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Actions Arising - March 2023 Board Meeting

FSA 23-03-02

Last updated: 9 March 2023
Last updated: 9 March 2023

From the FSA Board Meeting on 7 December 2022



Due Date

Owner and progress to date

Action 1 –

Chair’s Report (Oral Report)


CSA to provide an update on folic acid fortification of flour to Board Members ahead of the March 2023 Board Meeting.


22 March 2023

Robin May


Complete – update provided t Board on Friday 10 February 2023.

Action 2 –

Chief Executive’s Report to the Board (FSA 22/12/03)


Executive to provide a formal update on progress towards the implementation of full import controls at the March Board Meeting.


22 March 2023

Anjali Juneja


Complete - Update on progress towards the implementation of full import controls included in Chief Executive’s report.

Action 3 –

Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022 (FSA 22/12/04)


Officials to identify how the principles around consumer protection could be refined and reordered to give clarity when managing the process.


22 March 2023

Katie Pettifer and Sam Faulkner


Complete: The programme team has reviewed and amended the Guiding Principles in response to feedback from the Board.  An updated set of Guiding Principles have been approved by the Programme Board.


Action 4 –

Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022 (FSA 22/12/04)


Katie Pettifer and Sam Faulkner to provide clarity on potential opportunities for refining the principles to expand the ambition for protecting the consumer interest at the March 2023 Board meeting.


22 March 2023

Katie Pettifer and Sam Faulkner


Complete: The programme team has reviewed and amended the Guiding Principles in response to feedback from the Board. An updated set of Guiding Principles have been approved by the Programme Board.


Action 5 –

Operational Transformation Programme and Future Scope (FSA 22/12/06)


Julie Pierce to provide additional detail on developing technological traceability systems.

As Available

Julie Pierce


Ongoing: work on developing technological traceability systems is work in progress.  There is no current delivery date.  The Board will be kept updated as this work progresses.


Action 6 –

Operational Transformation Programme and Future Scope (FSA 22/12/06)

Executive to bring a more detailed paper on implementation of option two to a future Board meeting in 2023.

21 June 2023

Junior Johnson


Ongoing: Update provided to Board on 10 Feb.  Paper will be prepared for the June Board agenda.


Action 7 –

FSA Science Update 2022 (FSA 22/12/07)

Rick Mumford to liaise with Tara Smith to include data on KPIs in quarterly Performance and Resources Report to the Business Committee.


21 June 2023

Rick Mumford – Ongoing


Discussions have been held between SERD and the finance team.  We will work towards the ongoing reporting of Science KPIs within the P&R Report in future, once the ongoing review of the P&R Report has been completed.


Action 8 –

Annual Governance Report (FSA 22/12/08)


Board Secretariat to refine the Terms of Reference for the reformed Business Committee.

22 March 2023

Board Secretariat


Complete: Refined Terms of Reference for the Business Committee presented to March 2023 Business Committee meeting.

Actions From Previous Meeting



Due Date

Owner and progress to date

Action 6 –

Beef Burgers Served Less Than Thoroughly Cooked: Update (FSA 20/03/08)


To provide update to Board Members on the outcome of the consultation on the proposed revision to the guidance on less than thoroughly cooked burgers and on the additional level of assurance about the triggers, controls, and the ability to monitor and implement them.

Update March 2022

Rebecca Sudworth


Complete: Responses to the less than thoroughly cooked (LTTC) beef burgers consultation were published on 11 October 2022.


Work is progressing on the revision of the guidance text, via the LTTC beef burger working group to accommodate comments, improve accessibility and address areas that require better clarity for the user.  Unfortunately, the timing of the publication and progress of this work has been impacted by the necessity to prioritise work on REUL; whilst the work on LTTC beef burgers has been progressing in the background, it has not been classified as a priority work area as there were no changes required to policy or enforcement.  Changes undertaken include:

  • making definitions, language and layout clearer and easier to help food businesses and enforcement officers better understand the controls and systems which can be used to produce and serve LTTC beef burgers
  • providing further information to help food businesses to achieve consumer safety and legal compliance, as well as highlighting best practice


We have initiated mechanisms for reviewing controls and implementation of the escalation approach to identify incidents and monitor changes that could impact on risk.


The LTTC beef burger working group is currently in the process of finalising the changes to the initial revised guidance with the proposal to publish the updated version of the guidance on the FSA website by the end of March