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FSA 22-06-02 - Actions Arising – Board Meeting

A list of the status of actions from previous meetings of the FSA Board.

Last updated: 1 June 2022
Last updated: 1 June 2022

From the FSA Board Meeting on 9 March 2022

Action 1: Chief Executive's Report to the Board (FSA 22/03/03)

To outline further measures at the June Board meeting, that the FSA could take within its remit to help alleviate food insecurity. 

Due date: 14/06/2022

Owner and progress to date: The Executive.

Complete: Paper on household food insecurity included on agenda for June 2022 Board meeting. 

Action 2: Chief Executive's Report to the Board (FSA 22/03/03)

To provide an update to the June meeting on how a regulatory framework for GE crops could operate. 

Due date: Not applicable

Owner: Rebecca Sudworth

Progress to date: Complete: Gene Editing paper included on agenda for June meeting will provide an update on how a regulatory framework could operate.

Action 3: Strategic Risk Management (FSA 22/03/04)

To provide an update to Welsh Food Advisory Committee on how information from root-cause analysis is and could be used for prevention.

Due date: Not applicable

Owner: Pam Beadman

Progress to date: Complete: IRU are providing an update at the next WFAC meeting.

Action 4: Strategic Risk Management (FSA 22/03/04)

To consider whether elements of the RAG rated risk spreadsheet could be published.

Due date: Not applicable

Owner: Pam Beadman

Progress to date: Complete

Complete: The FSA has an established risk management framework that forms part of the ‘Three Lines of Defence’ used to provide assurance to the FSA Board, the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) and the Chief Executive as Accounting Officer that opportunities and risks are being effectively identified, assessed and managed and those involved understand their roles and responsibilities.  Each year the Board and Executive members collectively review the risks the FSA faces at its January Board retreat and thereafter is provided with a Strategic Risk Management update at the public March Board meeting. This published account reflects the FSA’s strategic, corporate and management approaches to risk, including identifying which responsibilities lie at Board, ARAC or Executive level, and also provides the Board with our latest Strategic Risk assessment. The strategic risks are then published in the Principal risks and uncertainties section of the Annual Report and Accounts which includes the risk rating and trend.

To practically manage our risks the FSA has a live corporate risk register (CRR) and a consolidated dashboard which includes risk rating and a heatmap. This level of detail is constantly evolving to the latest environment / events and is therefore deliberately not published. The CRR and dashboard are used continually by the executive management team and senior management to ensure responsibility for the corporate risks are fulfilled and each mitigating action is timebound and owned by a named person.  Quarterly progress updates are provided to the Chief Executive and ARAC, in its non-executive capacity, to updated on progress with our risk management activities including reviewing the risk profile and register dashboard and considers the Agency’s risk appetite application.

In turn ARAC provides an update to the Board, which includes risk management activity, to fulfil its delegated responsibilities.

Action 5: Reports from the Chairs of the Food Advisory Committees (Oral Reports)

To circulate Northern Ireland Dietary Health and Obesity Strategy to Board Members.

Due date: Not applicable

Owner: Board Secretariat 

Progress to date: Complete – Shared with Board Members on Fri 11/03/2022.

Actions From Previous Meetings

Action 6: Beef Burgers served less than thoroughly cooked update (FSA 20/03/08)

To provide update to Board Members on the outcome of the consultation on the proposed revision to the guidance on less than thoroughly cooked burgers and on the additional level of assurance about the triggers, controls, and the ability to monitor and implement them.

Due date: Update March 2022

Owner: Rebecca Sudworth

Progress to date: In Progress: The consultation on the revised guidance for less than thoroughly cooked beef burgers closed on 27 April 2022 and we aim to publish our responses to stakeholder comments within three months. We have received comments from 18 stakeholders, some of which are very detailed and some questioning our position on less than thoroughly cooked beef burgers.

We are continuing to work through these responses and will provide a full update to the Board later in the year.

Action 3: Science Update 2021 (FSA 21/12/06)

To provide a workplan, including timelines for work on laboratory capacity.

Due date: Update March 2022

Owner: Rick Mumford

Progress to date: In Progress: A final recommend model for the future Official Lab (OL) system has been developed internally and the economic cost benefit analysis for the options will be completed in June.  LAs, OLs and OGDs are being engaged with on the potential options to obtain feedback.  A paper is going to FSA EMT on 22 June and it is proposed this topic is brought to the September Board meeting, subject to agreement by Chair.

Action 4: Advisory Committee for Social Science Update 2021 (FSA 21/12/07)

To provide information on the inequalities, visible within data highlighting food safety issues arising from food insecurity.

Due date: Update March 2022

Owner: Julie Pierce

Progress to date: Complete: Paper on this topic on June Board agenda with the analysis to be published alongside it.