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FSA 22-06-14 - Actions Arising – Business Committee

A list giving the status of actions from previous FSA Business Committee meetings.

Last updated: 1 June 2022
Last updated: 1 June 2022

From the FSA Business Committee on 9 March 2022

Action 1 Performance and resources quarter 3 2021-22 (FSA 22/03/12)

To review the animal welfare slide in its entirety to ensure we are capturing the right performance information at the right level of detail.

Due date: Not applicable

Owner: Director of Operations

Progress to date: Complete: Animal welfare team are reviewing how performance data is displayed.  

The next animal welfare Performances and Resources report is due in Q3 2022-23 and will take the same format as annual Board report thereby acting as a ‘progress update’ to the Board report and displaying data in the same format for comparison.

Action 2 Performance and resources quarter 3 2021-22 (FSA 22/03/12)

To consider how to provide better clarity on the information FSA share with other competent authorities for enforcement purposes in relation to animal welfare breaches occurring in transit.

Due date: Not applicable

Owner: Director of Operations

Progress to date:

Complete: Animal welfare team are discussing a process of more detailed categorisations of farm and transport referrals with APHA and LAs.  For example, cases that are:

  • referred for investigation
  • reported for information
  • serious Breaches
  • non-Urgent Breaches
  • unavoidable Incidents/accidents

This will provide greater context to the data.

Discussions are ongoing but we hope to implement this and begin to report on it for the next animal welfare Performances and Resources report is due in Quarter 3 2022 to 23.

Action 3 FSA Priorities and Budget for 2022/23 (FSA 22/03/13)

To consider when to bring paper on surveillance and sampling spend to future Board meeting.

Due date: Not applicable

Owner: FSA Executive

Progress to date:

Complete: A summary of FSA sampling activities and spend in FY 21/22 will be reported in the Quarter 4 Performance and Resourcing report, at the June Business Committee meeting.  In FY 21/22, the total spend for targeted surveillance and sampling for official controls was £1.45 million.  The spend for the current year (22-23) is likely to be similar (current forecast £1.23m but will likely increase to reflect additional in-year enforcement/evidence needs).

Discussions are ongoing but we hope to implement this and begin to report on it for the next animal welfare Performances and Resources report is due in Quarter 3 2022 to 23