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Parliamentary Accountability Disclosures

England specific

Information on losses, special payments, fees and charges.

Last updated: 19 January 2023
Last updated: 19 January 2023

Losses and Special Payments

The following sections are subject to audit. 

There are 14 reportable losses and special payments in 2021/22.

FSA made 2 special payments totally £200,000 in 2021/22. No payment was in excess of £300,000. 

FSA made 5 special payments totalling £14,000 in 202/21. None of these payments was in excess of £300,000.

Fees and Charges

This section is subject to audit.

An analysis of material programme income from services provided to external and public sector customers is as follows:

FSA 2021/22 Income 2021/22 Full cost 2021/22 Surplus (Deficit) 2020/21 Income 2020/21 Full cost 202/21 Surplus (Deficit)
Industry 29,704 47,063 (17,359) 27,231 48,575 (21,344)
Other Government Departments 3,115 2,877 238 3,018 2,939 79
Assessments and consultations on radioactive discharges 1,253 1,164 89 1,001 1,046 (45)
Totals 34,072 51,104 (17,032) 31,250 52,560 21,310

The above information is provided to meet the Fees and Charges disclosure requirements of the FReM and has not been provided for Segmental Analysis purposes
under IFRS 8. 

The FSA’s financial objective is to recover costs fully. There currently remains a shortfall between the costs for the FSA of delivering meat official controls and the income received from Food Business Operators (FBOs) for these controls. This is effectively a subsidy of £17.4 million from the FSA to the meat industry. It should be noted that this figure includes some costs which are not included in the hourly charge rates for meat official controls because they are not included in the budget that is used to calculate the charge rates. This is because the FSA does not include certain costs in its budgeting, such as severance costs for operational staff, even though they are costs of meat official controls. It also does not take account of some costs which would normally be included in the charge rates but were not anticipated when the charge rates for 2021/22 were calculated.

There was a decrease in the full cost of the controls provided to the meat industry of over £1.5 million from £48.6m in 2020/21 to £47.1 million in 2021/22. This is largely due to the net effect of increased contractor costs and reduced Covid-19 pandemic related expenditure incurred compared to 2020/21.

Remote Contingent Liabilities

This section is subject to audit. 

In addition to contingent liabilities reported within the meaning of IAS 37 (Note 13), the department also reports liabilities for which the likelihood of a transfer of economic benefit in settlement is too remote to meet the definition of a contingent liability. As of 31 March 2022 there remote contingent concerning potential legal cases against the FSA (2020/21 four). 

Emily Miles
Chief Executive and Accounting Officer

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