Professor Susan Jebb OBE, PhD, FRCP (Hon), FMedSci - FSA Chair
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Professor Susan Jebb is one of the country’s leading scientists, a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Her recent research has focused on the treatment of obesity and interventions to encourage healthy and sustainable diets.
Susan has a long-standing interest in the translation of scientific evidence into policy and was the Science Advisor to the Government Office for Science Foresight report on obesity in 2007 and an advisor to the National Food Strategy. She has previously chaired the cross-government expert advisory group on obesity (2007–2011), the Department of Health responsibility deal food network (2011–2015) and public health advisory committees for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2013-2018). She was awarded an OBE in 2008 for services to public health.
Susan holds a part-time appointment at the University of Oxford alongside the role as Chair of FSA.
Personal Interests
Consultancies and/or direct employment
- University of Oxford
- Partner in J&L Farms
Unpaid Roles:
- Chair of the Chairs of Safety Regulators Forum for 2025
Fee-paid work:
- None
- None
Clubs and other organisations:
- Member, Association for the Study of Obesity
Other personal interests:
- None
- Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences
- Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
Indirect support
- None
- None
Land and property
- None
Other public appointments
- Member, NHS England National Diabetes Prevention Programme Expert Reference Group
- Member, NHS England Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission programme Advisory Group
- Member, NHS England Obesity Expert Reference Group
Non-personal interests
- Spouse: Senior Partner J&L Farms
Recent speeches by the Chair
Revision log
Published: 2 July 2021
Last updated: 3 February 2025