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Manual for official controls

Legal requirements and standards for approved meat establishments.

Last updated: 30 August 2024
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Last updated: 30 August 2024
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Once your premises have been approved, you will find the Manual for Official Controls (MOC) beneficial for further information.

The MOC describes the tasks, responsibilities and duties of our staff carrying out official controls in approved establishments.

Manual for Official Controls guidance

The Manual for Official Controls documentation is accurate as of 05 June 2024. Recent changes to the MOC can be found in the revision log.

Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, officials from the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) carry out meat hygiene official controls in approved establishments on behalf of us in Northern Ireland.

The MOC describes the tasks, responsibilities and duties of DAERA officials carrying out official controls in approved establishments on behalf of us. This is maintained and updated by DAERA and can be found on their website.

References to EU legislation in FSA guidance

Directly applicable EU legislation no longer applies in GB. EU legislation retained when the UK exited the EU became assimilated law on 1 January 2024, published on References to any legislation in FSA guidance with ‘EU’ or ‘EC’ in the title (e.g. Regulation (EC) 178/2002) should now be regarded as assimilated law where applicable to GB. References to ‘Retained EU Law’ or ‘REUL’ should now be regarded as references to assimilated law. 

For businesses moving goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland, information on the Windsor Framework is available on GOV.UK. 

The Windsor Framework was adopted by the UK and EU on 24 March 2023. The Framework provides a unique set of arrangements to support the flow of agrifood retail products from Great Britain (GB) to Northern Ireland (NI), allowing GB standards for public health in relation to food, marketing and organics to apply for pre-packed retail goods moved via the NI Retail Movement Scheme (NIRMS).

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

England and Wales

Temporary Operational Instructions

Manual for Official Controls revision log

The following revisions to Manual for Official Controls documentation have been made as of 05 June 2024.

Chapter 1

  • Section 1.3 FSA helpline hyperlink updated

Chapter 2.1

  • Section 1.1.2 Added RSPCA as one of the qualifying assurance schemes to prove a vet's annual visit
  • Section 2 Replaced enteritidis and typhimurium by Enteritidis and Tiphymurium throughout the section
  • Section 2.1.7 Amended exclusions of Salmonella sampling requirements for turkeys (table)
  • Section 2.1.12 Added the requirement to report certain issues to APHA
  • Section 2.1.14 Clarified the FSA internal procedure for Salmonella positive birds under the NCP recovering to negative
  • Section 2.6 Addition of new section: The Livestock Information Service
  • Annex 14 Removed reference to Regulation 854/2004, added relevant references to Assimilated Regulation 2019/624 and amended text to align it with Assimilated Regulation 2019/624

Chapter 2.2

  • Sections 4.1.5 and 4.1.7 Clarification that pigs can be moved from the slaughterhouse in exceptional circumstances under the Miscellaneous Provision Order and that birds can be moved without a licence 'under exceptional circumstances' 

Chapter 2.3

  • Throughout chapter amended all references to EU legislation to read Assimilated Regulation No --
  • Section 1.2.1 Add explanation of change to legislation title
  • Section 3.1.2 Add note re MHI role and in particular recording multiple captive bolt shots
  • Section 3.1.2 Change reference to welfare folder and add that this can be electronic record
  • Section 3.3.2 Change welfare file to folder throughout the Chapter
  • Section 3.6 Remove reference to TCoC copy to reflect new online application process
  • Section 5 Update entire Chapter to reflect CCTV Wales legislation introduced on 1st May 2024
  • Section 6.1.3 Add additional guidance on code requirements and restraint at stunning
  • Section 6.2.3 Clarify that holders of activity 53 do not also need activity 52
  • Section 7 Change welfare file to folder throughout the Chapter
  • Annex 18 Remove Annex 18 as it relates to the defunct CCTV viewing protocol in Wales

Chapter 2.4

  • Section 6 Minor changes in questions 6.1.4, 6.1.5, 6.3.3 and 6.4.2 to provide clarification

Chapter 2.5

  • Section 2.9.5 Addition of information about the Livestock Information Service
  • Section 2.11.9 Added that local authorities are the enforcing authorities for the requirement of FBOs confirming movement of pigs to the slaughterhouse

Chapter 2.7

  • Section 2.3.4 Clarification on the process of getting authorised under Schedule 7 (domestic TSE) as RMOP is no longer a legal requirement
  • Section 3.1 Format change for clarification

Chapter 2.8

  • Section 5.6 Actions to take when ABPs are returned to a food establishment

Chapter 2.9


  • Section 4.24.5 Removal of references to Formal Cautions from this section and other cross references in other parts of the chapter. Section 4.24.5 Caution removed and subsequent sections re-numbered

Chapter 2.12

  • Section 3.2.3 Clarification on the process of harvesting sheep heads for human consumption
  • Section 3.6.4 Clarification that EU 2021/1374 only applies to Northern Ireland and description of the requirements in GB

Chapter 4.1

  • Section 1.4.2, 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 Removed points 1.4.2, 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 as these are duplicated and are more relevant in Chapter 13
  • Section 4.7 Whole section updated
  • Section 4.9 Clarification on the use of remote technology when the FSA application (Fuse) cannot be used and removed references to COVID
  • Section 5.3 Clarify instructions in subsection 5.3.3 for using 'do not count to outcome' for Major/Critical non-compliances in establishments under the extended audit frequency
  • Annex 1 Question 3.9 Added a link to E&P - View where auditors can access the annual throughput for slaughterhouses

Chapter 4.3

  • Section 3.4.1 & 3.4.2 Added that annual throughput for red meat and poultry slaughterhouses can be gathered from E&P - View

Chapter 5.1

  • Section 1.4.1 Clarification witnessing samples by FBO representative
  • Section 2.1.7 Reference added to electronic identification system
  • Section 2.1.9 Reference to arrangement to storage of samples in plants without FSA freezer
  • Section 2.14.3 Reference to exceptional arrangement for dispatch of samples in plants operating once a week
  • Section 3.2.9 Accessible test added to Flow chat for sampling of suspect live animals
  • Section 3.3.2 Additional requirements to sample for authorised substances when is suspected that they can be above the MRL
  • Section 3.4.1 Suspect sample kit provided and instructions to request additional ones included
  • Section 3.4.4 Accessible text added to Flow chart for reporting suspect cases
  • Section 3.4.5 Summary of conditions to be considered for suspect sampling table added
  • Section 3.5.1 and 3.6.1 Amended notification of results by VMD, by written notification
  • Section 3.5.6 Accessible test added to flow chart for action following suspect sampling for unauthorised samples in live animals
  • Section 3.6.4 Accessible text added to Flow chart for action following results suspect sampling of carcases

Chapter 5.2

  • Section 2.2.3 Updated instructions for pig kit
  • Section 2.7.1 Removed note as it could be misleading and instructions on how to store the samples are clear enough

Chapter 6

  • Section 5 Wording amended to replace "tumourous" with "tumorous"
  • Section 5.1.3 Accessibility: The flowchart was removed as not fully aligned with the text
  • Section 5.1.6 Accessibility: The flowchart was removed as not fully aligned with the text.
  • Section 6.1.5 Accessibility: The flowchart was removed as not fully aligned with the text.
  • Section 7.5.1 Addition of other farmed non-bovine animals compulsorily slaughtered by APHA
  • Section 7.8.7 Removing reference to histology/ fast track of a sample
  • Section 7.8.8 Removing reference to urgent histology/ culture and replacing it with PCR reference
  • Section 7.8.12 Addition of TN50/ reference to sample of TN 50 and replacing TB50 with TN 50 in the context of non-bovine species
  • Section 7.9.2 Minor changes to the wording referring to skin test/ TB testing day, addition of PCR
  • Section Replacing TB50 with TN 50 in the context of non-bovine species
  • Section 7.12.1 Addition of TN50, removing the reference to histological examination, addition of PCR positive samples and non-bovine species
  • Section 7.12.2 Addition of TN50 and reference to TN50 form sample
  • Section 7.12.3 Addition of TN50
  • Section 7.13.1 Addition of TN50
  • Section 9.4.1 Application process for FMD clarified, adding the FSA approvals address
  • Section 9.4.1 Accessibility: The table was removed and the subparagraph has been reworded. 
  • Section 10.4.1 Slaughterhouses in SZ receiving animal from the PZ require designation for BTV
  • Section 10.4.4, Designation and activation process details for Bluetongue added
  • Section 12, Updated version of Annex 16a (TB50) and addition of Annex 16c (TN50)
  • Annex 16a TB50 form updated
  • Annex 16c TN50 form added
  • Annex 29 Bluetongue designation application version 4 removed and version 5 added

Chapter 7

  • Section 1.2.6 Addition of statement clarifying the replacement of the word retained with assimilated when referring to EU Legislation and wording throughout whole chapter amended to replace "retained" with "assimilated"
  • Section 2.5.13 Amended statement for clarity.
  • Section 4 removal of reference to formal and informal enforcement from the index
  • Section 4.3 remove reference to formal enforcement (4.3 and 4.3.1)
  • Section 6 Removal of para 6.15 from index as this is not required and change of para numbers for subsequent paragraphs
  • Section 6.4 amendment to description of medium and low risk establishments to make them consistent with Improvement Necessary and Generally Satisfactory audit outcomes
  • Section 6.8 Removal of reference to training packages 
  • Section 6.9 amendment to description of medium risk establishments to make it consistent with Improvement Necessary audit outcomes
  • Section 6.11 Further clarity provided for FVL options. They do not need to recommend withdrawal or suspension if they feel the level of risk has been sufficiently reduced. Insertion of a paragraph explaining that if further serious deficiencies are found which were not part of the review then the FBO should be asked for further guarantees to resolve these additional deficiencies before they can be considered as a rationale to withdraw or suspend approval 
  • Section 6.14 removal of reference to AO
  • Section 6.15 Remove this paragraph as it is already explained in Audit section of MOC and changes to subsequent numbered paragraphs
  • Annex 1 Wording amended to replace "retained" with "assimilated" when referring to EU Legislation
  • Annex 2 Wording amended to replace "retained" with "assimilated" when referring to EU Legislation
  • Annex 12 Wording amended to replace "retained" with "assimilated" when referring to EU Legislation
  • Annex 14 Wording amended to replace "retained" with "assimilated" when referring to EU Legislation
  • Annex 16 Wording amended to replace "retained" with "assimilated" when referring to EU Legislation
  • Annex 18 Wording amended to replace "retained" with "assimilated" when referring to EU Legislation and a grammatical correction
  • Annex 20 Wording amended to replace "retained" with "assimilated" when referring to EU Legislation and grammatical error corrected for Root Cause Analysis
  • Annex 21 Wording amended to replace "retained" with "assimilated" when referring to EU Legislation and additional sentence added as caveat when considering the use of Unacceptable Behaviour Policy following Obstruction

Chapter 9

  • Section 2.6 The following forms have been updated to replace the word retained so references to former Retained Regulations now reads Assimilated Regulation:
    DH ENF 11-3 (E)
    DH ENF 11-3 (W)
    DH ENF 11-24 (W)
    DH ENF 11-25 (E)
    DH ENF 11-25 (W)
    DH ENF 11-27 (E)
    DH ENF 11-27 (W)
    DH ENF 11-28 (E)
    DH ENF 11-28(W)
    Revision dates within Chapter 9 have also been updated.
  • Section 2.7, The following forms have been updated to replace the word retained so references to former Retained Regulations now reads Assimilated Regulation:
    ENF 11-3 (E)
    ENF 11-3 (W)
    ENF 11-12 (E)
    ENF 11-12 (W)
    ENF 11-13 (E)
    ENF 11-13 (W)
    ENF 11-14 (E)
    ENF 11-14 (W)
    ENF 11-16 (E)
    ENF 11-16 (W)
    ENF 11-22
    ENF 11-23 (E)
    ENF 11-23 (W)
    ENF 11-24 (E)
    ENF 11-24 (W)
    ENF 11-25 (E)
    ENF 11-25 (W)
    ENF 11-27 (E)
    ENF 11-27 (W)
    ENF 11-28 (E)
    ENF 11-28 (W)
    ENF 11-33 (E)
    ENF 11-33 (W)
    Revision dates within Chapter 9 have also been updated.
  • WEL 41(E) Amendment of WEL 41(E) to correct an error in the form
  • ABP 7/8 Clarification of the standards applicable to VC Removal

Chapter 10

  • Section 3.2.5 Text added to the process map to clarify the steps that need to be followed to complete the PIA application system
  • Section 3.3.3 Embedded descriptive link rather than URL

Chapter 11

  • Section 2.3.7 Change in wording to remove visit advice documents
  • Section 2.3.9 Visit advice document removed
  • Section 2.3.10 Remove reference to trader advice document 
  • Section 2.3.10 Remove reference to VAD 1 document
  • Section 2.6.4 Removal of varietal wine guidance
  • Section 3.1 Change sampling guidance removing FERA as a supplier

Chapter 13

  • Section 2.11 Providing clearer cross reference with other sections and a removal of a superfluous sentence 
  • Section 3.1 Correcting a legal reference 
  • Section 3.2 Insertion of a missing bullet point, addition of advice for an officer who finds unapproved activities being conducted and insertion of a link to food gov page for applications 
  • Section 3.4 Providing clearer cross reference with other sections
  • Section 3.8 Correction of a typo
  • Section 4 Providing clearer cross reference with other sections