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FSA Board & Business Committee Meeting - September 2022

FSA Business Committee Meeting - September 2022: Agenda and Papers

Agenda and papers for the FSA Business Committee meeting on 23 September 2022

Last updated: 12 December 2022
See all updates
Last updated: 12 December 2022
See all updates

Video of meeting

Watch FSA Business Committee Meeting - 23 September 2022 on YouTube 



FSA Board meeting rescheduled following period of National mourning

The FSA’s September Board meeting, postponed following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II last week, will now take place as follows:

  • FSA Business Committee Meeting on Friday 23 September between 14:00 – 16:50hrs
  • FSA Board Meeting on Monday 26 September between 09:00 – 12:30hrs

Both meetings will be held online only, to join please register via this link:

register to view a Board meeting.

Questions on papers being discussed at the Board meeting on Monday 26 September will be accepted until noon on Friday 23 September by emailing

The FSA Business Committee Meeting precedes the FSA Board meeting on Monday 26 September.


The agenda for this meeting of the Business Committee includes:

  • Performance and Resources Q1 2022-23 
  • Risk Analysis Process: update to Business Committee
  • Regulated Products Service: regular update to Business Committee
  • Annual Report: Freedom of Information Requests, External Complaints and Internal Whistleblowing Cases
  • Incidents & Resilience Annual Report 2021/22
  • Annual Animal Welfare Report 2021/22

14:00 - Chair's Introduction

Professor Susan Jebb presents the minutes and actions from the previous FSA Business Committee meeting in June 2022.

FSA 22-09-10 - Minutes of 15 June 2022 Business Committee

FSA 22-09-11 - Actions Arising - Business Committee

14:05 - Chief Executive’s Report to the Business Committee (FSA 22/09/12)

Emily Miles presents the Chief Executive's report to the FSA Business Committee.

FSA 22-09-12 - Chief Executive’s Report to the Business Committee

14:25 - Performance and Resources Q1 2022-23 (FSA 22/09/13)

Tara Smith presents Quarter 1 2022-23 performance and resources update covering, local authority performance; the food crime threat; operational transformation; and staff recruitment and attrition.

FSA 22-09-13 - Performance and Resources Q1 2022-23

14:45 - Break

15:00 - Risk Analysis Process: update to Business Committee (FSA 22/09/14)

Rebecca Sudworth and Peter Quigley introduce a paper providing information on the status of issues undergoing risk analysis in summer 2022 and an update on considerations of monitoring and reporting.

FSA 22-09-14 - Risk Analysis Process: update to Business Committee

15:20 - Regulated Products Service: regular update to Business Committee (FSA 22/09/15)

Rebecca Sudworth and Peter Quigley introduce a regular update provided at each Business Committee giving detailed analysis of the work flowing through the service.

FSA 22-09-15 - Regulated Products Service: regular update to Business Committee

15:40 - Annual Report: Freedom of Information Requests, External Complaints and Internal Whistleblowing Cases (FSA 22/09/16)

Julie Pierce, Maria Jennings, Noel Sykes, and Jenny Desira introduce an annual report informing the Business Committee’s oversight of three areas of work. The Business Committee is asked to agree the priorities set out below.

FSA 22-09-16 - Annual Report: Freedom of Information Requests, External Complaints and Internal Whistleblowing Cases

16:00 - Break

16:15 - Incidents & Resilience Annual Report 2021/22 (FSA 22/09/17)

Junior Johnson and  Darren Whitby introduce a paper outlining the work undertaken by the Incidents & Resilience Unit (IRU) in 2021/22 to ensure that the UK’s food and feed incident detection, response and prevention capability is the best possible given the challenges related to Covid impacts, our exit from the EU and the changing global landscape in which we operate.

FSA 22-09-17 -  Incidents & Resilience Annual Report 2021/22

16:30 - Annual Animal Welfare Report 2021/22 (FSA 22/09/18)

Junior Johnson and Kevin Maher introduce a paper providing an update on FSA activities delivered through the ‘Deter, Prevent, Detect, Enforce’ Animal Welfare Action Plan and its objective of making ongoing improvements in slaughterhouses in England and Wales. This extends to additional reactive work not included in the overarching action plan.

FSA 22-09-18 - Annual Animal Welfare Report 2021/22

16:45  - Any Other Business

16:50 - End of Business Committee