Welsh Food Advisory Committee 21 October 2021
In person and on Teams
Agenda and Papers
Welsh Food Advisory Committee Meeting
10:30-10:35 Welcomes, apologies and declarations of interest
10:35- 10:40 Minutes of last meeting
10:40- 10:50 Update from the Chair
10:50-11:00 Update from the Director
11:00- 11:15 Personal account - Sarah Pattison
11:15- 11:30 Personal account - Meleri Williams
11:30- 11:50 Overview of FSA Food Hypersensitivity Programme and measures undertaken to help businesses and LAs in Wales prepare for the New Allergen Labelling Law - Kerys James-Palmer – Head of Standards Policy, FSA in Wales
11:50- 12:00 Break
12:00- 12:20 Early implementation of the new allergen labelling law and prior or anticipated enforcement problems for LAs - Gary Lewis – Chair of the Local Authority Food Information and Labelling Group
12:20- 12:50 Questions and discussion with panel of speakers
12:50- 13:00 Any other business and close
13:00- 13:45 Lunch