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FSA Board Meeting - June 2024

The agenda and papers for the FSA Board Meeting on Wednesday 20 March 2024.

Last updated: 20 September 2024
Last updated: 20 September 2024
The agenda and papers for the FSA Board Meeting on Wednesday 19 June 2024.

Video of FSA Board Meeting June 2024

Minutes of FSA Board meeting - March 2024



Agenda and papers for the FSA Board meeting meeting on Wednesday 19 June 2024, Hall A, Venue Cymru, Llandudno, Wales.

The agenda for this meeting includes:

  • Annual Science Update from the FSA’s Chief Scientific Adviser
  • FSA Strategy: Annual Update on Progress Indicators
  • Incidents and Resilience Annual Report 2023/24
  • Market Authorisations
  • Report from the Director for Northern Ireland

9:00 - Chair's Introduction

Professor Susan Jebb presents the minutes and actions from the previous FSA Board meeting in March 2024 and presents the Chair's report.

FSA 24/06/01 - Minutes of 20 March 2024 Board Meeting

FSA 24/06/02 - Actions Arising

9:20 - Chief Executive’s Report to the Board (FSA 24-06-03)

Emily Miles presents the Chief Executive's report to the FSA Board.

FSA 24-06-03 - Chief Executive’s Report to the Board

9:45 - Annual Science Update from the FSA’s Chief Scientific Adviser (FSA 24/06/04)

Robin May presents an independent report reflecting on science-related issues across the organisation.

FSA 24/06/04 - Annual Science Update from the FSA’s Chief Scientific Adviser

10:15 - FSA Strategy: Annual Update on Progress Indicators (FSA 24/06/05)

Katie Pettifer and Sam Faulkner present the first annual update against baseline data for the progress indicators in the Three Year Corporate Plan, using the latest available data for each indicator.

FSA 24/06/05 - FSA Strategy: Annual Update on Progress Indicators

10:35 - Break

10:55 - Incidents and Resilience Annual Report 2023/24 (FSA 24/06/06)

Junior Johnson, Darren Whitby, and Jodie Wild (via Zoom) present the annual report from the incidents and resilience unit covering the prevention and management of food incidents. 

FSA 24/06/06 - Incidents and Resilience Annual Report 2023/24

11:15 - Market Authorisations (FSA 24/06/07)

Rebecca Sudworth and Peter Quigley present  a paper providing the context for reform, progress with initial reforms, a summary of the issues addressed through the reform programme, and the vision for the future market authorisation service.

FSA 24/06/07 - Market Authorisations

11:30 - Report from the Director for Northern Ireland (FSA 24/06/08)

Andy Cole presents a high-level overview of the work of the FSA in Northern Ireland over the last year.

FSA 24/06/08 - Report from the Director for Northern Ireland

11:40 - Report from the Chair of the Business Committee (INFO 24/06/01)

The Chair of the Business Committee, Timothy Riley, presents a report from the Business Committee meeting that took place on 10 June 2024.

INFO 24/06/01 - Report from the Chair of the Business Committee

11:50 - Report from the Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) (INFO 24/06/02)

The Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC), Anthony Harbinson, presents a report from the ARAC meeting that took place on 11 June 2024. 

INFO 24/06/02 - Report from the Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC)

12:00 - Reports from the Chairs of the Food Advisory Committees (Oral Reports)

The Chairs of the Northern Ireland Food Advisory Committee (NIFAC), Anthony Harbinson, and the Wales Food Advisory Committee (WFAC), Rhian Hayward, deliver oral updates from the recent meetings of the two Committees.

12:10 - Any Other Business

12:15 - End of meeting