Acrylamide legislation
Information on the measures concerning acrylamide levels in food, guidance for food business operators and benchmark levels for monitoring acrylamide levels in different food categories.
Information on the measures concerning acrylamide levels in food, guidance for food business operators and benchmark levels for monitoring acrylamide levels in different food categories.
Defining what a high-risk product is, guidance on aflatoxin levels in imported food, current GB restrictions and guidance for importing certain products from defined countries.
Pesticides are chemical or biological substances that are used to kill or control pests during the cultivation and storage of crops. We have oversight of pesticides and food safety in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) and Sodium chlorite solutions, their danger to health and what the National Food Crime Unit (NFCU) are doing to prevent them being sold and or consumed.
Explains the dangers surrounding mycotoxins and the food safety regulations in place in the UK concerning them.
The way pigs must be tested for trichinella before entering the food chain.
What bisphenol A (BPA) is and the research and evidence that supports our understanding of BPA.
Advice on safe handling and storage of raw pet food at home.
The dangers of DNP and the National Food Crime Unit's role in reducing the health risk to the public.
Different food additives and advice on regulations and the safety of additives in food.
How E. coli spreads and what you can do to prevent it contaminating your food.
How we assess and regulate levels of radioactivity in food.
Consuming lead is harmful, health experts advise to minimise lead consumption as much as possible. Anyone who eats lead-shot game should be aware of the risks posed by consuming large amounts of lead, especially children and pregnant women.
About norovirus and how to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
How to make sure the food you take on a picnic stays fresh and safe to eat.
What Hepatitis E is, the ways it can spread and advice on how to avoid it when cooking pork.
Antimicrobial resistance and the steps to take to prevent the spread of resistant microorganisms.
How campylobacter is spread and how to minimise your chances of eating food contaminated with campylobacter.
Advice on safe levels of arsenic in rice and rice milk.
Information on the risks of acrylamide and how you can reduce the chances of being harmed by it.
What you can do to reduce the risk of becoming ill due to listeria.
How to prepare your food safely in the event of a flood in the home as a consumer or have home-grown fruit and vegetables.
What salmonella is and how to reduce the risk of food poisoning.
Irradiation of food is a practice which eliminates bacteria that may lead to food poisoning. This page details the irradiation process and how it is not harmful to consumers.
What Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is and the controls we implement to prevent food from being contaminated by it.