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Actions Arising - September 2023 Board Meeting

FSA 23-09-02 Actions Arising from previous FSA Board Meetings.

Last updated: 7 September 2023
Last updated: 7 September 2023

Actions Arising – Board Meeting

From the FSA Board Meeting on 21 June 2023

Index Action Due Date Owner and progress to date
Action 1 - Chief Executive’s Report to the Board (FSA 23/06/03) Katie Pettifer to review reporting of the ABC Programme to the Business Committee to include milestones.  This action to be passed to Business Committee. September 2023

Katie Pettifer

Complete -

Reporting on the ABC programme, including on milestones, to be included in the P&R Report for the Business Committee

Action 2 - Import Controls and the Target Operating Model (TOM) (FSA 23/06/04) The Board want to be assured that the Trusted Trader Scheme was robust and keen to see food standards and fraud as part of the pilots.  The Board wanted to see the measure of success for the pilots and the key principles.  Anjali Juneja to provide a paper to the Board by end of 2023. December 2023

Anjali Juneja

Part complete – a note on the Trusted Trader scheme has been provided to the Board as part of a Friday circulation.

Work continues on the design of the pilots which includes success measures.

Action 3 - Import Controls and the Target Operating Model (TOM) (FSA 23/06/04) Anjali Juneja to advise on timing of an update to the Board on the Windsor Framework, divergence and any implications for food safety and food standards. September 2023

Anjali Juneja

Ongoing –the team is working on a paper for early September that provides an update on the Windsor framework as well as divergence.

Action 4 - Annual Chief Scientific Adviser’s (CSA) Report (FSA 23/06/05) Robin May to update the Board in due course, as discussions with other Government departments regarding the Biological Security Strategy developed. As available. 

Robin May

Ongoing - we remain in close contact with CO/Defra/UKHSA about the BSS, including feeding in (via PATH-SAFE team) to the recently funded National Biosurveillance Network.

Action 5 - Annual Chief Scientific Adviser’s (CSA) Report (FSA 23/06/05) FSA Chair and Chief Scientific Adviser to develop a mechanism for clear Board contribution to and oversight of the work of the Science Council. January 2024

Robin May

Ongoing - we are proposing direct feed-in to SC ‘ideas list’ after the Board ‘Horizon Scanning’ meeting in January, as well as on an ad hoc basis (curated via Private Office) when topics with potential suitability for SC arise during other meetings.

Action 6 - Risk Analysis Process and Regulated Products Service – Quarterly Report (FSA 23/06/07) The Chair noted further thinking was need on how to approach longer-term reform with more radical thinking without distracting this team from addressing their current workload. As available.

Rebecca Sudworth


We are considering approaches to more fundamental reform, building on the recent review of Novel Foods Regulations. The Board will be updated on early progress in the regular reports on the Regulated Products Service.

Action 7 - Risk Analysis Process and Regulated Products Service – Quarterly Report (FSA 23/06/07) The Chair to ask ARAC to consider lessons learned from the CBD application and authorisation process to identify any lessons learned for future novel foods. December 2023

ARAC Secretariat

Ongoing – To be reviewed after September Board.

Action 8 - Review of the Food Advisory Committees (FACs) (FSA 23/06/09) The Chair asked for the FAC terms of reference to be reviewed to ensure they were fully aligned with the recommendations from the review. December 2023

FAC Secretariats


Actions From Previous Meetings

Index Action Due Date Owner and progress to date

Action 1 – Actions Arising (FSA 23/03/02)

CSA to give the Board further information on implementation of folic acid fortification when available. 21 June 2023

Robin May

Complete: CSA updated Board at June 23 meeting.

Action 3 – Achieving Business Compliance Programme (FSA 23/03/06)

Katie Pettifer to bring information on FSA’s role in relation to the performance of primary authorities to a future Board meeting. December 2023

Katie Pettifer

Ongoing: Update to be provided within next local authority performance Board paper.

Action 4 – Achieving Business Compliance Programme (FSA 23/03/06)

Katie Pettifer to provide an update to the Board on how issues could be raised at senior levels in local authorities. December 2023

Katie Pettifer

Ongoing: We are preparing a communications plan that ensure all stakeholders in the local authority including elected members and senior officers are informed of our work with the ABC programme and RCD projects.  Next ABC programme update will include information on comms and engagement plan.

Action 5 – Three Year Corporate Plan (FSA 23/03/07)

Sam Faulkner to provide revised plan, reflecting points made by the Board, to the FSA Chair for finalisation. June 2023

Sam Faulkner:

Ongoing: We discussed comments made during the March meeting with Board Members at their keep in touch meeting in May.  We have begun updating the three-year plan and will provide a draft to the chair before external publication.

Action 7 – Risk Analysis Process and Regulated Products Service Update (FSA 23/03/08)

Board Members to receive further information on how the scientific risk assessment process works. September 2023

Rebecca Sudworth and Julie Pierce

Complete: Board Members to receive an in-depth briefing in September 2023 on how the scientific risk assessment process works.

Action 5 – Operational Transformation Programme and Future Scope (FSA 22/12/06)

Julie Pierce to provide additional detail on developing technological traceability systems. As available

Julie Pierce

Ongoing: An informal update will be provided to the Board following the result of the Codex CCFICS meeting that agreed to take forward work to consider future traceability policy, with UK, US, Australia and Honduras in the lead.