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Vineyard registration

How to register a vineyard in the UK and details of vineyard categorisation.

Last updated: 4 September 2023
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Last updated: 4 September 2023
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We have updated our application process for vineyard registration. Use our online service to register your vineyard or winery with no vines in the UK. 

Vineyards over 0.1 hectare (approximately a quarter of an acre) must be registered. Owners must register their vines no later than 6 months after planting and must notify the FSA of any changes. 

Smaller vineyards must also be registered if they operate commercially.

We have further guidance on setting up a wine business

Registering a vineyard in the UK

Use this online service to register your vineyard in the UK.

Registration is free and there are no charges for our inspections or for any advice we offer.   

Starting your registration 

Before you complete the online registration form please read the guidance notes and the Data Protection Statement

To complete the form, you will need to know: 

  • the area of the holding in hectares 
  • an area breakdown of vines in the open, vines under cover and area not under vine in hectares 
  • the altitude of the holding  
  • details of the vine varieties planted, such as type, planting area in hectares and year planted  
  • the year of the planting  
  • the planting density  

You can save and return to your form for a maximum of 7 days. If you do not return to your form within 7 days, you will need to complete it again.

After submitting your application, your details will be sent to a member of our team.

Your vineyard will be registered with the FSA and provided with a registration number. You will receive a registration number within 20 working days. If you have any problems with your application, contact

Once you have registered your vineyard will be inspected based on the categorisation it is given.

Notify the FSA of changes after registration

If your vineyard is already approved and you need to notify us of any changes, please email

Help and guidance completing the forms

If you need assistance, please email

Section 1 guidance

A vineyard has a wine-growing area of at least 0.1 hectare (quarter of an acre) or is a commercial undertaking.

Section 2 guidance

  • a parcel of land is a continuous area of land where only vines are grown
  • you must complete a section 2 for each parcel of land where you grow vines
  • allocate consecutive numbers (for example, 1,2,3,4) for each parcel of land you are registering

Material for the vegetative propagation of vines includes:

  • rooted cuttings (ungrafted pieces of rooted vine shoot that are intended for planting either ungrafted or for use as rootstocks)
  • rooted grafts (pieces of vine shoot joined by grafting where the underground part is rooted)
  • rootstock cuttings for grafting (pieces of vine shoot intended to form the part below ground when preparing rooted grafts)
  • nursery cuttings (pieces of vine shoot intended for the production of rooted cuttings)
  • top-graft cuttings (pieces of vine shoot intended to form the part above ground when preparing rooted grafts)

Section 3 guidance

  • The serial numbers allocated to individual parcels in Part 2 should be repeated in the Part 3 containing vine variety details for that parcel.

Data Protection Statement

The information you have provided will be primarily used for the purpose of enforcing the wine marketing and related regulations. Information may be released to other wine sector enforcement authorities to facilitate investigations including suspected fraudulent treatment or risk to health.

Personal information and details of specific vine plantings held on the register will be treated as confidential. You will have the right to inspect the information held and to have any justified alterations concerning your details to be taken into account. In particular, you will have the right to demand the periodic erasure of information of no further interest.

Information may be collated and released by Wine Standards as non-attributable
information for research and\or statistical purposes. In limited circumstances, the FSA may be required to release information, including personal data and commercial information, on request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. If we release information obtained from this form to other parties, we will notify you. However, FSA will not permit any unwarranted breach of confidentiality nor will we act in contravention of our obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998. We will use the Holder’s details* to send requests for the submission of production declarations, which are required for traceability and authenticity checks as well as compliance checks with UK wine schemes.

*Please note that email is the preferred method of communication for annual harvest and production declarations