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Actions Arising

FSA BC 24/09/02

Last updated: 16 September 2024
Last updated: 16 September 2024

From the FSA Business Committee on 10 June 2024



Due Date

Owner and progress to date

Action 1 - Chief Executive’s Report to the Business Committee (FSA BC 24/06/03)


Katie Pettifer to provide information to Board Members on the issues around the listeria in ready-to-eat chicken incident.



Katie Pettifer – Complete

Update included in Board circulation on 23 August.

Action 2 - Performance and Resources Q4 2023-24 (FSA BC 24/06/04)

Julie Pierce to provide additional information on the Scholastica tool.



Julie Pierce – Complete

Scholastica is the publication tool we are using for the Journal of Food Standards, where we publish all FSA science reports.  This tool allows us to track how many times reports were accessed and downloaded, when and from which country. It also enables automatic creation of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) which makes it possible to track citations of individual reports.  We are looking at compatible components to provide additional and more automated analysis.

Action 3 - Performance and Resources Q4 2023-24 (FSA BC 24/06/04)

Julie Pierce to provide further information about sampling figures for targeted surveillance showing non-compliance.



Julie Pierce – Complete

Targeted sampling is for specific commodities for specific hazards to consider emerging risks. Decisions on what to target are intelligence-led and aims to validate that there may be a risk. In 23/24 we tested 1947 samples and found 174 (9%) to be non-complaint.  This compares to 14% non-compliance in FY22/23 based on 2585 samples.

Action 4 - Performance and Resources Q4 2023-24 (FSA BC 24/06/04)

Rebecca Sudworth to provide further information on the risk assessment process for smoke flavourings to the FSA Chair to ensure that the Board were kept informed.



Rebecca Sudworth – Complete

Rebecca Sudworth has provided a verbal briefing to the FSA Chair.

Action 5 - Performance and Resources Q4 2023-24 (FSA BC 24/06/04)


Katie Pettifer to update Board on caseload projections in September.


Katie Pettifer – Complete

Board paper o Market Authorisations includes update on caseload.

Action 6 - Precision Breeding - Delivery Plan (FSA BC 24/06/05)


Rebecca Sudworth to present revised case flow forecasts to the September Business Committee meeting.


Rebecca Sudworth – Complete

Paper on Business Committee Agenda for September 2024 to include information.

Actions from Previous meetings



Due Date

Owner and progress to date


No actions outstanding from previous meetings.