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Recalls and alerts

Information on our recalls and alerts subscription service.

Last updated: 28 June 2023
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Last updated: 28 June 2023
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What are recalls?

Food can be recalled for a number of reasons, for example contamination with pathogens like listeria or salmonella that could give you food poisoning, or because of manufacturing faults, such as plastic or metal being found in the product. Incorrect or missing allergen information can also lead to an allergen recall.  

Food businesses are responsible for recalling products that are unsafe. We work closely with local authorities and the food industry to publish alerts to consumers when food products are recalled.  

Sign up to our food and allergy alerts service.

Food recalls

When signed up, you will be notified anytime we publish a product recall. This can help you avoid eating foods that have been found to be unsafe. 

Recall notifications include information about what the risk is and advice about what you should do if you have bought the product that is being recalled.  

List of recent food product recalls.

Allergy alerts

Signing up to allergy alerts means you will receive information about allergy related recalls. These alerts also include information about the risk and advice about what you should do if you have bought the product.  

List of recent allergy alerts.

News and consultations

By signing up to news stories or consultations, you will be notified anytime we publish a news story or consultation.  

News stories can also include details about foods that could pose risks to you when there is not a product recall underway, for example when there’s a food borne outbreak or an incident you may be interested to learn about. News stories may also give updates on other FSA activities.  

List of recent news stories and consultations published.