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English Cymraeg
Welsh Language Skills Strategy

Developing Welsh language skills

To further strengthen the FSA’s commitment to developing a bilingual workforce and provide a comprehensive Welsh language service across all teams and disciplines, the FSA in Wales will ensure sufficient availability and promotion (via the Welsh Language Unit) of training and development opportunities for staff.

Last updated: 21 October 2021
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Last updated: 21 October 2021
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Training and development opportunities will include:

  • The Director for Wales will encourage all managers to support employees wishing to undertake Welsh language training, providing that this is both reasonable and practical.
  • Subscribing to the Work Welsh (learnwelsh.Cymru) provision and materials offered by the National Centre for Learning Welsh and promoting these at every available opportunity and via the relevant platforms available to us.
  • Line Managers will encourage new staff to undertake the Work Welsh Welcome introductory course to build courtesy Welsh language skills. Basic courtesy Welsh language skills are now a requirement for all Welsh Government posts, in line with the aims for civil servants in Welsh Government’s Cymraeg 2050: A Million Welsh Speakers strategy. As a Government department operating within Wales, we at the FSA in Wales should endeavour to do the same.
  • Promoting all other support and learning opportunities offered by the National Centre for Learning Welsh and signpost individual staff to the most appropriate or relevant options according to their needs/requirements. This includes courses at all levels for all abilities, including ‘gloywi’ refresher training for fluent speakers.
  • Promote less formal forms of learning which staff can undertake at their own pace (for example Say Something in Welsh and Duolingo – this list is not exhaustive).
  • Provide a network for staff wishing to learn Welsh to engage with other learners and Welsh speakers through the internal Clwb Clebran.
  • Promote the Civil Service Local Coffi Cwtsh as a social support network for staff wishing to learn, practice or use their Welsh language skills.
  • Promote other relevant Welsh language learning and development opportunities as and when they arise on relevant internal platforms.
  • Outline and signpost all opportunities listed above in the tailored induction session offered to all new starters by the Welsh Language Unit.