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Research project

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Audit of Display and Business Survey 2021: Technical report

The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Audit of Display and Business Survey 2021 Technical report.

Last updated: 9 December 2022
Last updated: 9 December 2022

Download the full PDF report: 

The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) was formally launched in November 2010. The scheme is designed to help consumers make more considered choices about where they purchase their food by providing clear information about the hygiene standards of food businesses at their last inspection by a food safety officer. 

Under the scheme, places where food is supplied, sold or consumed are given a rating ranging from 0 to 5, with 5 standing for ‘very good’ food hygiene and 0 ‘urgent improvement necessary’. The ratings are determined by three elements: hygienic food handling; physical condition of the premises and facilities; and food safety management. 

The FSA has conducted research into the Display of Food Hygiene Ratings in England, Northern Ireland and Wales since 2011 and commissioned IFF Research to conduct the 2021 wave. As with the previous waves of the research, the objectives were threefold:

  • provide a representative estimate of the display of food hygiene ratings by food businesses
  • explore the reasons and drivers for display and non-display 
  • explore business awareness and attitudes towards the scheme

To meet these objectives, a two-pronged research approach was adopted, consisting of 1) a covert audit of 1,522 food businesses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, conducted by Mystery Shopper and 2) a telephone survey of 1,500 food businesses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, conducted by IFF Research.

This paper outlines the methodological approach taken for both strands of the research, including sampling; feasibility testing; pilot and mainstage fieldwork; response rates; and weighting. 

For both the audit and telephone survey of food businesses, sample was obtained from the FSA’s FHRS database.

The initial dataset received from the FSA contained 543,181 food businesses. This sample was processed to exclude food businesses that were ineligible for the research. Specifically, food businesses were excluded if they had not yet been inspected and issued with an FHRS rating, if they operated in a premises that was not publicly accessible and if they were a mobile food business (footnote 1).

As there are no contact details available on the FHRS database, it was necessary for IFF Research to undertake telephone lookups. This was achieved by using external data suppliers (Market Location and REaD Group) and through internal desk research.

Once exclusions and telephone lookups had been conducted, 29,364 food businesses remained in the dataset. From this, a starting sample of 12,124 food businesses was drawn and stratified by country, outlet type and FHRS rating to broadly reflect the underlying population of food businesses. Northern Irish and Welsh food businesses and those with an FHRS rating of less than three were oversampled to ensure that robust results could be produced for each group during audit and telephone fieldwork.

Table 2.1 presents the profile of the starting sample of eligible and usable food businesses for audit and telephone fieldwork in terms of country, outlet type and FHRS rating. It should be noted that all businesses sampled for audit fieldwork were included in the starting sample for telephone fieldwork.

Table 2.1 Starting sample for audit and telephone fieldwork


Country Telephone survey Audit Total
England 2,585 1,033 3,618
Northern Ireland 3,394 956 4,305
Wales 3,194 1,007 4,165


Sector Telephone survey Audit Total
Accommodation 510 209 719
Pubs, bars and nightclubs 1,567 430 1,997
Restaurants, cafes and canteens 2,793 948 3,741
Retail 2,186 758 2,944
Takeaways and sandwich shops 1,631 489 2,120
Other catering premises 441 162 603

FHRS rating

FHRS rating Telephone survey Audit Total
0 to 1 136 40 176
2 151 41 192
3 762 253 1,105
4 1,894 621 2,515
5 6,185 2,041 8,226

Pilot fieldwork

To ensure the questionnaire designed for the audit of food businesses was appropriate ahead of mainstage fieldwork, pilot audit fieldwork was conducted between October 21st and October 27th, 2021. In total, 27 audits of food businesses were conducted during the pilot. Table 3.1 presents the number of interviews completed by county, sector and FHRS rating.

Table 3.1 Profile of pilot audits of food businesses


Country Completed interviews
England 7
Northern Ireland 10
Wales 10


Sector Completed interviews
Accommodation 0
Pubs, bars and nightclubs 0
Restaurants, cafes and canteens 7
Retail 16
Takeaways and sandwich shops 4
Other catering premises 0

FHRS rating


FHRS rating Completed interviews
0-2 3
3 5
4 5
5 14

Prior to the commencement of pilot fieldwork all auditors received a briefing on the survey and were issued with written instructions, providing them with an understanding of the background to the research, the questionnaire design, the screening criteria, and the sample design. 

The questionnaire performed well during the pilot. However, one minor adjustment was made: a question was added to collect information about the display of FHRS ratings on food business’s websites. The final version of the questionnaire used in mainstage fieldwork can be found in Appendix A of this report.

Mainstage fieldwork

Mainstage audit fieldwork took place between November 3rd and December 8th, 2021. In total, 1,522 audits were completed. The final profile of the audits achieved by country, sector and FHRS rating and country is detailed in Table 3.2. 

Table 3.2 Profile of mainstage audits of food businesses



Country Completed interviews
England 502
Northern Ireland 505
Wales 515



Sector Completed interviews
Accommodation 74
Pubs, bars and nightclubs 216
Restaurants, cafes and canteens 522
Retail 439
Takeaways and sandwich shops 235
Other catering premises 36

FHRS rating


FHRS rating Completed interviews
0 to 1 26
2 21
3 136
4 335
5 1,004

As with the pilot, prior to commencement of mainstage fieldwork all auditors received a briefing on the survey and were issued with written instructions. This ensured that interviewers understood the background to the research, the questionnaire design, the screening criteria, and the sample design.

During mainstage fieldwork there were some instances where it was not possible to conduct an audit. The main reasons for this included establishments being closed within their advertised opening hours, establishments no longer being in business and establishments not being publicly accessible. Where it was not possible to complete an audit, auditors were given the details of a new establishment to audit, which met the same criteria in terms of region, outlet type and FHRS rating. 

It should also be noted that in many instances, owing to the location of display and the need to conduct audits covertly, auditors were unable to collect the date on the back of FHRS stickers. Audits were still completed in such circumstances. 

Cognitive testing

Between 14 September and 27 September, 2021, 10 cognitive interviews were conducted with food businesses to test the first draft of the questionnaire. These interviews involved running through the survey as it would be delivered during mainstage fieldwork, with follow-up discussions at the end of the survey to check the respondents’ understanding of terminology and the extent to which it was easy or difficult to answer questions. 

The survey performed well during cognitive interviews. Participating food businesses typically understood the questions asked and were able to answer them with relative ease. However, there were some questions where potential issues were identified and/or where improvements were recommended by participants. Small changes were therefore made to the questionnaire ahead of pilot fieldwork.   

Pilot fieldwork

Between 20 October and 22 October, 2021, IFF Research piloted the ECS with 50 businesses. Table 4.1 presents the number of interviews completed by county, sector and FHRS rating. 

Table 4.1 Profile of pilot interviews with food businesses


Country Completed interviews
England 21
Northern Ireland 11
Wales 18


Sector Completed interviews
Accommodation 5
Pubs, bars and nightclubs 7
Restaurants, cafes and canteens 19
Retail 12
Takeaways and sandwich shops 5
Other catering premises 2

FHRS Rating


FHRS rating Completed interviews
0 to 1 1
2 1
3 3
4 8
5 37

Prior to the commencement of pilot fieldwork all interviewers received a briefing on the survey and were issued with written instructions, providing them with an understanding of the background to the research, the questionnaire design, the screening criteria and the sample design.

The pilot survey involved administering the survey exactly as it would be during mainstage fieldwork. As well as allowing for further checks on comprehension of questions and survey flow, the pilot provided an opportunity to monitor response patterns and the overall interview length. 

The results of the pilot were positive in that: the average duration was in line with the target duration; there were no issues with the screening process; there was limited feedback from interviewers regarding issues with participant comprehension; and businesses were generally willing to participate.

Following the completion of pilot fieldwork, minor refinements were made to the questionnaire to improve the clarity of questions asked and to add pre-coded responses that were not previously included. The final version of the questionnaire used in mainstage fieldwork can be found in Appendix B of this report.

Mainstage fieldwork

Mainstage fieldwork was carried out between November 15th and December 14th ,2021. A total of 1,500 food businesses were interviewed. Table 4.2 presents the number of interviews completed by county, sector and FHRS rating.

Table 4.2 Profile of mainstage interviews with food businesses



Country Completed interviews
England 500
Northern Ireland 500
Wales 500



Sector Completed interviews
Accommodation 113
Pubs, bars and nightclubs 179
Restaurants, cafes and canteens 531
Retail 399
Takeaways and sandwich shops 197
Other catering premises 81

FHRS Rating


FHRS rating Completed interviews
0 to 1 18
2 25
3 111
4 292
5 1,054

As with the pilot, prior to commencement of mainstage fieldwork all interviewers received a briefing on the survey and were issued with written instructions. This ensured that interviewers understood the background to the research, the questionnaire design, the screening criteria and the sample design.

Checks were conducted on the final 1,500 interviews to ensure the data was robust before the beginning of analysis. This involved conducting data validation checks and identifying outlier responses.   

Response rate

A total of 11,518 records, acquired from the FSA’s FHRS database, were used over the course of the survey with food businesses. Of these, 419 records were ineligible, as the business reported that they did not sell, serve or prepare food for the public (361) or because the business was closed (58). 

Of the remaining 11,099 businesses, a further 9,082 records were in scope of the study, but not in the scope of fieldwork. For example, 6,374 records could not be reached during the fieldwork period and a further 1,401 records had an appointment set that could not be achieved in the fieldwork period (see table 4.3). 

Table 4.3 Survey outcome for sample in scope of the study 

Survey outcome Total Population in scope of study
Total in scope of study 11,099 100%
Businesses called 1 to 10 times but unable to reach target possible 6,374 57%
Appointment made but not achieved during fieldwork period 1,401 13%
Out of quota sector/size/country 577 5%
Not available in fieldwork period/nobody at site available 422 4%
Unobtainable numbers 308 3%
In scope of study but not in scope of fieldwork 9,082 82%
In scope of fieldwork 2017 18%

Response rate calculations do not include records that were outside of the scope of the fieldwork, given that no firm contact was made with these food businesses. This means that 2,017 records were in scope of fieldwork. Of these, 1,500 completed an interview. This equates to a response rate of 74% (see Table 4.4).

Table 4.4 Survey outcome for sample in scope of the fieldwork

Survey outcome Total Population in scope of study Population in scope of fieldwork
Total in scope of fieldwork


18% 100%
Achieved interviews 1,500 14% 74%
Refusals 444 4% 22%
Breakdown during interview 73 1% 4%

Overlap between the audit and telephone survey of food businesses

Of the 1,522 food businesses covertly audited, 272 also participated in the telephone survey. Table 4.5 presents the profile of these food businesses in terms of country, sector and FHRS rating. 

Table 4.5 Profile of food businesses both audited and surveyed


Country Completed interviews
England 102
Northern Ireland 88
Wales 82


Sector Completed interviews
Accommodation 13
Pubs, bars and nightclubs 36
Restaurants, cafes and canteens 106
Retail 86
Takeaways and sandwich shops 25
Other catering premises 6

FHRS Rating


FHRS rating Completed interviews
0 to 1 0
2 5
3 17
4 57
5 193

The profile of the businesses that were both audited and surveyed broadly reflects the profile of the underlying population of businesses in terms of sector and FHRS rating. However, owing to the purposeful oversampling of Northern Irish and Welsh food businesses to ensure that robust base sizes were achieved for each country, the split between England, Northern Ireland and Wales differs from the underlying population. 

In line with standard market research practice, the data collected from the audit and telephone survey of food businesses was weighted to make it representative of the underlying population. Weighting the data was necessary because of the deliberate decision to stratify interviews to ensure sufficient base sizes were achieved by country and FHRS rating.

Weights were applied to the data to make it representative of the target population within each country. The weights were informed by the profile of the underlying population of businesses in terms of sector and FHRS. Data on the underlying population was sourced from FSA’s FHRS database and IDBR and is presented in Tables 5.1.

Table 5.1 : Profile of the underlaying business population by sector and FHRS rating within country


Sector England Northern Ireland Wales
Accommodation and pubs/bars/nightclubs 18.82% 16.37% 23.95%
Restaurants/cafes/canteens and other catering 38.91% 39.71% 36.91%
Retail 26.41% 27.75% 25.67%
Takeaways/sandwich shops 15.85%



FHRS rating

FHRS rating England Northern Ireland Wales
0 to1 2.06% 0.38% 2.04%
2 2.08% 0.64% 1.78%
3 8.76% 4.48% 9.45%
4 18.42%


5 68.68% 77.32% 64.81%


Question Shopper guidance Answer set Format
Date of visit - - Date/Month/Year
Time of visit - - Hours/Minutes
Organisation visited - [verbatim comment box] -
Establishment type - - -
Region - - England/Northern Ireland/Wales
Standing facing the outlet, what was on the left of the outlet?

Record the name and type of establishment – for example, White Horse pub or Marks and Spencer

[verbatim comment box] -
Standing facing the outlet, what was on the right of the outlet? Record the name and type of establishment – for example, White Horse pub or Marks and Spencer [verbatim comment box] -
Please upload an image of the outlet (The picture must show the signage of the outlet– please refer to the briefing notes for examples) - -

Location type

Question Shopper guidance Answer set Format
Did this premises have its own entrance(s)? - Yes/No -
How many public entrances did the outlet have? - 1/2/3 or more -
Was the outlet on an external road or street or within a larger establishment? - On a road/street in a larger establishment. Somewhere else (please explain) compulsory comment for 'Somewhere else (please explain)'
Was the site open at the time of your visit? If no, please detail any further information about the closure. Yes/No - Stopped trading/No - does not exist/No - Closed at time of visit/Yes but I was unable to gain access to the outlet - please comment/No - Other reason - please comment If no, remainder of form to close (apart from Please specify whether the site has stopped trading/didn’t exist or was closed at the time of the visit) and compulsory comment box for further details.
If it is closed at the time of visit, please arrange a revisit during trading hours. If it is permanently closed, go back to MSL so that they can provide a replacement like-for-like business. - - -
Did you see an FHRS sticker at this outlet? Please note: If you could not locate a sticker, please describe exactly where you looked, including whether you were able to enter the outlet.  Yes/No: please comment -
Was the sticker displayed on one or more entrances? Please explain which entrances were not displaying One entrance only - please comment/Some of the entrances - please comment/All entrances Only visible if more than 1 entrance selected
Did you check the following location inside the outlet for a sticker or certificate? - - -
In the area just inside the customer access point of the internal outlet - Yes/No (please explain) Only applicable to no own entrance
On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) - Yes/No (please explain) Only applicable to no own entrance
In the area just inside the entrance - Yes/No (please explain) Only applicable to no own entrance
On the walls in the main service area - Yes/No (please explain) Applicable to all 
At the counter or till - Yes/No (please explain) Applicable to all 
At the entrances to any public areas (for example, the kitchen) - Yes/No (please explain) Applicable to all 
Somewhere else (please state where) - Yes/No (please explain) Applicable to all  compulsory comment for somewhere else
Was the rating displayed on the Takeaway leaflet? - Yes Bilingual/Yes English only/No/Not applicable - not a takeaway -
Please upload photos of the back and front of takeaway leaflet - Upload -

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme stickers

Question Shopper guidance Answer set Format
How many FHRS sticker did you see at the outlet? - 1/2/3/4/5/More than 5 -
If "more than 5" is selected, then prior to the start of the first loop, we need a instruction on screen saying "You will only be asked to record details about the first five FHRS stickers that you saw at the outlet in the next few questions'' - - -

Sticker 1

Question Shopper guidance Answer set Format
Sticker 1: What was the food hygiene rating format? - Sticker/Alternative format -
Sticker 1: What was the food hygiene rating format? - New style sticker (with dragon logo) Old style sticker/alternative format -
Sticker 1: Was the food hygiene rating visible from the outside of the premises?   For example, could you see the sticker or certificate without entering the premises? Yes/No -
Sticker 1: Was the FHRS sticker clearly visible?   By “clearly visible” we mean not obscured by any other stickers or posters and not blocked from view by any furniture. Yes/No -
Sticker 1: Where was the sticker located? - On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) so that it is visible from outside of the outlet/On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) so that it is visible from inside the outlet only/In the area just inside the entrance?/On the walls in the main service area/At the counter or till/At the entrances to any non-public areas for example, the kitchen/Somewhere else - please comment. In the area just inside the entrance?/On the walls in the main service area/At the counter or till/At the entrances to any non-public areas for example, the kitchen/Somewhere else - please comment.  Only visible for locations with their own entrance.
Sticker 1: What rating was on the sticker? - Awaiting inspection|0 – (Urgent Improvement Necessary)|1 – (Major Improvement Necessary)|2 – (Improvement Necessary)|3 – (Generally satisfactory)|4 – (Good)|5 – (Very Good) -
Sticker 1: What date was displayed on the sticker? If a sticker was on display, the date will be shown on the reverse of the sticker.  [Date - Month - Year] Not applicable date not visible. Unable to access.  -
Sticker 1: Please upload a photo of sticker 1 - Upload -

Sticker 2

Question Shopper guidance Answer set Format
Sticker 2: What was the food hygiene rating format? - Sticker/Alternative format -
Sticker 2: What was the food hygiene rating format? - New style sticker (with dragon logo) Old style sticker/alternative format -
Sticker 2: Was the food hygiene rating visible from the outside of the premises?   For example, could you see the sticker or certificate without entering the premises? Yes/No -
Sticker 2: Was the FHRS sticker clearly visible?   By “clearly visible” we mean not obscured by any other stickers or posters and not blocked from view by any furniture. Yes/No -
Sticker 2: Where was the sticker located? - On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) so that it is visible from outside of the outlet/On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) so that it is visible from inside the outlet only/In the area just inside the entrance?/On the walls in the main service area/At the counter or till/At the entrances to any non-public areas for example, the kitchen/Somewhere else - please comment. In the area just inside the entrance?/On the walls in the main service area/At the counter or till/At the entrances to any non-public areas for example, the kitchen/Somewhere else - please comment.  Only visible for locations with their own entrance.
Sticker 2: What rating was on the sticker? - Awaiting inspection|0 – (Urgent Improvement Necessary)|1 – (Major Improvement Necessary)|2 – (Improvement Necessary)|3 – (Generally satisfactory)|4 – (Good)|5 – (Very Good) -
Sticker 2: What date was displayed on the sticker? If a sticker was on display, the date will be shown on the reverse of the sticker.  [Date - Month - Year] Not applicable date not visible. Unable to access.  -
Sticker 2: Please upload a photo of sticker 2 - Upload -

Sticker 3

Question Shopper guidance Answer set Format
Sticker 3: What was the food hygiene rating format? - Sticker/Alternative format -
Sticker 3: What was the food hygiene rating format? - New style sticker (with dragon logo) Old style sticker/alternative format -
Sticker 3: Was the food hygiene rating visible from the outside of the premises?   For example, could you see the sticker or certificate without entering the premises? Yes/No -
Sticker 3: Was the FHRS sticker clearly visible?   By “clearly visible” we mean not obscured by any other stickers or posters and not blocked from view by any furniture. Yes/No -
Sticker 3: Where was the sticker located? - On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) so that it is visible from outside of the outlet/On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) so that it is visible from inside the outlet only/In the area just inside the entrance?/On the walls in the main service area/At the counter or till/At the entrances to any non-public areas for example, the kitchen/Somewhere else - please comment. In the area just inside the entrance?/On the walls in the main service area/At the counter or till/At the entrances to any non-public areas for example, the kitchen/Somewhere else - please comment.  Only visible for locations with their own entrance.
Sticker 3: What rating was on the sticker? - Awaiting inspection|0 – (Urgent Improvement Necessary)|1 – (Major Improvement Necessary)|2 – (Improvement Necessary)|3 – (Generally satisfactory)|4 – (Good)|5 – (Very Good) -
Sticker 3: What date was displayed on the sticker? If a sticker was on display, the date will be shown on the reverse of the sticker.  [Date - Month - Year] Not applicable date not visible. Unable to access.  -
Sticker 3: Please upload a photo of sticker 3 - Upload -

Sticker 4

Question Shopper guidance Answer set Format
Sticker 4: What was the food hygiene rating format? - Sticker/Alternative format -
Sticker 4: What was the food hygiene rating format? - New style sticker (with dragon logo) Old style sticker/alternative format -
Sticker 4: Was the food hygiene rating visible from the outside of the premises?   For example, could you see the sticker or certificate without entering the premises? Yes/No -
Sticker 4: Was the FHRS sticker clearly visible?   By “clearly visible” we mean not obscured by any other stickers or posters and not blocked from view by any furniture. Yes/No -
Sticker 4: Where was the sticker located? - On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) so that it is visible from outside of the outlet/On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) so that it is visible from inside the outlet only/In the area just inside the entrance?/On the walls in the main service area/At the counter or till/At the entrances to any non-public areas for example, the kitchen/Somewhere else - please comment. In the area just inside the entrance?/On the walls in the main service area/At the counter or till/At the entrances to any non-public areas for example, the kitchen/Somewhere else - please comment.  Only visible for locations with their own entrance.
Sticker 4: What rating was on the sticker? - Awaiting inspection|0 – (Urgent Improvement Necessary)|1 – (Major Improvement Necessary)|2 – (Improvement Necessary)|3 – (Generally satisfactory)|4 – (Good)|5 – (Very Good) -
Sticker 4: What date was displayed on the sticker? If a sticker was on display, the date will be shown on the reverse of the sticker.  [Date - Month - Year] Not applicable date not visible. Unable to access.  -
Sticker 4: Please upload a photo of sticker 4 - Upload -

Sticker 5

Question Shopper guidance Answer set Format
Sticker 5: What was the food hygiene rating format? - Sticker/Alternative format -
Sticker 5: What was the food hygiene rating format? - New style sticker (with dragon logo) Old style sticker/alternative format -
Sticker 5: Was the food hygiene rating visible from the outside of the premises?   For example, could you see the sticker or certificate without entering the premises? Yes/No -
Sticker 5: Was the FHRS sticker clearly visible?   By “clearly visible” we mean not obscured by any other stickers or posters and not blocked from view by any furniture. Yes/No -
Sticker 5: Where was the sticker located? - On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) so that it is visible from outside of the outlet/On the inside of the door(s) or window(s) so that it is visible from inside the outlet only/In the area just inside the entrance?/On the walls in the main service area/At the counter or till/At the entrances to any non-public areas for example, the kitchen/Somewhere else - please comment. In the area just inside the entrance?/On the walls in the main service area/At the counter or till/At the entrances to any non-public areas for example, the kitchen/Somewhere else - please comment.  Only visible for locations with their own entrance.
Sticker 5: What rating was on the sticker? - Awaiting inspection|0 – (Urgent Improvement Necessary)|1 – (Major Improvement Necessary)|2 – (Improvement Necessary)|3 – (Generally satisfactory)|4 – (Good)|5 – (Very Good) -
Sticker 5: What date was displayed on the sticker? If a sticker was on display, the date will be shown on the reverse of the sticker.  [Date - Month - Year] Not applicable date not visible. Unable to access.  -
Sticker 5: Please upload a photo of sticker 5 - Upload -

Other observations

Question Shopper guidance Answer set Format
What alternative format/s was the rating promoted in? - Poster/Banner/Free standing sign such as an A board/ Certificate/Other (please describe) compulsory comment for Other (please describe)
Is there anything else you feel may be relevant to this assessment? If yes, please detail Yes/No compulsory comment for Yes


A - Business Type

I’m going to start by asking you a few questions about your business. For these questions, and throughout the survey, I’d like you to think specifically about this site. 

Ask all.

A1. Approximately how many people does this business employ at this site?

If necessary: Please include part-time and full-time staff.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t know exactly, an estimate is fine.

Interviewer type in: 1

Don't know: 2

Ask if don't know (A1-2)

A2 Which of the following bands would cover how many people employed at this site.

Read out. Single code. 

1 1 

2 to 9 2

10 to 24 3

25 to 49 4

50 to 99 5

100 to 199 6

200 to 249 7

250+ 8

Don't know 9

Ask all.

A3 Is your business part of a chain?

Do not read out. Single code. 

Yes 1

No 2

Don't know 3

Ask all.

A4 Can customers order food from your business in any of the following ways...

Read out. 

1 Through a third party website/app (such as JustEat, UberEats or Deliveroo)

Yes 1

No 2

Don't 3

2 Through your own company website

Yes 1

No 2

Don't 3

3 Through your social media accounts (such as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook)

Yes 1

No 2

Don't 3

Ask if use aggregator (ask if A4_1=1)

A5 What delivery service website/apps can customers use to order food from your business?

Do not read out. Multicode. 

Deliveroo 1

JustEat 2

UberEats 3

Amazon 4

Etsy 5

NotOnTheHighStreet 6

EBay 7

AliExpress 8

Other (write in) 9

Don't know 10

Ask if use social media (ask if A4_3=1)

A6. What social media platforms can customers use to order food from your business?

Do not read out. Multicode. 


Ask all.

B1. Changing the topic slightly, have you heard of the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, also referred to sometimes as the 'FHRS'?

Do not read out. Single code. 

Yes 1

No 2

Don't know 3

Ask all.

B2. Has this business premises been given a Food Hygiene Rating by the local authority [in NI: District Council]?  The rating will have been given following an inspection by your local authority. You will have been issued with a green and black sticker that displays the rating.

If necessary: This is not a certificate or qualification in food hygiene training awarded to an individual within the business. The rating may have been given some time ago.  The rating will be between 0 and 5 or may say awaiting inspection or rating awaited.

Interviewer: By business premises we mean the outlet stated on the sample, not any other business premises that they may be responsible for.

Do not read out single code. 

Yes 1

No but we expect to receive the rating soon 2

No 3

Not sure 4

Ask if not been given rating/not sure (B2=2/3/4)

B3. The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme or FHRS involves a food safety officer from the local authority visiting your premises to check on standards of food hygiene and issuing your business with a green and black hygiene rating sticker that shows a rating from zero to five, or [If England/Northern Ireland: ‘awaiting inspection’; If Wales: ‘rating awaited’]. 
Do you remember your business premises being assessed for its current Food Hygiene Rating using this scheme?

If necessary: The sticker shows five green circles and one, larger black circle with the rating for your premises. 

Wales if necessary: The sticker also has the Government dragon logo located at the top of the sticker towards the centre.

Interviewer: We are only interested in ratings for the premises listed on the sample, not any other business premises that the respondent may be responsible for. If respondent was not working for organisation at the time of inspection but knows that it took place code yes. 

Do not read out. Single code. 

Yes 1

No 2 (go to section D)

Not sure 3 (go to Section D)

Ask if remember inspection (B3-1)

B4. Have you received your Food Hygiene Rating for this site yet?

If necessary: the rating will be from 0 to 5

Do not read out. Single code. 


Yes 1

No but we expect to receive one 2 (go to section D)

No 3 (go to section D)

Not sure 4 (go to Section D)

Ask if have FHRS (B2=1 or B4=1) 

B5. Thinking specifically about the green and black food hygiene rating sticker, what rating has this site been given?

If necessary: what does the sticker say?

Interviewer: if the respondent mentions a number of STARS, please query: ‘You just mentioned stars, are you definitely referring to the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, which has a green and black logo, with your rating in a CIRCLE?’ [Interviewer, if they are not referring to the green and black Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, please recode B3 (or B2 if B3 was not answered).

Do not read out. Single code. 
If England/Northern Ireland Waiting inspection, if Wales: rating awaited 1

0 Urgent improvement necessary 2

1 Major improvement necessary 3

2 Improvement necessary 4

3 Generally satisfactory 5

4 Good 6

5 Very good 7

Don't know 8

Ask if know rating and rating is less than 5 (B5=2 to 6)

B6 Are you satisfied with the rating you received?

Do not read out single code. 

Yes 1

No 2

Don't know 3

Ask if not satisfied with ratring (B6=2)

B7 Why are you not satisfied with the rating you received?

Do not read out. Mulitcode. 

Received a low rating 1

Rating was lower than expected / expected a higher rating 2

Rating was lower/worse than last time 3

I am doing things the same as before, but I received a lower rating 4

The score/rating may stop some customers using us / gives them a bad impression/Competitors have higher rating 5

Inspector was not fair/Rating is unfair / I do not agree with it 6

Inspection time was inconvenient (for example, busy time of day) 7

Rating due to poor confidence in management score / paperwork / record keeping 8

Made improvements as required but still got a low rating 9

Other reason (write in) 10

Don’t know 11

If know rating (B5=2 to 7)

B7a What is the lowest Food Hygiene Rating you would be satisfied with?

Do not read out. Single code.

0 Urgent improvement necessary 2

1 Major improvement necessary 3

2 Improvement necessary 4

3 Generally satisfactory 5

4 Good 6

5 Very good 7

Don't know 8

Ask if have rating of 0 to 4 (B5=2 to 6)

B8. Have you made any changes to the way you do things at your premises in order to improve your Food Hygiene Rating at the next inspection?

Do not read out. Single code.

Yes 1

No 2

Don't know 3

Ask if made changes (B8=1)

B9. And what changes have you made at your premises in order to achieve a higher Food Hygiene Rating at your next inspection? Probe fully: What other changes?

Do not read out. Multicode.

Purchasing additional equipment / undertaking repairs / improvement works 1

Cleaning equipment more regularly 2

Monitoring fridge temperatures  3

Cleaning of the workplace/premises (including more thorough/creating rotas) 4

Labelling food with the date it was opened 5

Improve documentation/ record keeping (including updating/ utilising HACCP) 6

Recording what is done every day in a diary 7

Using different equipment (chopping boards, utensils etc) for different foods to avoid cross-contamination 8 

Fixing structural issues 11

Improving or implementing staff training 12

Other (write in) 9 

Don’t know 10

Ask if have FHRS (B2=1 or B4=1)

B10 Is your Food Hygiene Rating sticker on display on your premises?

Do not read out. Single code. 

Yes, somewhere where it is clearly visible to customers 1

Yes, somewhere where it is not clearly visible to consumer (for example a kitchen or office) 2

No 3

Don't know 4

Ask if on display (B10=1 or 2)

B11. Can I just check, can customers clearly see your Food Hygiene Rating sticker from the outside of your premises, in other words, without having to enter your premises?

Do not read out. Single code. 

Yes 1

No 2

Don't know 3

Sticker on display from outside and Wales/Northern Ireland (B11=1 and Country=2/3)

B12. Does the premises have one or more than one customer entrance?

Do not read out. Single code. 

One 1

More than one 2

Sites does not have its own entrance 3

Don't know 4

Premises has one customer entrance (ask if B12=1)

B13. Do you have the sticker displayed at your customer entrance?

Do not read out. Single code.

Yes 1

No 2

Don't know 3

Premises has one customer entrance (ask if B12=2)

B14. At how many customer entrances do you have the sticker displayed?

Do not read out. Single code.

None 1

Some 2

All 3

Don't know 4

B14. Questions removed

Ask if not on public display (B10=3 or B11=2)

B15. Why is your Food Hygiene Rating not on display where your customers can clearly see it?

Do not read out. Multi code. 

I do not have to display it / it’s not compulsory 1

Didn’t know we should display it / didn’t know it was compulsory  2

Poor/ low Food Hygiene Rating 3

Business policy not to display ratings 4

Doesn’t suit the surroundings 5

It is more important for staff to see it than the public 6

I do not agree with the rating / the rating is unfair 7

I do not like the rating system 8

I do not understand the scheme 9

It’s not relevant to our business 10

Similar businesses in this area do not display their stickers 11

We have lost the sticker 12

There's nowhere suitable to show it outdoors 13

Another reason (write in:) 14

Don't know 15

Ask if England FBO and not public display (Country=1 and B10=3 or B11=2)

B16. What would encourage you to display your Food Hygiene Rating where customers could clearly see it?

Do not read out. Multicode. 

If it was issued in a different format (for example, different design, in a frame) 1

If it was the law 2

Fines for not displaying 3

If we had a better Food Hygiene Rating 4

A fairer Food Hygiene Rating scheme 5

If other businesses in the area were displaying theirs 6

If customers asked to see it 7

If I understood the scheme 8

If we could have our lost sticker re-issued 9

Another reason (write in) 10

(single code only) Nothing would encourage me 11

Don’t know 12

Ask if have FHRS (B2=1 or B4=1)

B17. And thinking more generally now about the Food Hygiene Rating, what is the lowest Food Hygiene Rating that you would consider 'good enough' to display at your business?

If necessary the rating will be from 0 to 5. Do not read out. Single code. 

0 Urgent improvement necessary 1

1 Major improvement necessary 2

2 Improvement necessary 3

3 Generally satisfactory 4

4 Good 5

5 Very good 6

Don't know 7

None/I don't agree with the scheme 8

If know rating (ask if B5=2 to 7)

B17a. Do you use your Food Hygiene Rating to advertise your business? For example on your website, on menus, or through other mechanisms. 

Do not read out. Single code. 

Yes 1

No 2

Don't know 3

Use their FHRS to advertise (B17a=1)

B18. Does your business currently use, or has it previously used, your Food Hygiene Rating in any of the following ways?

Read out. Single code per row, randomise rows. 

1 Paid Advertising

2 Free Advertising

3 Letterhead

4 Posters/Sandwich Boards

5 [If scheme business type = 1/2/4] Table menus

6 [If scheme business type = 1/2/4] Take-away menus

7 On your website (general)

8 If A4_2=1 On the online ordering function on your website

9 If A4_1=1 On a delivery service website/app

10 If A4_3=1 On the online ordering function on social media

All answer options are:

1 Yes currently

2 Yes previously

3 No

4 Don't know

B19. Would you consider using your Food Hygiene Rating to advertise your business in the future?

Do not read out. Single code. 

Yes 1

No 2

Don't know 3

Ask if answered yes (B19=1)

B20. In what ways would you consider using your Food Hygiene Rating to advertise your business in the future?

Do not read out. Multicode. 

Paid Advertising 1

Free Advertising 4

Letterheads 5

Posters/Sandwich Boards/ Banners 6

Table menus 7

Take-away menus 8

On your website (general) 9

If A4_2=1 On the online ordering function on your website 10

On a delivery service website/app 11

On the online ordering function on social media 12

Another way (write in) 13

Don't know 14

Ask if own ordering facility but doesn't display rating (A4_2=1 and (B17a=2/3 or B18_8=3)).

B21. You said that you don’t display your Food Hygiene Rating on the online ordering function on your website. Why is this?

Do not read out. Multicode. 

Customers aren’t interested in our rating 1

It isn’t necessary to display the rating 2

I do not have to display it / it’s not compulsory 3

Poor/ low Food Hygiene Rating  4

Business policy not to display ratings  6

I do not agree with the rating / the rating is unfair 7

I do not like the rating system 8

I do not understand the scheme 9

It’s not relevant to our business 10

We don’t have the technical facilities and/or skills to do this 11

Other (write in) 12

Don’t know 13

Ask if social media for ordering but doesn't display rating (A4_3=1 and B17a=2/3 or B18_10=3)

B22. You said that you don’t display your Food Hygiene Rating through the social media platforms that customers can use to order from your business. Why is this?

Do not read out. Multicode. 


Customers aren’t interested in our rating 1

It isn’t necessary to display the rating 2

I do not have to display it / it’s not compulsory 3

Poor/ low Food Hygiene Rating  4

The low Food Hygiene Rating may stop some customers using us 5

Business policy not to display ratings  6

I do not agree with the rating / the rating is unfair 7

I do not like the rating system 8

I do not understand the scheme 9

It’s not relevant to our business 10

We don’t have the technical facilities and/or skills to do this 11

Other (write in) 12

Don’t know 13

Ask if rating on display (b10=1 or B11=1)

B23. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme?

Read out. Single code per row, randomise rows. 

1 I am proud of my business's Food Hygiene Rating

2 Having a good Food Hygiene Rating is attractive to customers

3 I/We work hard to maintain/improve our hygiene rating

4 Displaying my Food Hygiene Rating improves the reputation of my business

5 Displaying my Food Hygiene Rating gives my business more customers 

6 Displaying my Food Hygiene Rating shows customers that we take food hygiene seriously

7 Having a higher rating gives me a competitive advantage over businesses that have lower ratings

All answer options are:

Strongly agree 1

Agree 2

Neither agree or disagree 3

Disagree 4

Strongly disagree 5

 Don't know 6

Ask if have FHRS (B2=1 or B4=1)

B24. How important is to your business that you have a Food Hygiene Rating?

Read out. Single code. 

Very important 1

Fairly important 2

Neither important nor unimportant 3

Fairly unimportant 4

Very important 5

Don't know 6

C- Contact with LA Food Hygiene department

The next series of questions are about contact you may have had with your Local Authority Food Hygiene department.

Ask if have FHRS (B2 =1 OR B4=1)

C1. Do you recall if your business received an inspection report letter from the local authority?

This letter would have told you your Food Hygiene Rating and contained your sticker to put on display. The letter would have been sent out after your last (most recent) inspection.

Do not read out. Single code.

Yes I can remember receiving this letter: 1

No I cannot remember receiving this letter: 2

Don't know: 3

Ask if received letter and have FHRS rating of 4 or less (C1=1 and B5=2 to 6)

C2. Thinking about the letter you received after your most recent inspection, do you recall if your letter told you what improvements you would need to make to achieve the highest Food Hygiene Rating of 5 at your premises?

Do not read out. Single code. 

Yes: 1

No: 2

Don't know: 3

Ask if have FHRS (B2=1 or B4=1)

C3. Following an inspection, are you aware that if you are unhappy with your rating you can request…

Do not read out. Single code at each.

A ‘right to reply’? If necessary: Your right to reply allows you to tell customers how your business has improved its hygiene standards or if there were unusual circumstances at the time of inspection. This response will be published online, alongside the rating, by the local authority.

Yes I am aware: 1

No I am not aware: 2

Don't know: 3

An appeal? If necessary: If you think that the rating you have been given following an inspection is wrong or unfair - in other words it does not reflect the hygiene standards at the time of inspection - you can appeal against this.

Yes I am aware: 1

No I am not aware: 2

Don't know: 3

A re-rating? If necessary: If you make the improvements to hygiene standards that our food safety officer raised at your last planned inspection, you can request a re-visit before the next planned inspection.  

Yes I am aware: 1

No I am not aware: 2

Don't know: 3

Ask if have FHRS (B2=1 or B4=1 and are aware of a re-rating C3_3=1)

C4. Has your establishment applied for a re-rating inspection from the local authority since your last inspection? 

Do not read out. Single code.

Yes: 1

No: 2

Don't know: 3

If didn't apply for a re-rating and not satisfied with rating (C4=2 and B6-2)

C5. Why did you not apply for a re-rating?

Do not read out. Multi code. 

I wasn't aware it was an option 1

I didn't have enough information on how to apply 2

I don't understand how re-rating works 3

I do not like the rating system 4

I do not understand the scheme 5

The scheme is not relevant to our business 6

I did not think we would get a higher rating 7

I don't think the rating system is fair 8

The fees are too high 9

The re-rating is carried out by the same authority that issues the rating 10

Other (write in) 11

Don't know 12

If applied for re-rating (C4=1)

C6. And what was the results of this request for a re-rating?

Do not read out. Single code. 

Awarded a higher rating 1

Rating stayed the same 2

Award a lower rating 3

Still waiting for a new inspection/to heart back from the local authority 4

Not yet been notified of their decision 5

Was not granted another visits from the inspector 6

Other (please specify) Backcode as necessary, only create new codes if >5% of answers 7

Don't know/Can't remember 8

Ask if have FHRS (B2=1 or B4=1) and aware of right to reply (C3_1=1)

C7 Has your establishment exercised its right to reply by sending comments to the local authority about the most recent rating you have been given?

Do not read out. Single code. 

Yes 1

No 2

Don't know 3

Ask if haven't exercised right to reply and not satisfied with score (C7=2 and B6=2)

C8 Why did you not exercise your right to reply?

I wasn't aware it was an option 1

I didn't have enough information on how to apply 2

I don't understand how re-rating works 3

I do not like the rating system 4

I do not understand the scheme 5

The scheme is not relevant to our business 6

I did not think my reply would be published 7

I don't think the rating system is fair 8

I didn't want to spend the time doing it 9

I was worried it would impact on my future ratings 10

Other (write in) 11

Don't know 12

Ask if have FHRS and Eng (if B2-1 or B4=1) and Country =1)

C9 How would you feel if a scheme was introduced where you were required by law to display your Food Hygiene Rating? Would you say it would be a...

Read out. Single Code.

Very good thing 1

Fairly good thing 2

Neither a good thing or bad thing 3

Fairly bad thing 4

Very bad thing 5

Don't know 6

Ask if response (bad) at C9 (C9=3 to 5)

C10a Why do you say it would be a [insert response from C9]?

Do not read out. Multi code.

It makes no difference - we do it anyway 1

It's unfair to some businesses 2

Puts additional burden on businesses 3

Bad because people don't understand your score 4

Other (please specify) 5

Don't know 6

Ask if response (good) at C9 (C9=1 to 2)

C10b. Why do you say it would be a [insert response from C9]?

Probe fully. 

Don't know 1

If have FHRS and Wales/Northern Ireland (NI) (ask if B2=1 or B4=1 and country 2/3.

Do not read out. Single code. 

Yes 1

No 2

Don't know 3

If have FHRS and Wales/NI (ask if B2=1 or B4=1 and Country = 2/3)

Read out. Single code. 

Very good thing 1

Fairly good thing 2

Neither a good thing or bad thing 3

Fairly bad thing 4

Very bad thing 5

Don't know 6

Feel good about the legal requirement to display (C12=1 to 2)

C12a Why do you say this?

Probe fully. 

Don't know 1

Feel bad about the legal requirement to display C12=3 to 5)

C12b Why do you say this?

Do not read out. Multicode. 

It makes no difference - we do it anyway 1

It's unfair to some businesses 2

Puts additional burden on businesses 3

Bad because people don't understand your score 4

Other (please specify) 5

Don't know 6

If have FHRS (B2=1 or B4=1)

C13. Which, if any, of the following online facilities do you think should be required by law to display Food Hygiene Rating?

Read out. Multicode. Randomise codes.

Restaurants and takeaways' own websites 1

Restaurants and takeaways' own online ordering facilities 2

Takeaway ordering aggregators or apps (for example, Just Eat, UberEATS, Deliveroo) 3

Social media (such As Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) 4

Restaurants table booking sites (for example Opentable, Bookatable) 5

Hotels' and guest houses' own websites where they servee or supply food 6

Accommodation booking websites (, Trivago, Expedia) 7

Supermarket websites 8

None of the above 9

All of the above 10

Don't know 11

D- Thank and close

Ask All

D1. Thank you for your time today. Would you be willing for IFF Research to call you back regarding this particular study, if we need to clarify any of the information? This would be before the end of the project, which is expected to be in January 2022.

Yes: 1

No: 2

D2. And could I just check, is [NUMBER] the best number to call you on?

Yes: 1

No write in numbers: 2

Ask All

Yes: 1

No: 2

If consent to FSA email (D3=1)

D4. Can I take some details so that we can send this email over to you?


Email address: 

Read out to all

Just to confirm, we’ll be keeping your anonymised responses to the interview for analysis purposes and if you’d like a copy of your data, to change your data or for your data to be deleted then please get in contact with us at [redacted].

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and you can do so by calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113.

Thanks respondent and close interview.