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Actions Arising - June 2023 Board Meeting

FSA 23-06-02 - A list of the status of actions from previous meetings of the FSA Board.

Last updated: 8 June 2023
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Last updated: 8 June 2023
See all updates

From the FSA Board Meeting on 22 March 2023

Index Action Due date Owner and progress to date

Action 1 – Actions Arising (FSA 23/03/02)

CSA to give the Board further information on implementation of folic acid fortification when available. 21 June 2023

Robin May

Ongoing: CSA will update Board at June meeting.

Action 2 –

The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill (FSA 22/03/05)

Julie Pierce to provide an update on research plans including, surveys and workshop outcomes and managing stakeholder engagement. -

Julie Pierce

Complete: Stakeholder engagement workshops with representatives from industry, Northern Ireland, civil society and consumer representative groups took place in April.  These workshops presented and discussed the options on the proposed regulatory framework for the authorisation and the application process for PBOs, the public register and enforcement of regulations.  Questions on consumer awareness and acceptability of precision breeding (PB) will be monitored every six months (next data collection in September).  The communications team are also monitoring the discussion on PB via social media monitoring and report back to EMT on any uptick in discussion.

Action 3 –

Achieving Business Compliance Programme (FSA 23/03/06)

Katie Pettifer to bring information on FSA’s role in relation to the performance of primary authorities to a future Board meeting. December 2023

Katie Pettifer

Ongoing: Update to be provided within next local authority performance Board paper.

Action 4 –

Achieving Business Compliance Programme (FSA 23/03/06)

Katie Pettifer to provide an update to the Board on how issues could be raised at senior levels in local authorities. December 2023

Katie Pettifer

Ongoing: We are preparing a communications plan that ensure all stakeholders in the local authority including elected members and senior officers are informed of our work with the ABC programme and RCD projects.  Next ABC programme update will include information on comms and engagement plan.

Action 5 –

Three Year Corporate Plan (FSA 23/03/07)

Sam Faulkner to provide revised plan, reflecting points made by the Board, to the FSA Chair for finalisation. June 2023

Sam Faulkner:

Ongoing: We discussed comments made during the March meeting with Board Members at their keep in touch meeting in May.  We have begun updating the three-year plan and will provide a draft to the chair before external publication.

Action 6 –

Risk Analysis Process and Regulated Products Service Update (FSA 23/03/08)

June Board paper on Risk Analysis Process and Regulated Products to provide greater detail on potential improvements to the process consideration of what was needed for scientific risk assessment and information on timelines. -

Rebecca Sudworth

Complete: Will be addressed in the June Board paper.  Consideration of what was needed for scientific risk assessment will be explained at a teach-in for Board members in the coming months (see action 7)

Action 7 –

Risk Analysis Process and Regulated Products Service Update (FSA 23/03/08)

Board Members to receive further information on how the scientific risk assessment process works. -

Rebecca Sudworth and Julie Pierce

Ongoing: Board Members to receive further information on how the scientific risk assessment process works at the next Board Retreat or a virtual teach in (TBC).

Action 8 –

Annual Science Council Report (FSA 23/03/09)

Note of dates of Science Council Meetings to be included in a weekly Board circulation. -

Board Secretariat

Complete: Update on upcoming Science Council meetings included in Board circulation of 19 May.

Action 9 –

Report from the Chair of the Business Committee (INFO 23/03/01)

Business Committee Terms of Reference to be updated to clarify remit around reward as a strategic approach to HR. -

Board Secretariat

Complete: Business Committee Terms of Reference updated.

Actions From Previous Meetings

Index Action Due date Owner and progress to date

Action 5 –

Operational Transformation Programme and Future Scope (FSA 22/12/06)

Julie Pierce to provide additional detail on developing technological traceability systems. As Available

Julie Pierce

Ongoing: An informal update will be provided to the Board following the result of the Codex CCFICS meeting that agreed to take forward work to consider future traceability policy, with UK, US, Australia and Honduras in the lead.

Action 6 –

Operational Transformation Programme and Future Scope (FSA 22/12/06)

Executive to bring a more detailed paper on implementation of option two to a future Board meeting in 2023. 21 June 2023

Junior Johnson

Complete: Operations paper on the agenda for June Board meeting will contain information on the implementation of Option 2 from FSA 22/12/06

Action 7 –

FSA Science Update 2022 (FSA 22/12/07)

Rick Mumford to liaise with Tara Smith to include data on KPIs in quarterly Performance and Resources Report to the Business Committee. 21 June 2023

Rick Mumford – Ongoing

Complete: KPIs for science will be included in the Performance and Resources update to the June Business Committee.