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Northern Ireland Food Advisory Committee open meeting - 15 January 2020

Northern Ireland specific

Open meeting of the Northern Ireland Food Advisory Committee on 15 January 2020 at the FSA Offices, Belfast.

Last updated: 13 January 2020
Last updated: 13 January 2020

9.30am - Welcome and Housekeeping

9.35am - Minutes of the Meeting of 24 October 2019

9.40am - Chair’s Update and Director’s Report

9.55am - Wesley Aston and Ivor Ferguson (Ulster Farmers’ Union) - Agriculture and Agri-food

10.25am - Alastair Higgins (Invest NI) and Eamon Hardy (FSA in NI) - Bakery Sector

11.00am - Mark O’Neill (FSA in NI) – Imports and Exports

11.30am - Discussion

12.30pm - AoB

12.35pm - Close/Lunch


Northern Ireland