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Actions Arising

FSA BC 24/06/02

Last updated: 26 June 2024
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Last updated: 26 June 2024
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Actions Arising – Business Committee

From the FSA Business Committee on 11 March 2024
Index Action Due Date Owner and progress to date
Action 1 - Chief Executive’s Report to the Business Committee (FSA BC 24/03/03) Ruth Nolan to provide further information on the awards scheme to Board Members in a future Board circulation.  

Ruth Nolan

Complete – circulated to Board Members on 19 April.

Action 2 - Chief Executive’s Report to the Business Committee (FSA BC 24/03/03) Information on any possible unsuccessful prosecutions to be clarified at the June Business Committee meeting.  

James Robinson


To be included in CE’s update to the June 2024 Board meeting.

Action 3 - Regulated Products Board Sub-group: Final report to Business Committee (FSA BC 24/03/06) Rebecca Sudworth to provide the Business Committee with a projection of the impact of the agreed approach to the June 2024 Business Committee meeting.  

Rebecca Sudworth

Complete – All Board Members, including Business Committee, provided with projected figures for the next year in Board circulation on 17/05/2024.

Actions from Previous meetings
Index Action Due Date  Owner and progress to date
Action 2 – Performance  and Resources Q2 2023-24 (FSA BC 23/12/04) Local Authority Delivery team to consider the timing of data being brought to the Business Committee to ensure the Committee had access to up-to-date information at points that would not clash with the that being produced for the annual report.  

Katie Pettifer –


Board to receive annual report in September each year that will report on LA performance for the whole year.  Business Committee received update in March giving 6-month mid-year performance update.


Action 1 –

Performance and Resources Q4 2021-22 (FSA 22/06/16)


The Chair noted 180 deaths from foodborne disease annually was a concern and asked for this item to return to the Board for further discussion to identify further opportunities for continuous improvement.

June 2023

Julie Pierce and Rebecca Sudworth


Complete: Item on Food Borne Disease brought to March 2024 Board Meeting.