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Northern Ireland Food Advisory Committee open meeting - 11 September 2018

Northern Ireland specific

Open meeting of the Northern Ireland Food Advisory Committee on 11 September at the FSA Offices, Belfast.

Last updated: 7 September 2018
Last updated: 7 September 2018


12.50pm – Welcome and introductions

12.55pm – Minutes of the Open meeting of 13 June 2018.

1.00pm – Chair's report and Director's Update

1.30pm – Annual Animal Welfare update - Julia Williams

2.00pm – Annual Incidents and Resilience Report - Philip Randles

2.30pm – Regulating Our Future – Assurance Framework for Primary Authority National Inspection Strategies and Impact for FSA Structure - Michael Jackson

3.00pm – Standards and Dietary Health Team Update - Sharon Gilmore

3.30pm – Update on the FSA’s Activities on AMR including the report of the ACMSF Task and Finish Group - Paul Cook

4.00pm – Risk Analysis: Process, Governance, Communication - Michael Wight

4.30pm – AOB

4.35pm – Close



Northern Ireland