum (ex 3913 90 00)

Contaminants controlled

Pesticide residues

Colombia (CO)

Regulation 2019/1793 Annex I


Granadilla and passion fruit (Passiflora liguralis and Passiflora edulis)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues 

Cote d'Ivoire (CI)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


Palm Oil (1511 10 90, 1511 90 11, ex 1511 90 19, 1511 90 00)

Contaminant controlled

Sudan Dyes

Dominican Republic (DO)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food – fresh, chilled or frozen

  • Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum) (0709 60 10, 0710 80 51)
  • Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet) (ex 0709 60 99 20, ex 0710 80 59 20)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II

Food – fresh or chilled

  • Aubergines (Solanum melongena) (0709 30 00)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Egypt (EG)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food – fresh, chilled or frozen

  • Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum) (0709 60 10, 0710 80 51)
  • Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet) (ex 0709 60 99 20, ex 0710 80 59 20)

Food – fresh or dried

  • Oranges (0805 10)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Food – fresh or dried

  • Sugar apple (Annona squamosa) (ex 0810 90 75 20)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II

Food and feed

  • Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell (1202 41 00)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled (1202 42 00)
  • Peanut butter (2008 11 10)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved including mixtures (2008 11 91, 2008 11 96, 2008 11 98), ex 2008 19 19 50, ex 2008 19 92 40, ex 2008 19 19 95 40, ex 2008 19 99 50
  • Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil (2305 00 00)
  • Groundnut flours and meals (ex 1208 90 00 20)
  • Groundnuts paste (ex 2007 10 10 80, ex 2007 10 99 50, ex 2007 99 39 07, ex 2007 99 39 08

These restrictions may also apply to food products containing 20% or more of the above.

Contaminant controlled


Ethiopia (ET)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Sesamum seeds (1207 40 90), ex 2008 19 19 40, ex 2008 19 99 40

Contaminant controlled


Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II

Food – dried spices

  • Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground or fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta (0904)
  • Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices (0910)

These restrictions may also apply to food products containing 20% or more of the above.

Contaminant controlled


Georgia (GE)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Hazelnuts, in shell (0802 21 00)
  • Hazelnuts, shelled (0802 22 00)
  • Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing hazelnuts (ex  0813 50 39 70, ex 0813 50 91 70, ex 0813 50 99 70
  • Flour, meal and powder of hazelnuts (ex 1106 30 90 40)
  • Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved (ex 2008 19 12 30, ex 2008 19 19 30, ex 19 92 30, ex 2008 19 95 20, ex 2008 19 99 30) ex 2008 97 12 15, ex 2008 97 14 15, ex 2008 97 16 15, ex 2008 97 18 15, ex 2008 97 32 15, ex 2008 97 34 15, ex 2008 97 36 15, ex 2008 97 38 15, ex 2008 97 51 15, ex 2008 97 59 15, ex 2008 97 72 15, ex 2008 97 74 15, ex 2008 97 76 15, ex 2008 97 78 15, ex 2008 97 92 15, ex 2008 97 93 15, ex 2008 97 94 15, ex 2008 97 96 15, ex 2008 97 97 15, ex 2008 97 98 15)
  • Hazelnut oil
  • Hazelnut paste

Contaminant controlled


Ghana (GH)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II

Food and feed

  • Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell (1202 41 00)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled (1202 42 00)
  • Peanut butter (2008 11 10)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved including mixtures (2008 11 91, 2008 11 96, 2008 11 98. ex 2008 19 12 40, ex 2008 19 19 50, ex 2008 19 92 40, ex 2008 19 95 40, ex 2008 19 99 50)
  • Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil (2305 00 00)
  • Groundnut flours and meals (ex 1208 90 00 20)
  • Groundnuts paste (ex 2007 10 10 80, ex 2007 10 99 50, ex 2007 99 39 07, ex 2007 99 39 08)

These restrictions may also apply to food products containing 20% or more of the above.

Contaminant controlled


Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II


  • Palm oil (1511 10 90, 1511 90 11, ex 1511 90 19 90, 1511 90 99

Contaminant controlled

Sudan dyes

Guinea (GN)

Commission Decision 2007/82/EC


  • Fishery products

Contaminant controlled

Poor sanitary conditions

India (IN)

Commission Decision 2010/381/EU


  • Aquaculture products

Contaminant controlled

Veterinary residues

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food – fresh, chilled or frozen

  • Okra (ex 0709 99 90 20, ex 0710 80 95 30)
  • Drumsticks (Moringa oleifera) (ex 0709 99 90)
  • Yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata ssp, Sesquipedalis, Vigna unguicilata ssp. unguicilata (ex 0708 20 00, ex 0710 22 00)


  • Guava (Psidium guajava) (0804 50 00)
  • Cumin seeds (0909 31 00)
    Cumin seeds crushed or ground (0909 32 00)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues


  • Rice (1006)

Contaminant controlled

Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A and Pesticide residues

Food - dried spices

  • Nutmeg (Myristica fragfrans) (0908 11 00, 0908 12 00)

Contaminant controlled


Food - dried spices

  • Vanilla (0905)
  • Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems) (0907)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues


  • Betel leaves (Piper betle L.) (ex 1404 90 00 10)

Contaminant controlled


Food- dried, roasted, crushed or ground

  • Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet) (0904 21 10, ex 0904 22 00 11; 19, ex 0904 21 90 20, ex 2005 99 10; 90, ex 2005 99 80 94

Contaminant controlled


Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II

Food - fresh, chilled, frozen or dried

Curry leaves (Bergera/Murraya koenigii) ex 1211 90 86

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues


  • Betel leaves (Piper betle L.) (ex 1404 90 00 10)
  • Sesamum seeds (1207 40 90, ex 2008 19 19 40, ex 2008 19 99 40)

Contaminant controlled


Food and feed

  • Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell (1202 41 00)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled (1202 42 00)
  • Peanut butter (2008 11 10)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures (2008 11 91, 2008 11 96, 2008 11 98, ex 2008 19 12 40, ex 2008 19 19 50, ex 2008 19 92 40, ex 2008 19 95 40, ex 2008 19 99 50)
  • Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil (2305 00 00)
  • Groundnut flours and meals (ex 1208 90 00 20)
  • Groundnuts paste (ex 2007, 10, 10, ex 2007 10 99 50, ex 2007 99 30 07; 08)

These restrictions may also apply to food products containing 20% or more of the above.

Contaminant controlled


Food – fresh, chilled or frozen

  • Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet) (ex 0709 60 99 20, ex 0710 80 59 20)

Food and feed

  • Sesamum seeds (1207 40 90, ex 2008 19 19 40, ex 2008 19 99 40)

  • Calcium carbonate (ex 2106 90 92 55, ex 2106 90 98 60, ex 2530 90 70 10, 2836 50 00)

Food - dried spices

  • Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta (0904)             

  • Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers (0906)

  • Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms (0908)

  • Seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway; juniper berries (0909)

  • Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices (Food) (0910)


  • Sauces and preparations thereof; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard (2103)

  • Food supplements containing botanicals (ex 1302; ex 2106) 

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Indonesia (ID)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II

Food – dried spices

  • Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (0908 11 00; 0908 12 00)

These restrictions may also apply to food products containing 20% or more of the above.

Contaminants controlled


Iran (IR)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II


  • Pistachios, in shell (0802 51 00)
  • Pistachios, shelled (0802 52 00)
  • Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios (ex 0813 50 39 60, ex 0813 50 91 60, ex 0813 50 99 60)
  • Pistachio paste (ex 2007 10 10 60, ex 2007 10 99 30, ex 2007 99 39 03:04, ex 2007 99 50 32,  ex 2007 99 97 22)
  • Pistachios, prepared or preserved, including mixtures (ex 2008 19 13 20, ex 2008 19 93 20, ex 2008 97 12 19, ex 2008 97 14 19, ex 2008 97 16 19, ex 2008 97 18 19, ex 2008 97 32 19, ex 2008 97 34 19, ex 2008 97 36 19, ex 2008 97 38 19, ex 2008 97 51 19, ex 2008 97 59 19, ex 2008 97 72 19, ex 2008 97 74 19, ex 2008 97 76 19, ex 2008 97 78 19, ex 2008 97 92 19, ex 2008 97 93 19, ex 2008 97 94 19, ex 2008 97 96 19, ex 2008 97 97 19, ex 2008 97 98 19)
  • Flour, meal and powder of pistachios (ex 1106 30 90 50)

These restrictions may also apply to food products containing 20% or more of the above.

Contaminants controlled


Israel (IL)

Regulation 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Basil (Ocimum basilicum) ex 12 11 90 86
  • Mint (Mentha) ex 12 11 90 86

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Kenya (KE)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food – fresh or chilled

  • Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) (0708 20)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Food - fresh, chilled or frozen

Peppers of the genus Capiscum (other than sweet) (ex 0709 60 99, ex 0710 80 59)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Kosovo (XK)

Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

Lebanon (LB)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid

  • Turnips (Brassica rapa spp. Rapa) (ex 2001 90 97 11; 19)

Food – prepared or preserved by brine or citric acid, not frozen

  • Turnips (Brassica rapa spp. Rapa) (ex 2005 99 80 93)

Contaminant controlled

Rhodamine B

Madagascar (MG)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Black eyed beans (Vigna unguiculata) (0713 35 00)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Malaysia (MY)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food – fresh

  • Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) (ex 0810 90 20 20)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues


  • Mixtures of food additives containing locust bean gum

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Mexico (MX)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food- fresh and chilled

  • Green papaya (Carica papaya) (0807 20 00)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Moldova (MD)

Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

Montenegro (ME)

Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station

Nigeria (NG)

Regulation (EU) 2019/`793 Annex II


Sesamum seeds (1207 40 90, ex 2008 19 19 40, ex 2008 19 99 40)

Contaminant controlled


Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex IIa


  • Foodstuffs consisting of dried beans (0713 35 00, 0713 39 00, 0713 90 00)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

North Macedonia (MK)

Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

Pakistan (PK)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Spices mixers (0910 91 10, 0910 91 90)

Contaminant controlled



  • Rice (1006)

Contaminant controlled

Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A and Pesticide residues

Rwanda (RW)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food - fresh, chilled or frozen

Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet) (ex 0709 60 99 20, ex 0710 80 59 20)

Contaminant controlled 

Pesticide residues

Russia (RU)

Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

Serbia  (RS)

Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

South Korea (KR)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food and feed

Food supplements containing botanicals (ex 1302, ex 2106)

Contaminants controlled

Pesticide residues

Sri Lanka (LK)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Mukunuwenna (Alternanthera sessilis) (ex 0709 99 90)

Food - fresh, chilled or frozen vegetables

  • Yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesqui, Vigna unguiculata ssp. Unguiculata (ex 0708 20 00 10, ex 0710 22 00 10)

Contaminants controlled

Pesticide residues

Food – dried, roasted, crushed or ground

  • Peppers of the Capsicum species (sweet or other than sweet) (0904 21 10, ex 0904 21 90 20, ex 0904 22 00; 11; 19, ex 2005 99 10; 10; 90, ex 2005 99 80 94)

These restrictions may also apply to food products containing 20% or more of the above.

Contaminant controlled


Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II


  • Gotukola (Centella asiatica) (ex 1211 90 86 60)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Sudan (SD)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II


  • Sesamum seeds (1207 40 90, ex 2008 19 19 40, ex 2008 19 99 40)

Contaminant controlled


Switzerland (CH)

Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

Syria (SY)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I


  • Tahini and halva from Sesamum seeds (ex 1704 90 99 12; 92, ex 1806 20 95 13; 93, ex 1806 90 50 10, ex 1806 90 60 11; 91

Contaminant controlled


Thailand (TH)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food – fresh, chilled or frozen

  • Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet) (ex 0709 60 99 20, ex 0710 80 59 20)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Turkey (TR)

Regulation (EU) 743/2013 (as amended)


  • Bivalve molluscs

Contaminant controlled

Poor sanitary conditions

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food – fresh or chilled

  • Pomegranates (ex 0810 90 75 30)

Food – fresh, chilled or frozen

  • Sweet Peppers (Capsicum annuum) (0709 60 10, 0710 80 51)
  • Peppers of the genus Capiscum (other than sweet) (ex 0709 60 99 20, ex 0710 80 59 20)

Food - fresh, chilled or dried

  • Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) (0805 50 10)


  • Grapefruits (0805 40 00)
  • Mixtures of food additives containing locust bean gum (ex 2106 90 92, ex 2106 90 98, ex 3824 99 93, ex 3824 99 96)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues


  • Dried oregano (ex 1211 90 86 40) 

Contaminant controlled

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids 


  • Sesamum seeds (1207 40 90, ex 2008 19 19 40, ex 2008 19 99 40)

Contaminant controlled


Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II


  • Cumin seeds (0909 31 00)
  • Cumin seeds crushed or ground (0909 32 00)

Contaminant controlled

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids


  • Dried figs (0804 20 90)
  • Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing figs (ex 0813 50 99 50)
  • Dried fig paste (ex 2007 10 10 50, ex 2007 10 99 20, ex 2007 99 39 01; 02, ex 2007 99 50 31, ex 2007 99 97 21)
  • Dried figs, prepared or preserved, including mixtures (ex 2008 97 12 11, ex 2008 97 14 11, ex 2008 97 16 11, ex 2008 97 18 11, ex 2008 97 32 11, ex 2008 97 34 11, ex 2008 97 36 11, ex 2008 97 38 11, ex 2008 97 51 11, ex 2008 97 59 11, ex 2008 97 72 11, ex 2008 97 74 11, ex 2008 97 76 11, ex 2008 97 78 11, ex 2008 97 92 11, ex 2008 97 93 11, ex 2008 97 94 11, ex 2008 97 96 11, ex 2008 97 97 11, ex 2008 97 98 11, ex 2008 99 28 10, ex 2008 99 34 10, ex 2008 99 37 10, ex 2008 99 40 10, ex 2008 99 49 60, ex 2008 99 67 95, ex 2008 99 99 60)
  • Flour, meal or powder of dried figs (ex 1106 30 90 60)
  • Pistachios, in shell (0802 51 00)
  • Pistachios, shelled (0802 52 00)
  • Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios (ex 0813 50 39 60, ex 0813 50 91 60, ex 0813 50 99 60)
  • Pistachio paste (ex 2007 10 10 60, ex 2007 10 99 30, ex 2007 99 39 03:04, ex 2007 99 50 32, ex 2007 99 97 22)
  • Pistachios, prepared or preserved, including mixtures (ex 2008 19 13 20, ex 2008 19 93 20, ex 2008 97 12 19, ex 2008 97 14 19, ex 2008 97 16 19, ex 2008 97 18 19, ex 2008 97 32 19, ex 2008 97 34 19, ex 2008 97 36 19, ex 2008 97 38 19, ex 2008 97 51 19, ex 2008 97 59 19, ex 2008 97 72 19, ex 2008 97 74 19, ex 2008 97 76 19, ex 2008 97 78 19, ex 2008 97 92 19, ex 2008 97 93 19, ex 2008 97 94 19, ex 2008 97 96 19, ex 2008 97 97 19, ex 2008 97 98 19)
  • Flour, meal and powder of pistachios (ex 1106 30 90 50)

These restrictions may also apply to food products containing 20% or more of the above.

Contaminant controlled



  • Vine leaves (ex 2008 99 99 11,19)

Food – fresh or dried

  • Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids (0805 21, 0805 22 00, 0805 29 00) 
  • Oranges (0805 10) 

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues


  • Unprocessed whole, ground, milled, cracked, chopped apricot kernels intended to be placed on the market for the final consumer (ex 1212 99 95 20)

Contaminant controlled


Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

Uganda (UG)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food – fresh, chilled or frozen

  • Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet) (ex 0709 60 99 20, ex 0710 80 59 20)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II


  • Sesamum seeds (1207 40 90, ex 2008 19 19 40, ex 2008 19 99 40)

Contaminant controlled


Ukraine (UA)

Regulation 2020/1158


  • Certain mushrooms and fruit of the genus Vaccinium.

Contaminant controlled

Caesium-137 following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

United States (US)

Commission Decision 2006/199/EC


  • Fishery products

Contaminant controlled

Poor sanitary conditions

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex I

Food and feed

  • Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell (1202 41 00)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled (1202 42 00)
  • Peanut butter (2008 11 10)
  • Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved (2008 11 91, 2008 11 96, 2008 11 98)
  • Groundnut flours and meals (ex 1208 90 00 20)
  • Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil (2305 00 00)
  • Groundnuts paste (ex 2007 10 10 80; ex 2007 10 99 50; ex 2007 99 39 07; 08) 

Contaminant controlled


Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II


Vanilla extract (1302 19 05)

Contaminant controlled 

Pesticide residues

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II (table 3)

The following products are only controlled for aflatoxins, if they have been dispatched from Turkey.

Food and feed

  • Pistachios, in shell (0802 51 00)
  • Pistachios, shelled (0802 52 00)
  • Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios (ex 0813 50 39; 60, ex 0813 50 91; 60, ex 0813 50 99; 60, ex 2007 10 10; 60, ex 2007 10 99; 30, ex 2007 99 39; 03; 04, ex 2007 99 50; 32, ex 2007 99 97; 22, ex 2008 19 13; 20, ex 2008 19 93; 20, ex 2008 97 12; 19, ex 2008 97 14; 19, ex 2008 97 16; 19, ex 2008 97 18; 19, ex 2008 97 32; 19, ex 2008 97 34; 19, ex 2008 97 36; 19, ex 2008 97 38; 19, ex 2008 97 51; 19, ex 2008 97 59; 19, ex 2008 97 72; 19, ex 2008 97 74; 19, ex 2008 97 76; 19, ex 2008 97 78; 19, ex 2008 97 92; 19, ex 2008 97 93; 19, ex 2008 97 94; 19, ex 2008 97 96; 19, ex 2008 97 97; 19, ex 2008 97 98; 19,


  • Flours, meals and powder of pistachios (ex 1106 30 90; 50)

Contaminant controlled


Vietnam (VN)

Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 Annex II

Food – fresh, chilled or frozen

Peppers of the Capsicum species (other than sweet) (ex 0709 60 99 20, ex 0710 80 59 20)

Food – fresh, chilled or frozen

  • Okra (ex 0709 99 90 20, ex 0710 80 95 30)

Food – fresh or chilled

  • Pitahaya (dragon fruit) (ex 0810 90 20 10)

Contaminant controlled

Pesticide residues

All countries

Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1333/2008


  • “Controlled jelly confectionery"
  • “Controlled jelly mini-cups”
  • Means any jelly mini-cups which are intended for human consumption and contain any of the following food additives
  • E 400 alginic acid, E 401 sodium alginate, E 402 potassium alginate, E 403 ammonium alginate, E 404 calcium alginate, E 405 propane 1,2-diol alginate, E 406 agar, E 407 carrageenan, E 407a processed euchema seaweed, E 410 locust bean gum, E 412 guar gum, E 413 tragacanth, E 414 acacia gum, E 415 xanthan gum, E 417 tara gum and/or E 418 gellan gum.

Contaminant controlled

E425 Konjac