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Executive summary of our quarter 3 2022/23 performance

Key figures on FSA performance and resources for quarter 3 2022 to 2023.

Last updated: 13 March 2023
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Last updated: 13 March 2023
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There have been some significant challenges during 2022/23 including work to deliver the Retained EU Law Bill, the Precision Breeding Bill; the development of the Borders Target Operating Model and dealing with uncertainty on wider public finances. Notwithstanding these, as highlighted by our key metrics, our achievements during Q3 include:

’Doing the day job’

We achieved our Q3 meat food business audit target (90%) for a second successive quarter. Of the 92% audits completed, all high risk premises were audited during the period at the required frequency.

Most LAs are in compliance with the LA Recovery Plan. Many LAs are now completing planned inspections of the low risk categories emphasising how the system is closer to aligning with Food Law Code of Practice expectations, particularly for retailers, restaurants and caterers where, inspections are near pre-pandemic levels. 

Although redeployed / diverted staff have returned to food services, there has been a drop in Full Time Equivalent (FTE) posts allocated to food hygiene services in the last 10 years. The lack of suitably qualified people available for LAs to employ has contributed to the fall in filled posts. Across local food liaison groups, some LAs are reporting significant difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff.

The NFCU continues to record noteworthy disruptions against food crime. Figures for Q3 have fallen, but investigations follow unpredictable rhythms of progress, making it difficult to draw conclusive quarterly comparisons. Compared to 2021/22, there has been a 15% increase overall in disruptions achieved by the NFCU in 2022/23 compared to the first three quarters of 2021/22. Early but unconfirmed Q4 figures point towards an uptick in disruptions for that quarter and the prospect of a greater increase for 2022/23 overall. 

‘Evolving our own capability and capacity’

Due to unforeseen pressure on our resources in the course of 2022/23, 
we completed a prioritisation exercise part way through the year. This involved conscious decisions to stop, reduce or pause work across the FSA. The effect and impact, and actions we are taking to mitigate these changes is picked up across this update.

Meat food business compliance

  • 92% full meat audit completion: +1% points higher than quarter 2

Trust and confidence in FSA and food system

  • 91% are confident that the food they buy is safe to eat
  • 86% are confident the information on food labels is accurate
  • Of those that have some knowledge of the FSA: 75% trust the FSA to ensure food is safe and what it says it is. 

Financial position

  • £3.6 million forecast underspend of 2022/23 Westminster of which: £2.6 million is CDEL

Local authority performance as at 31 December 2022

  • 93.6% interventions achieved at category A-rated establishments for hygiene. (target 100% by 31 March 2022)
  • 94.9% interventions achieved at category B-rated establishments for hygiene. (Target 100% by 30 June 2022)
  • 90.9% interventions achieved at category C-rated establishments for hygiene and less than broadly compliant (target 100% by September 2022)
  • 66.7% interventions achieved at category D-rated establishments for hygiene and less than broadly compliant.
  • 0 LAs escalated through the process

Understanding the food crime threat

  • 61 food crime disruptions (increase of 15% compared to quarter 3 2021 to 2022)