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Analysis and Insight

England specific

We have been building our capability in analysis and insight, ensuring that good evidence underpins decision making across the work we do and in wider food policy, and building the FSA’s capability in science.

Last updated: 19 January 2023
Last updated: 19 January 2023

We continued to build our capability in analysis and insight, ensuring that good
evidence underpins decision making across the work we do and in wider food policy, and build the FSA’s capability in science. We have a unique role as the part of
government that looks after consumer interests with food and a democratic
responsibility to those interests. As we seek to understand consumers’ interests, we
need to see both the broad snapshot and the close-up to get a comprehensive picture and interpret this evidence carefully.

Objectives in 2021/22

  • to support risk analysis by feeding evidence directly into policy work and our risk modelling to underpin decisions about drivers, impacts and outcomes, with analysts working closely with teams across the FSA. 
  • to strengthen our responses through rapid consumer insights and build our capabilities in behavioural insights through reviews and trials, publishing reports on food safety and on healthy sustainable diet shift, working closely with others in civil society, and conducting innovative observed studies which will help us close the say-do gap and evidence what works.
  • to support the wider interests of consumers in relation to food, including affordability, health, sustainability and animal welfare through the provision of interdisciplinary analysis, including assessment of impact on the society and economy, and the legitimate factors pertinent to risk management.

Progress against objectives

To support risk analysis by feeding evidence directly into policy work and our risk modelling to underpin decisions about drivers, impacts and outcomes, with analysts working closely with teams across the FSA. 

  • multi-criterial decision analysis to rank thirteen foodborne pathogens in order of their detrimental effect on UK society
  • an in-depth study into what enhances and detracts from quality of life for people with hypersensitivities
  • analysis of animal welfare breaches to support FSA and Defra’s animal welfare programme and ongoing improvements in slaughterhouses in England and Wales
  • behavioural trials and evidence reviews on more healthy and sustainable consumer choices

To strengthen our responses through rapid consumer insights and build our capabilities in behavioural insights through reviews and trials, publishing reports on food safety and on healthy sustainable diet shift, working closely with others in civil society, and conducting innovative observed studies which will help us close the say-do gap and evidence what works.

  • new waves of Food and You 2, our flagship social research survey on consumer attitudes and behaviours, which is widely used across the FSA, government and civil society. 
  • public dialogues to understand consumer awareness of and attitudes towards genome edited foods, informing the Defra consultation on the issue
  • a review of how citizen science has been applied to food problems, supporting ongoing joint pilots with UK research and innovation.

To support the wider interests of consumers in relation to food, including affordability, health, sustainability and animal welfare through the provision of interdisciplinary analysis, including assessment of impact on the society and economy, and the legitimate factors pertinent to risk management.

  • research with consumers to understand their expectations of future operational delivery models which will be used to shape their ongoing development and ensure that it meets consumer expectations.
  • monthly statistics on household food insecurity, food purchasing behaviours, food habits at home, nutrition behaviours, food safety and hygiene in the home and consumers’ food concerns during COVID-19.

Back to the Main report: Activities and Performances 2021/22.